Info and forum posts by 'The Supreme Editor'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 13th January 2004, 09:31, Last used: Tuesday, 13th January 2004, 09:31

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Technical Author and Editor

This user has posted a total of 6 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: DVDsOnTap taking the proverbial pi$$

Had problemmos with DVD showtime during strikes but they sent out extra in Dec to make up for it and sent double out before chrissie hols to keep us all going when post useless.

Good one!

RE: Whatever happened to DVDsOnTap?

I`m with DVD Showtime. They suffered with the postal probs but compensated by raising everyone`s level when it was over and sending double the raised amount to get us thru the Xmas/New Year `no post` period.

I`m not keen on the `LoveFilm` site either or the name. Sounds like a condom!

RE: Any Reason Not To Join MailboxMovies

In my experience, the ones claiming 12,000 disks etc are talking crap.

Most of the new ones are rubbish and make outrageous claims.

RE: DVDSOnTap/ -Getting Slower?


Mailbox Movies ain`t bad. Pity the others claiming 16,000 titles etc can`t tell the truth. When you check it out, they only have `access` to that number. In my experience it is all bull.

The ones that claim less than 5,000 can at least be believed. The older ones seem to be the more honest although some of them are also joining the `bull****` trail to.

DVD Showtime give good personal service and they tell me that they give priority to those that put a title on their list earlier and higher. If I understand it, this means that generally, loyal customers get priority.

Hope this helps.

RE: screenselect dvd rental problems


I`m a member of DVD Showtime. They solved the Xmas post problem by sending out double the number of disks just before the cut off for mailing. This was on top of bumping up everyone`s membership level by 1 for a month in response to the postal problems earlier. My membership level of 3 disks at a time went up to 4 leading up to Xmas and was thendoubled to 8 to ensure I had plenty for the festive season.

These guys seem to care about their customers and their prices are competitive. Aklso, they only list titles they`ve actually got. I tried a number of the new services that started at the end of the year to indulge my other interest in obscure and foreign movies but none could deliver. It seems they are in a bidding war claiming to have 12k-16k titles but these are fake. With one servie, i put 20 minor movies only on my list and none turned up. Those that did were not on the list.

I think these false claims should be reported to the local trading standards bods under the trades description laws.

Has anyone else had bad experiences?

The Supreme Editor