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Westy - Lucky To Be Alive....

Westy (Elite) posted this on Monday, 29th March 2004, 20:35


This weekend, i sustained what can only be the worst injury i`ve ever had. Up until then i have..

NEVER broken, fractured or chipped any bones
Sustained any strains, torn ligaments or pulled muscles
Been stung by any animal of any kind, (that includes wasps WEA members...).

However, after a valiant attempt to save my partners 8 year old from falling to doom, (i kid you not), i managed to smash the bones in my ankle and foot to bits, tear every ligament, and have a foot the size of...well, a very big footed person.

I`m just glad i`m alive, i fell off some rocks during a nice walk along the beach - my partners eldest started falling, (towards VERY choppy water about 50 ft down), so i grabbed him, but in the process, fell myself!! :(

I`m a bit bruised and battered, but you should see my foot and ankle!! I`ll be ok according to the docs, but it scared the f*** out of me and just about every person on the beach.

If you`re squeamish, click the return to threads link now...if not scroll down a bit to see the horror captured by the nice lady at casualty during X Ray about 30 minutes after - it`s about 2 times bigger than that now.

I`m like a hobbling buffoon now :/

Just thought i`d let you know... :)

ytseW[at]reweiveR/foot_of_hell.jpg">ytseW[at]reweiveR/foot_of_hell.jpg" class="forumImage" />

ytseW[at]reweiveR/ken.jpg">ytseW[at]reweiveR/ken.jpg" class="forumImage" />
Despite rumours to the contrary, there was no denying Westy was devastating at the Disco....

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This item was edited on Monday, 29th March 2004, 21:48

RE: Westy - Lucky To Be Alive....

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 29th March 2004, 20:43

Well done, bad luck, good to see you`re still about.

Damn, man, that looks sore

I ate what?

My Collection

This item was edited on Monday, 29th March 2004, 23:22

RE: Westy - Lucky To Be Alive....

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Monday, 29th March 2004, 20:43

foot of s***e?.... (oh.. and you need to replace the asterix to be able to view it)..

more like foot of yeti...

boody hell that looks sore... it`s like your wearing someone else`s foot..

RE: Westy - Lucky To Be Alive....

Spiny Norman (Elite) posted this on Monday, 29th March 2004, 20:49

Can only echo Stantz in this - bloody well done!

Don`t worry about the foot - I`m sure it`ll be OK (besides,you`ve got another one at the end of the other leg) :D

People think this sort of bravery is instinct - it ain`t. It`s quick thinking and selfless reaction to danger and I think you deserve a medal!

You`re a lifesaver and don`t you forget it!!


RE: Westy - Lucky To Be Alive....

bethyblue (Elite) posted this on Monday, 29th March 2004, 20:51

I feel worse looking at that than I did on "The most painful-looking pic I have ever seen" thread.

Hope you feel better soon, as Spiny Norman says, remember you`re a hero !

RE: Westy - Lucky To Be Alive....

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Monday, 29th March 2004, 20:52


Yur secrets oot, yur a Hobbit :D

Your partners surname isn`t Henderson by any chance. :) Think about it :)

Choagy :)

RE: Westy - Lucky To Be Alive....

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 29th March 2004, 20:53

don`t think that this will get you out of the Reviwer get-together!!!


..but well caught all the same! :-)

My collection

RE: Westy - Lucky To Be Alive....

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Monday, 29th March 2004, 20:58


Sorry I forgot to say Well Done.

That said guaranteed that when the wonderful eight year old transmogrifies into a torn faced , greetin faced and moaning faced yelping b***ard of a teenager you may well think you wasted your time .

Choagy :D

RE: Westy - Lucky To Be Alive....

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 29th March 2004, 21:06


Well done on being a hero - I hope you`re being spoiled at home!

OUCH, again!

(Looking at that pic made my own ankles ache in sympathy!)

Please visit

RE: Westy - Lucky To Be Alive....

Sue Davies (Elite) posted this on Monday, 29th March 2004, 21:06

Hope you feel better soon!
Well done-you should probably get a bravery award or a large Scotch, best wishes


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