Info and forum posts by 'Kramer-Dude'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 25th March 2004, 17:41, Last used: Thursday, 25th March 2004, 17:41

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 11 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Help: Seinfeld Season 1,2 and 3 Boxset

This request applies to the Region 2 of Seinfeld Season 1,2 and 3 Boxset

I`ve heard there is some easter eggs on these disc`s, anyone know how to access them?

RE: New Police Story @ cd-wow

I`ve seen this and its worth a buy, a bit more serious for a Jackie Chan film for example he cries! lol but theres some good fights and you get Jackie running down the side of a building! :o I hav also pre-order this, films in Hong Kong seem to be released on dvd alot quicker after they`ve been at the cinema`s.

RE: DVDPACIFIC credit card accounts hacked?

I`d been using DvdPacific for a while but when i recieved an e-mail from them stating that they had some security problems with accounts being hacked i decided to check my bank statement, only to find someone had used my card details a week earlier to make a purchase through a company in Iceland called wbsales for around £280. So i phoned my bank explained the situation they said the £280 had been converted from U.S Dollars so it was obviously some scum in America who had got hold of my details probably from DvdPacific.
This transaction is now under investigation and my bank is refunding the amount to my account. I`ve cancelled my membership with DvdPacific which is a shame because they did offer a good service.
Just thought i`d tell my story because this problem seems to have affected alot of ppl, hope you all get sorted :)

Dvd movie, inserting chapter`s, making custom menu`s help!!

I have a Dvd movie file on my hard drive, i want to insert chapters and create my own custom menu`s can anyone suggest some programs that can do this? I have spruce up but i want to know if there`s anything that can do both......

Backing up a Dvd............

I recently purchased a dvd re-writer and was trying to back up some of my dvd collection. Like alot of dvd`s most of mine are over 4.7gb in size but the film itself might be only say 4.4gb so i can rip the movie no problem but i still want to keep the menu and have no clue how to do this, is it possible HELP!!

RE: Woody Allen movies ... which one`s would you recommend

You can`t go wrong with any of these,

Manhattan Murder Mystery
Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex
Take The Money And Run
Mighty Aphrodite
The Curse Of The Jade Scorpion
Deconstucting Harry
Play It Again Sam

RE: DDDhouse

Used this site quite alot never had any problems, ordered 5 dvd`s once and didn`t get stopped by customs. Try similar delivery times and on some dvd`s they r even cheaper would you believe!

RE: Jackie chan - Gorgeous & Accidental spy Region 0?

I own both those dvd`s and yes the menu`s r in english. Also Gorgeous is about 20 mins longer than the R2/R1 release`s, which is nice.

Kill Bill R2 uncut Japanese dvd - where`s the best place to get it?

I`m after the uncut R2 japanese dvd of Kill Bill, been having a good look around sites and so far i think work out the cheaper (around £20) with the free delivery. Anyone know of any other??

problems with site?

Recently registered with this site but when i try and log on it just keep returning to the log in page and anything in my basket disappears!! is it my settings? is anyone a member on this site and could you try to log on to see if it`s just me

Seinfeld on Dvd???

Has anyone heard anything about Seinfeld coming out on Dvd? With nearly every other american sitcom out it`s about time this great show was given a release!