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My f*cking council tax!

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st April 2004, 20:03

I hate this f***ing country with a passion! This morning the council tax "demand" arrives for 04/05, not content with tucking up joe tax payer last year with a £556 a year bill on a band "A" property this years bill is upto £619, it leaves me thinking why do I bother working my bollocks off for the local council/government to rob me blind? THEN they have the cheek to state in a leaflet they offer "Value for money" OK where is this so called value for money, please someone make me feel good about parting with £62 a month council tax!

Im just tired of the same old s*** time and time again! Anyone else?


RE: My f*cking council tax!

Jay.Windley (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 1st April 2004, 20:10

For once, i have to agree.

In my area, i have been stumped with a council tax bill of £827, and indeed, i recieved a leaflet saying about `Value for money` As i said before, we are all suffering at the hands of Big Brother, and we are all next to suffer in the evolutionary chain.

However `Dusty 321 Bin`, i strongly disagree with your signature image. An old friend of mine was injured by a speeding motorist, and pretty much saved by the fact that the car in question was a clapped out old Mini Cooper.

At the first sign of trouble, you`d be the first person to phone the Police. Don`t be such a hypocrit and give the law the respect they deserve.

Speed cameras don`t make money for the Police, they save lives!!!

RE: My f*cking council tax!

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st April 2004, 20:38

However `Dusty 321 Bin`, i strongly disagree with your signature image. An old friend of mine was injured by a speeding motorist, and pretty much saved by the fact that the car in question was a clapped out old Mini Cooper.

At the first sign of trouble, you`d be the first person to phone the Police. Don`t be such a hypocrite and give the law the respect they deserve.

Speed cameras don`t make money for the Police, they save lives!!!

You have your point of view and ill have mine, the sig stays ;)


RE: My f*cking council tax!

HD462 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st April 2004, 20:56

on a band "A" property this years bill is upto £619

You think that`s :D

we`re band A too, ours has gone up £70 this £864 !!

Mark. :)

RE: My f*cking council tax!

Jim Morrison (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st April 2004, 21:14

Mine is over £1000 a year :o

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RE: My f*cking council tax!

Jibba (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 1st April 2004, 21:14

They have to sort this system out its not fair - I bought a 3 bed house this year for an extortionate price (in a backwater of Wales) and Pay band D - my inlaws have a 5 bed large detached house and they pay band A as they bought it 20 years ago - eventhough its now worth a fortune

It just aint fair - i thought they were going to review the house prices? >:(

RE: My f*cking council tax!

RJS (undefined) posted this on Thursday, 1st April 2004, 21:18

I think the problem isn`t the band your house is in, but the fact that the council need that much money from you in the first place.

And I suspect the reason the council wastes so much of your money, is because very few people who are any good want to work there, they`d rather go to the private sector.

But then who can blame them, when nobody wants to pay anymore tax than they have to, so wages are never going to be high enough to attract these people.

Catch 22. :)


RE: My f*cking council tax!

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st April 2004, 22:58

I work away from home, I used to qualify for a 50% reduction on Dartfords Council tax, because I paided full whack on my home in Devon.

This has been slashed from 50% to 25% (exactly the same as the single person occupancy rule) despite it being a rented accomodation, its classed as a second owned home, I am here 5 nights a week (up late on Sunday, depart early Friday) & barely fill a Asda shopping bag a week with rubbish, everything else goes into a recycle bin.

The CT has gone up, my discount slashed, I have to pay double what I did before for something that isnt even mine, alternatively give up work, get no dole because I gave up a job (even if its a contract), because your classed as self-employed under IR35).

I am really wondering atm if I should stick with it for the stability the contract offers me, or go back to a contract to contract basis & possibly loose the mortgaged house in Devon roof over my families head.

Then people wonder why I am sticking my application in to emigrate out off this country.

(Tidied up the redundancy statements in the coldlight of dawn).

"Great chunks of my past detaching themselves like melting icebergs"

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This item was edited on Friday, 2nd April 2004, 09:45

RE: My f*cking council tax!

dkuk2000 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st April 2004, 23:52

I know the feeling ,i live in a studio flat (not enough room to swing a cat) and i`m paying £827 a year >:(

"Oh my god they killed b[at]sdrats"

RE: My f*cking council tax!

badboybez (Elite) posted this on Friday, 2nd April 2004, 08:18

I`m in Manchester which supposedly had the smallest increase - well f***ers have put it up to £112 a month. Thats more than my bloody mortgage!!!

Roads are s***e, streets are dirty, police never come out straight away - could go on. The only improvement I`ve noticed is that I have been given two new wheelie bins for recycling - and I have to sort it!!!!!!

What really gives me the bone is that I`m paying for other peoples kids. I hate children, so does the wife so we won`t be having any. So why the f*** do I have to pay for schools/playgrounds etc. Sod em. There should be an opt out on stuff like this. If you have kids you can pay for em.

Council houses near us are getting new windows, kitchens and bathrooms. God I would love a new bathroom - but I`m working my bollocks off just to survive!! Thing is most of these so called hard up tenants have better paid jobs than me, have their Sky System and 2 week holidays every year. Just because I made a decision when I started my working life to go my own way and be independant (have pride) and not bum off the state, I am now skint and scraping the barrel.

Hopefully there will be an uprising over Council Tax - and I`ll be in its queue!!!


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