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The farce that is Scan - Read and weep !!!!!

montezumola (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 6th December 2000, 16:22

Well, it`s one thing after another, and now I have to admit it has reached the final straw -

Okay, I contacted Scan last week regarding my faulty DVD player (all the usual faults - pulsing background, dodgy mp3 playback, crashes) - they arranged a returns number and I sent them my player by next day delivery - they recieved it yesterday - I wanted a pick and drop, but because I had the player for less than ONE week over the 30 day period, they refused, even when I suggested paying for the courier !!

Right, they received it yesterday morning - but nothing was updated on their website - I contacted them, and they said the whole returns procedure can take anything from 5 days to a month!! .... After much deliberating the returns support chap promised me a replacement would be dispatched on this Thursday for receipt on Friday.

After seeing a comment by Nilesh that all Scans are sold out until January 5th I thought it better to contact them again - and, yep, you guessed it - `they`re all sold out` - I am OUTRAGED by this - it typifies the corporate mentality - maximise revenue at the expense of existing customers - and I guess everyone else waiting for a replacement DVD player will be just as disappointed.

Allegedly, a batch of 100 will arrive on Monday and one will be put aside for me - but do you honestly think I believe this? I`ve already talked to my credit card company about it - all I have to do is say the word, and they`ll be in like a lion entering the Colosseum.

My professional work is firmly in the IT industry, and I have never come across such a rigid and carelessness attitude towards their customers.

Yours disgustingly,


RE: The farce that is Scan - Read and weep !!!!!

Carrot Cruncher (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 6th December 2000, 20:03

Hey, write to BBC`s WATCHDOG. If you could get all the other SCAN complainents here to write also we could get Charlotte to mention us at DVD Reviewer!
Ahhh how I long to here her say Carrot Cruncher is just flashing something up on my Apple Mac.

Must go now, Ive got something to work off.

RE: The farce that is Scan - Read and weep !!!!!

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 7th December 2000, 00:25

Oi, Carrot, I saw her first, hands off...


I am disappointed that their customer service is so lame. Okay, I`m not a Scan consumer, but the comments on this and other forums on this illustrious site make me wonder...

I think the geezer who made the original posting mentioned `corporate` - not really a word you can associate with Scan is it?

It`s a shame, because they have a reasonable product on their hands, but no infrastructure to support the inevitable glitches that occur with budget hardware suppliers.

I`m the first to admit I`ve been less than even-handed with the way I attack Scan for poor customer service (it`s the Trading Standards Officer in me) but I`m afraid their service isn`t really attracting rave reviews.

I know I harp on about them but the suppliers of the 450, Encore Direct, have obviously had VERY GOOD training when it comes to customer handling. Every time I e-mail them (that`ll be directly, not via a forum such as this) I get a reply within 24 hours, their phone service is top-hole and (sorry) their product matches the customer service.

Maybe Nelley et al need to take a leaf out of Encore`s book - they`re hardly Hitachi after all, just another fellow independent company that have maybe learned to put the customer first...

I stand to be corrected on this, Nelley...

RE: The farce that is Scan - Read and weep !!!!!

Nexstar (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 7th December 2000, 10:16

I`ve had my SC-2000 for about a month now and am very pleased with it except for a problem with pulsating in dark areas on some DVD`s. I think it is actually pulsating over the whole screen, it`s just more noticable on the dark areas.

Anyway, with great trepidation and foreboding, I phoned Scan`s customer care line yesterday lunchtime. In less than 5 minutes (that`s pretty good by the standards of a lot of companies I phone) I was answered by Liz.

She was very helpful and apologetic that the next batch wouldn`t be in until the 5th January and would I mind waiting until then for a pick and drop. OK, so I had no choice, but it`s not mission critical stuff so I was happy to wait.

It might all go pear-shaped, of course, come the New Year but so far I have no reason to complain.

My Mum`s still going through the painful process of sorting out her VCR, which has an intermittent fault, with Comet. The machine keeps going back and forth to their workshops and they have strongly resisted an exchange or refund so far.

Now their customer service I would complain about!

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