Page 1 of New Encore 450 firmware coming soon....

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New Encore 450 firmware coming soon....

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 4th January 2001, 19:16

Mark at Encore has advised me they are currently putting the finishing touches to a new firmware version which should counteract problem discs such as Sleepy Hollow, Magnolia, Toy Story boxset and Fantasia boxset.

Should be out in a couple of weeks, so you`ll know when I know.

RE: New Encore 450 firmware coming soon....

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 4th January 2001, 19:39

It removes the artifacts?

it maybe possible I have heard ATI Video cards play DVD`s with less artifacts with better drivers.

RE: New Encore 450 firmware coming soon....

FliP99 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 5th January 2001, 09:37

But is the new firmware likely to have any effect on the remote hacks for multi-region and macrovision disable?

RE: New Encore 450 firmware coming soon....

JLGMAX (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 5th January 2001, 17:21

Doubtful. More likely to deal with problem discs e.g. Sleepy Hollow and hopefully (!) remove some of the artifacts and pulsing on certain discs.

RE: New Encore 450 firmware coming soon....

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 5th January 2001, 20:30

The pulsing is probably caused by a faulty laser pick-up, as opposed to a firmware problem.

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