Info and forum posts by 'Melt71'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 3rd September 2004, 15:28, Last used: Sunday, 2nd October 2005, 13:23

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 16 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Where can i find a RAC routefinder type thing for Spain?

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! The one I was using just imploded and suddenly didn`t recognise Valencia Airport! You`ve saved the day cause we`re off at 2am tomorrow morning xx


Where can i find a RAC routefinder type thing for Spain?

Im off to Javea and need directions from Valencia airport as im driving, any ideas cos i cant speak Spanish?

This item was edited on Monday, 23rd May 2005, 21:04

RE: Which part of history has shocked you the most?

I don`t know anyone that was in Auschwitz, it was 60 years ago after all. It has also be proved that eye witness reports of gas chambers at curtain camps to be completely false, which is stated in those links that i provided earlier.

Well I do! >:(

He isn`t Jewish, he is Polish and was just 15 at the time, which in itself is a war crime (to keep underage prisoners of war). He had a lovely time apparently; whilst him and his comrades were worked day in day out by the soldiers and quite literally starved to the bone, he was then expected to carry the dead (his FRIENDS) to the mass graves and then bury them as the soldiers couldn`t be arsed. The soldiers tortured them on a daily basis and used them as slaves until then dropped down dead usually from starvation.

As somebody has mentioned previously in this thread, it wasn`t just Jewish people that were affected by this mass slaughter, it was anyone that didn`t fit into the Germans ideal.

But if you want to kid yourself that it didn`t happen, that`s absolutely fine, keep your blinkers on and believe all the muppets that speak with their own agenda. I don`t have any hidden agenda, but then why would you believe me? I can`t point you to any websites to `prove` what I am saying.

I wasn`t going to even mention WW1, Hiroshima or the Holocaust as I don`t personally remember those things whereas 9/11 or the Tsunami - I watched them unfold on TV and knew that people were dying right then as I was sat on my comfy sofa and there was nothing I could do to stop it...

RE: Panasonic hack

Is this the same for the Panasonic XV10 ? I have searched through previous threds and see that www.modchips......are now out of business, anyone know if there is a remote hack, or a disc i can get that will upgrade me to first class? (multi region!)

RE: Whose voice - on the voiceover for the Labour party election broadcast tonight ?

No, the broadcast voice was too sexy to be hers.

You thought the voiceover on the Labour Election Broadcast was `sexy` - you really need to get out more mate! :D

She`s the only one I could think of, so I guess your sexy voiceover lady will remain a mystery

is it legal to resell microsoft software

Can anybody clarify something for me please...

I have the full 4 disc version of Microsoft Office 2000 Premium which is no longer in use as our old computer is now completely knackered and we have a new laptop with all new software.

I`d listed the software on Ebay and have been told by a computer geek friend that it should be ok to register under the new owner`s name. I`ve since had somebody query this and now I`m a bit worried that it may be a problem for them to register it under their name. Will it still be under my name? I registered it about 4 or 5 years ago. I haven`t had any bids yet.

If anybody can advise, I would be very grateful.

Thanks :)

RE: Uncomfortable and sensitive subject

I definitely agree that you should report it to the police, but don`t bother trying to reporting it to your local plods I tried this when I received an unsolicited email from a child porn site - it was virtually impossible to even track anyone down at the main Dorset police station, never mind get through to the right department!! :/ But then I did ring after office hours! (at least that`s what the recorded message told me lol)

Do a bit of research of who to speak to, there are units set up to specifically deal with this kind of thing and if the website is UK based they will be VERY interested in tracking down the perpetrator.

Even if you don`t have kids of your own, surely you have a sister, niece, friend`s kids that you would not want this to happen to?? :(

Good luck, and don`t worry you haven`t done anything wrong.


This item was edited on Friday, 19th November 2004, 21:18

RE: Amsterdam recommendations?

Lucky you! It`s a brilliant city - you`ll love it.

We`ve just got back from Amsterdam so might be able to help. Although we spent the majority of our time in the various coffee shops!! :p

Have you been before and will you be alone or with others? I`ve been 3 times now, so let me know and I might be able to come up with a couple of suitable suggestions.


RE: Mice - The Fookers


and I thought it was just older women that jump on top of the nearest chair at the slightest threat of a mouse appearing!

That`ll teach you for trying to be healthy, get down to McDonalds and have a big fat burger immediately ;)

The good news is they also like cables, so with any luck they will chew through all your electrics and phone lines and you`ll have to have a few days off work until they fix it. Who says it couldn`t happen...


RE: Chavtastic mate.

I think I know him! He lives just round the corner from my mums house ;)


RE: Students eh?

This story is old hat! There was a piece in the news over 2 years ago about girls that were having to become prostitutes and sex line hosts to pay their course fees (or was it to pay for all the alcohol that students consume!?) Ohhhh controversial!! IMHO the students that are living on the breadline should maybe try thinking about getting a part time job. I did my course part time alongside looking after my daughter and working, it`s hard but can be done. Although I was a `mature` student and had a bit of common sense, which younger students seem to lack.

In response to Mark Turner;
Firstly, I think you may have been to a different Oxford! No toffs? are you kidding :p I can`t understand how you can say that the students are not toffs at Oxford and Cambridge. I have known a few people that have studied at Oxford (and Cambridge) over the years and none of them were working class! In case you doubt my knowledge on the subject as you did with the previous poster, I now work for a guardianship agency that looks after foreign students studying at Independent schools - so I know all about public school mentality (from the students AND the schools!) and it goes right through to university level with Cambridge/Oxford at the peek of that mentality.

Also, wasn`t in the news just last week that Oxford have asked the Government to stop insisting that they take a certain percentage of students from `underprivileged` backgrounds!? I rest my case.

You may not be a toff, fair enough, but the vast majority of students that get to Oxford and Cambridge are NOT from real working class families and never will be. Not that it makes any difference these days as most students seem to want to study things like `Football Hooliganism` `Media Studies` `Goat Herding` etc and Oxford and Cambridge don`t do stuff like that do they? :D


RE: Where are the best coffeeshops in Amsterdam ?

im taking the missis too so any that are suitable for women would help too

God you`re sexist at times Bradley!! I`m not THAT much of a helpless girly. I grew up in Manchester after all ;)

Anyway, adding to Richie`s thread, if anyone has any coffeeshop recommendations for good spacecakes it would be much appreciated as I don`t do smoking! Ta
I`ve already noted NoveltyCondomHead`s recommendation. Also, places that are actually comfortable to sit in for a while - do they exist in Amsterdam? usually the chairs are really high or wooden and make your arse go numb after a few minutes! lol

Thanks everyone, I`ll get back to the kitchen sink now... >:(
