Page 1 of Seinfeld on Dvd???

DVDs & Films Forum

Seinfeld on Dvd???

Kramer-Dude (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 28th March 2004, 13:49

Has anyone heard anything about Seinfeld coming out on Dvd? With nearly every other american sitcom out it`s about time this great show was given a release!

RE: Seinfeld on Dvd???

Saqib (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 28th March 2004, 15:49

been a lot of issues regarding this - it is out later this year but the latest problems were the extras - basically only jerry (i think) was on board for commentaries as he was the only one getting any royalties from the sale. the others naturally objected. so the delays. but latest is that they are now on-board also, and dvd production is full steam ahead.


hope this helps :)

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