Page 1 of The Passion of The Christ - NOW IT`S RELEASED, WHAT DO YOU THINK?

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The Passion of The Christ - NOW IT`S RELEASED, WHAT DO YOU THINK?

Westy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 5th March 2004, 21:27

Hello there

After reading loads of stuff about this and the fuss it`s caused in the US, (and many other places in the world!), my curiosity is slowly getting the better of me and egging me on to go and see it

I`ll be honest, i`m not the least bit religious, and if you asked me to recite anything from the bible, id shamefully hang my head and say `, I`ve seen The Prince Of Egypt...does that count?`... :/

However, me and a few of the guys from work were talking about going to see it purely to see what all the fuss is about - apparently, some of it is meant to be genuinely shocking, but i`m still in two minds on whether to go or not! :/

Anyone else feel the same or have any other opinions about it?


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This item was edited on Monday, 29th March 2004, 16:13

RE: The Passion of The Christ, will you be going to see it?

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 5th March 2004, 21:45

Well, `tis supposed to be almost directly translated from the Gospel to which the branch of Catholicism Mr. Gibson belongs to subscribes it were...with no questions asked. As far as I`m concerned it`s just another piece of religious propaganda masquerading as art (such as Ben Hur, The Greatest Story Ever Told etc). As a piece of film-making I`m sure it`s terribly artistic, and the fact that it`s very violent represents the times they lived in (mind you, surely films like `Gladiator` were just as violent), but from what I understand, there is very little explanation about why this chap called Jesus was supposed to have been killed, and plenty about how it was done, and more to the point, who did it.

Interesting to see that the Christian churches in the US have bought up whole cinemas so that the `faithful` can watch. Did they do the same for Lethal Weapon 4? THye certainly didn`t so this for the (in my ever so humble opinion) far greater film `The Last Temptation of Christ`, as it had the temerity to suggest that this Jesus chap may well have just been a normal human being caught up in some nasty politics.

My collection

This item was edited on Friday, 5th March 2004, 21:52

RE: The Passion of The Christ, will you be going to see it?

porno for pirates (Elite) posted this on Friday, 5th March 2004, 21:46

At least there`s no way that Gibson can possibly fit any history-ignoring, emotive, egregious, inaccurate, ignorant, spiteful English-bashing into this film. ;)

RE: The Passion of The Christ, will you be going to see it?

chewie (Elite) posted this on Friday, 5th March 2004, 21:51

I`d be going to see it regardless of the hype, because I`m at the cinema 2-3 times a week (at least!).

Although I never knew the hype was quite as big as the shocking box office numbers have shown ($160m in 8 days domestic... this is record breaking blockbuster figures, and it`s not even a holiday period! :o ). And the film is R-Rated, but I suspect people will deem the story of Christ`s last few hours appropriate for the youngsters... even though some critics have called this the most violent film they`ve ever seen (and I think they`re talking about "realistic violence").

I don`t think The Passion can perform as well in this country, because the 18 rating is much more strictly enforced than the slack R-rating in America.

Anyway, I`m not religious either. I just hope the film is good in it`s own right, and not some religious do-gooder bulls***. Because lets face it, whether you believe in the Bible or not, the actual story is quite powerful!

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Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

This item was edited on Friday, 5th March 2004, 21:53

RE: The Passion of The Christ, will you be going to see it?

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Friday, 5th March 2004, 21:56

Jesus came to me in a dream and told me it was s***e

RE: The Passion of The Christ, will you be going to see it?

Butterfield8 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 5th March 2004, 21:57

Forget the fact that this film is being "notorious-ised" (I do know that`s not a real word by the way ;-)) by the religious (sane people yeah?) believers and I reckon that you`re going to end up with a decent film...if you can get past the hype.

I wont be seeing it in the cinema myself, I personally think that the cinema should be saved for fast-paced action flicks and the like as I have a lush TV and can smoke at home!..., but will catch it when it comes out on dvd for sure, if for no other reason than to get myself wound up over the fact that there are so many "righteous" dicks around these days who will watch what they want but feel the need to tell us that we`re wrong for watching stuff that WE like.....and then slag us off for watching "rubbish"

Sorry - little drunk after a hard week at everyone really :-)


This item was edited on Friday, 5th March 2004, 21:59

RE: The Passion of The Christ, will you be going to see it?

RWB (Elite) posted this on Friday, 5th March 2004, 22:14

I really want to see it, the trailer makes it look amazing. And Westy, MODERATOR AND ENFORCER on these boards, shouldn`t this be in DVDs & Films? :-D

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RE: The Passion of The Christ, will you be going to see it?

Westy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 5th March 2004, 22:20

And Westy, MODERATOR AND ENFORCER on these boards, shouldn`t this be in DVDs & Films?

Valid point, but i`m asking if people are going to see it, rather than comment on the actual film itself. If it were that type of question, it`d defo be in the Films forum ;)


Despite his desperate plea`s, Darth`s request to get his Asthma pump back off the Emperor feel on deaf ears..

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RE: The Passion of The Christ, will you be going to see it?

chewie (Elite) posted this on Friday, 5th March 2004, 22:44

I really want to see it, the trailer makes it look amazing

But will you be going to see it?

You`re late as it is trying to get into 18 certificates, soon you`ll be 18 and then it`ll be no fun ;)

My DVD Collection
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: The Passion of The Christ, will you be going to see it?

PAULH (Competent) posted this on Friday, 5th March 2004, 22:46

I didnt fancy it at first, but I must admit I am now curious so I will pop along to see it. Proves the point that there is not such thing as bad publicity as its broken Return of the Kings record for biggest 5 day opening.

I`ve heard he dies at the end, but if its like the book its got a twist and he comes back...


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