Info and forum posts by 'Jay.Windley'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.


Joined on: Thursday, 1st April 2004, 09:11, Last used: Thursday, 1st April 2004, 09:11

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 14 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: My f*cking council tax!

I`m in Manchester which supposedly had the smallest increase - well f***ers have put it up to £112 a month. Thats more than my bloody mortgage!!!

Roads are s***e, streets are dirty, police never come out straight away - could go on. The only improvement I`ve noticed is that I have been given two new wheelie bins for recycling - and I have to sort it!!!!!!

What really gives me the bone is that I`m paying for other peoples kids. I hate children, so does the wife so we won`t be having any. So why the f*** do I have to pay for schools/playgrounds etc. Sod em. There should be an opt out on stuff like this. If you have kids you can pay for em.

Council houses near us are getting new windows, kitchens and bathrooms. God I would love a new bathroom - but I`m working my bollocks off just to survive!! Thing is most of these so called hard up tenants have better paid jobs than me, have their Sky System and 2 week holidays every year. Just because I made a decision when I started my working life to go my own way and be independant (have pride) and not bum off the state, I am now skint and scraping the barrel.

Hopefully there will be an uprising over Council Tax - and I`ll be in its queue!!!

What? Are you expecting pity here? If you want Sky Systems and 2 weeks holiday a year, then get a better job - simple!

Your quote about children is also disastrously ill educated. If it was you with the children and someone made that comment at you, what on earth would you think?

Get a grip Bad boy, there`s people far worse off than us

RE: Dreamland (Area 51) - What really goes on there ?

If we can talk about space so freely..

According to the general theory of relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, therefore, there exists an ether. ... Physical objects are not in space, but these objects are spatially extended ... thus the concept of particles or material points cannot play a fundamental part.
In order that thinking might not degenerate into "metaphysics", or into empty talk, it is only necessary that enough propositions of the conceptual system be firmly enough connected with sensory experiences and that the conceptual system, in view of its task of ordering and surveying sense experience, should show as much unity and parsimony as possible. Beyond that, however, the "system" is (as regards logic) a free play with symbols according to (logically) arbitrarily given rules of the game. All this applies as much (and in the same manner) to the thinking in daily life as to the more consciously and systematically constructed thinking in the sciences.
By his clear critique Hume did not only advance philosophy in a decisive way but also- though through no fault of his- created a danger for philosophy in that, following his critique, a fateful "fear of metaphysics" arose which has come to be a malady of contemporary empiricist philosophising; this malady is the counterpart to that earlier philosophising in the clouds, which thought it could neglect and dispense with what was given by the senses.
However, I see no "metaphysical" danger in taking the thing (the object in the sense of physics) as an independent concept into the system together with the proper spatio-temporal structure. ... .it finally turns out that one can, after all, not get along without "metaphysics".

Then why the hell can`t the damn American Government admit that Area51 does exist, and also tell us what goes on there!

Blimey, they`ll let cameras into the White House - why not here?

RE: Paypal - whats the point?

Then prove it HaGGis!

It doesn`t take a genius to change the way they write after being banned. In fact, i`m staggered i haven`t been banned again yet.

Perhaps `Mr Bad Leg Oooh It Hurts` is having his dressing changed, Mr `Look at my site named similar to government Alien facility` is writing about the next big product from an unknown and pointless electrical manufacturer, and Mr Dan Bates has got both mods under his thumb, hence the fact they`ve missed my re-submission?

I won`t let a website drag me down, i`m far too intelligent for that top happen...

RE: Paypal - whats the point?

no.. jay windley.. although.. he/she doesn`t wrtie as eloquently.. so i don`t think its the same one

It is the same one! I have changed the way i present my messages because you all seem to mock it when i quote other writers words.

Also `Mr Scotland`, i take exception to your foul language - if i were to call you that, what would you ? Threaten to beat down my door?

Ooooh i`m scared Mr Crap Scottish Delicacy.

A great philosipher once wrote,

Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me...

I suggest you read some more books and learn better use of the English language..

RE: Westy - Lucky To Be Alive....

`Mr Not North, not East, not South, but West`,

It staggers me, that, despite your personal setback, you think it`s good to mock those unable to walk EVER in your signature picture. Do you have ANY idea what it`s like to not have th use of your legs?

Ok, you may have saved a life, but at least you`ll be able to walk again >:(

People who mock disability are shallow and lacking in compassion.

Showing pictures of your injured foot still gives me no sympathy for you.

After a short break, nothing has changed on these boards.

RE: Dreamland (Area 51) - What really goes on there ?

After a short break, it seems i have rekindled my fascination with this subject.

If there were to be alien life form then i`m sure we would have had some sort of leak by now - but NO!! The US stubbornley refuses to admit the goings on at Area51 and always gives the same old comment;

Area51 is and always will be, a development facility for the discovery of other forms of life from other planets

Independance day has a lot to answer for...

They continue...

Of course, movies have depicted the site in a fictional way, and any relevance to the appearance of Area 51 are purely superficial...

Shut up NASA. We`ve seen the aerial photo`s, it doesn`t get much more real does it...

RE: My f*cking council tax!

For once, i have to agree.

In my area, i have been stumped with a council tax bill of £827, and indeed, i recieved a leaflet saying about `Value for money` As i said before, we are all suffering at the hands of Big Brother, and we are all next to suffer in the evolutionary chain.

However `Dusty 321 Bin`, i strongly disagree with your signature image. An old friend of mine was injured by a speeding motorist, and pretty much saved by the fact that the car in question was a clapped out old Mini Cooper.

At the first sign of trouble, you`d be the first person to phone the Police. Don`t be such a hypocrit and give the law the respect they deserve.

Speed cameras don`t make money for the Police, they save lives!!!

RE: Paypal - whats the point?

Have you ever tried getting a refund from these guys?

I once tried to sell some old Star Wars memorabilia on ebay, and it turned out that the final bidder was fraudulent. Apparently, i was protected..

Where a fraudulent transaction occurs, PayPal will refund your transaction in full in such an event. Simply provide us with either proof of non payment to your nominated account, or alternatively provide us with the username of the offender and we will be delighted to help.

Absolute nonsense! I was done for over £300 and yet PayPal GAINED my money in fees, but refused to deal with my case, depsite sending bank statements and countless bad feedback about the person in question.

We are all digital guinea pigs in this sinister world, as i`ve said before, Big Brother is watching us all...and laughing...

RE: The Passion of The Christ, will you be going to see it?

Jesus our lord died for all our sins, but Mel `Braveheart` Gibson seems to think that milking cash from a dead cow is a good basis for entertainment?

From where i come from, The Passion is scourned upon as the worst blasfomy of our time - how dare Mr `What Women Want` try and blame the jews for Christs death.

And all that over the top violence was horrendous. Ok, being tortured and nailed to a cross cannot have been much fun, but FFS Mr Gibson, do you want to scare people from the cinema?!!

From Mr Gibson himself;

I made this film after a renewal of my beleif in christ himself. The Passion is a culmination of my lifelong ambition to portray the life and death of Jesus our lord..

Nonsense, we all have our part in this - and yet `Mad Max` seems to have it in for the Jews..

I for one will be boycotting seeing this film, and will only borrow it on DVD. I will not be handing over money to see events i have read about in the bible and learnt at church as a child...

RE: Paypal - whats the point?

Personally, i think PayPal is for losers - online payment systems suck you in with their instant payment, no hassle nonsense, but the harsh reality is that they`re out to rob us all of our cash.

You only have to see for proof this (dis)organisation is the pits.

I would do my usual and quote, but i`ll only get ambushed by petty forum users....