Info and forum posts by 'Jammy007'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 9th January 2004, 09:39, Last used: Saturday, 12th February 2005, 18:16

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 17 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Dimension 3000 2.6GHz (Celeron D) 17" Monitor £184 inc delivery. (rpoints)

Yeah i got a call from Dell this morning as well, at stupid o`clock! Told me delivery would be anytime on tuesday. I`m sure you`ll hear about your PC soon, I was worried until i got the confirmation email

RE: Dimension 3000 2.6GHz (Celeron D) 17" Monitor £184 inc delivery. (rpoints)

I`ve just received an Order Confirmation email giving me the configs of the PC i ordered and also the price. So its all go, thanks to the original poster for this one :)

RE: Dimension 3000 2.6GHz (Celeron D) 17" Monitor £184 inc delivery. (rpoints)

I havent received an order confirmation or any other correspondance from Dell BUT and this may make some of you feel better....... I rang Dell on monday and said i hadnt received any emails or letters and after a bit of a merry go round i finally got somewhere. One guy said that as he had the order in front of him on the computer screen and it was for the correct PC then i shouldnt worry.

He then went on to say its in the "red" phase and that it meant it would be going down to the factory or something very shortly and that i`d have my PC probably by the end of next week.

So hop this kinda puts some peoples minds at rest, although i`m still abit wary as to whether im going to actually get the PC. Only time will tell.

RE: Dimension 3000 2.6GHz (Celeron D) 17" Monitor £184 inc delivery. (rpoints)

So does anyone have any idea when i should recieve my email to say my order has been processed? I havent heard anything off them as of yet.

BT Surftime Disconnection Help!!!

I`ve been with BT surftime for over 2 years and never had a problem but recently (the past week) its been disconnecting me every 10minutes. I havent changed any settings and the obvious things like using outlook and it disconnecting etc arent an issue

I rang the customer help line and they told me to ring BT and get them to increase the gain on the telephone line which i did but still no success. I`ve even tried another internet provider called Loaded which uses local rates as a pay and go to check to see if it was a hardware problem. I was connected to this for well over an hour.

I`ve reformatted, downloaded the new dialler, i dont know what else could be wrong. Please help peeps.


RE: Staples P4 2.8 Ghz PC Base Unit - £220

dont suppose you could do me a really big favour could you please mark. Get hold of me one and i`ll pay you £250 for it? Nice little bit of pocket money for your troubles.

RE: STAPLES - Athlon 64 3200 PC £350

Mark do you know if this PC is on offer nationwide because i missed out on the "discontinued" Acer unit. I rang early this morning because they said they may recieve delivery and was told that they didnt have any Acers Nationwide >:( .

This item was edited on Sunday, 2nd January 2005, 16:25

RE: STAPLES - Athlon 64 3200 PC £350

I`ve just rang my local staples at carlisle and they said they`ve got no acer units in stock. Silly me forgot to ask if they were expecting a delivery but does anyone know if staples delivers from other stores around the country? Also i`m a bit miffed, do you definately have to add a monitor to this deal and whats the cheapest monitor available?

RE: 9 gmail invites.

yeah please send me one, rezeeg_nairbmuc[at]moc.tenretnitb

thanx in advance, Jamie

RE: ROTK EE pre-order for £17.50

does anyone know when take the money from your account? do they wait until just before release like play or do they take it just after you`ve placed the order?

RE: 70% of some box sets on (US)

Whats the chance of getting stung by customs when these DVDs land on these shores? and anyone have a clue how much if so?

This item was edited on Monday, 11th October 2004, 21:56

RE: I Robot for £0.99 for new customers at

But i didnt get my email BECAUSE I`M STOOPID. I`ve got junk mail filters set on hotmail and it deletes junk mail right away. So thats probably why i havent got the email. Now what? Apart from by phone? I had a bit of a panic on coz i only had £1.77 in my account, had 2 kick some across from another account online afta i read some peoples concerns

RE: I Robot for £0.99 for new customers at

Yeah how do you actually cancel your order on that damn site?

Just a Question

I was just wondering (and yes i know this has nothing really to do with dvd`s but you guys usually know the score with internet shopping) i was gonna order some clothes from America (about $200 worth) and then shipping is $50. I was wondering if there`d be any import duties on top of that or whatever the hell they might try and sting me with. I`ve never ordered from America and was hoping one of u nice gentlemen or ladies might be so kind as to give me the lowdown on this.

In other words how much more than the $250 am i actually going to be looking at paying? It`s getting delivered by FedEx if that makes a difference?

Thanks in advance, Jamie

RE: A Few DVD Bargains

I`ve just pickedup a few Cheap DVD`s from there myself today. Toy Story was only £5.99and i aint seen this much cheaper anywhere else. Charlie & the chocolate factory was only £2.99 as well.

But the best was the DVD`s that came without the original boxes.
Cant remember all of the 1`s i picked up but i know there was:

Only fools & horses : if only they could see us now,
Cold FeetSeriest 5 (i think)
Friends Series 8 episodes.

All for the pricely sum of£1 per dvd, lol, total spend of £13 :)

This item was edited on Thursday, 22nd April 2004, 16:54

Family Guy Season 1 Cheap

I`ve just popped into my Local Woolworths and noticed the Family Guy boxsets on promotion. Still £25 each but they`re in BOGOF but for some reason Season 1 is marked up at £9.99. I bought 2 copies of Season 1 and selling the other to my mate for a fiver. No too shabby if you ask me.

Bargains in the Sky Guide

There`s a few bargains in the sky guide booklet, can`t remember what page they were but they`re somewhere near the back.

2M pixel cybershot digi cam for about £89, also a portable tv for £49, i haven`t got the book with me but i think there`s also a fairly decent PC in the offers. Worth a look guys.

Another thing which my friend who works at curries told me, if you spend over £100 in store you get sky digital for free. He says the workers don`t usually tell you this though. Sneeky Buggers!!
