Info and forum posts by 'steveFTM'

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Joined on: Thursday, 30th November 2000, 00:45, Last used: Thursday, 30th November 2000, 00:45

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 14 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: More wharfdale questions...

The problem that you have is likely down to your TV. What it sounds like is that your tv will only play in PAL format. I dont know the technicalities but understand PAL to be the video format that will play and is recognised by UK equipment. When you are trying to play a region 1 disc the TV may not recognise it because a region 2 is in NTSC format, the format recognised by equipment in american (for example). If your Tv hasnt got a scart soccet i presume it will not recognise NTSC although you can check this out by pressing the TV SYSTEM on your remote.

It should go in this order:

NTSC ------ if by the time you get to this the picture is in black and white or rolling then yourt TV doesnt recognise NTSC.

PHEWWW bit long winded but i hope i answered your question.

RE: Wharfedale - NEED HELP

Managed to sort this out and as suspected it was my prehistoric tv. I think i will now take this tv out into the garden and put it out of its misery by blowing it up. Or i might just put my foot through it if i change my mind.

Cheers to you all for the suggestions
Steve (plus Crystal palace where good tonight beating Liverpool. I feel slightly less ashamed at the scores we (sunderland) have had against them recently

RE: Wharfedale 750s No colour can anyone help?

It could be the way you have your tv connected to your dvd. Try going into the setup menu once you have returned the machine back to its factory settings (i.e. when your picture is in black and white) and changing the scart out option from OFF to RGB and vice versa to see if this makes a difference. If you have your dvd connected to your tv via a scart pin soccet it should (i believe) be set to rgb) If you just have it connected with the other lead option it should be set to off.

Hope this helps
If not you could always get Bob the builder to fix it.

RE: The sixth sense

That worked a treat mate. Is this a common problem with a lot of dvds on the wharfie????. Is it down to the player or is it the disk.


The sixth sense

ive just sat down to watch this after buying it today however i am having the following problem. When the film is past its opening titles (i.e. the spy glass logo) it plays the movie with green and white lines continously running down the sides of the screen. Has anyone else had this problem and if so what is it and what did they do about it????. By the way i am playing this dvd on a wharfedale 750s. Needless to say it will be going straight back to smiths possibly with the guy who served me getting a punch.


As the heading says ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ any recommendations for bargains and cheaper prices most welcome.

RE: Wharfedale - NEED HELP

Cheers for the reply. I have set up the dvd as it should be set up and understand what you are saying about the macrovision protection coming into effect as i have already tried to do this to do a ` backup` of a dvd i already have. Eventhough the dvd is set up correctly i still see this subtle (and i emphasise subtle) picture change, going from dark into light even though it is set up correctly. Any ideas. It could simply be that mky tv is prehistoric as i have had it for a num,ber of years and this simply could be the reason.


Wharfedale - NEED HELP

Just bought a wharfedale 750s and was very happy with it until i realised this problem. It appears that when it is playing the picture is slightly going darker then lighter. Although it is only slight it is noticeable. I was wondering whether it is because of the tv that i was using (as it is getting on a little) or whether it is something else. If anyone has suffered similar probs and managed to sort it out i would appreciate the help. Plus i bought the gladiator dvd and havnt suffered the problems that others seem to have encountered with cd2.

Wharfie macrovision hack

Does anyone know a remore control hack to disable macrovision on the 750s. I read somewhere that if you place the numbers 17942 into the password space on your menu then this will disable it. However since there is only 4 spaces available for putting numbers into i dont think this will work. If anyone can help please reply.

RE: Gladiator R1 or R2?

Yes my use of english on the previous message was first class. What i meant to say was the extra disc for gladiator plays fine on my machine. I havnt encountered any of the probs previously mentioned here.

RE: Gladiator R1 or R2?

Just got a wharfedale for xmas with the gladiator R2 disc. As of yet no similar problems as mention on previous threads with my disc 2 plays fine!!!. Hope i havnt spoke too soon..

RE: way to copy dvd`s to cdr has anyone tried this?????

does this method allow you to copy dvd`s that you can play on a normal dvd player (by normal what i mean is that you dont need a computer dvd rom to play them). If so do they fit onto a cdr when you follow one of these methods and if so (more importantly which method is the best and easiest to use). Cheers for the reply


way to copy dvd`s to cdr has anyone tried this?????

There is a method of copy dvd`s to cdrs according to the following website:

Havn`t heard of anyone trying this one so dont know of any succes (or failure for that matter). If anyone has tried it or heard anything about send a message back. Did it work or not, was the quality as good as they say it should be and how long did it take to copy a disk?.

Hope it works ok... and helps out anyone that wishes to do copies of `their` own disks.

Also im watching big brother right now on channel 4 i hope that lesbian anna wins (lol). Boo nasty nick.

This item was edited on Saturday, 2nd December 2000, 00:36

Wharfedale 750s - worth getting?????

Ive read loads about the wharfedale 750s and after seeing the price was well impressed. However being new to this whole idea of dvds i was wondering whether there are any real problems encountered with the hacks used. I read about a few on here but it appears that there is always a solution. If there is any real problems encountered could someone tell me.
Essentially what i want to know is whether it is actually worth getting this dvd or getting a different one (one of similar value). Also what type of region are people encounting problems with and which ones seem OK (or is this purely down to different machines.

Cheers in advance.
Steve ( its cool to come to a site where no one fights.. makes a refreshing change)