Info and forum posts by 'Mike339'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 11th October 2003, 21:09, Last used: Saturday, 11th October 2003, 21:09

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Names Mike
Aged 21
From Manchester

This user has posted a total of 14 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Matrix Revolutions - Any Feedback (No Spoilers Please!!)

I love `The Matrix` and all that surrounds it, i.e. The Animatrix etc

But does anyone still laugh at almost EVERY linee Neo says, I know I couldnt think of anyone being Neo other than Keanu (looks wise) but his acting is so bad its comical

Revolutions looks like its gunna be all action and no stupid Architect s*** this time round :D which can only be a good thing.............

Smith looks amazing in the TV trailers I d/l

and the Zion battle looks amazing

Heres hoping they do a spin off with new characters and ships ;)

RE: Please help :( How do you get the Tevion HT95 to output Tv`s sound????

Seems to be alot of folk moaning about the noise of the Lennoxx

This Binatone is as quiet as a mouse, no complaints so far :D

Sorry for the delay in replying, been busy 8)


Runs on my PC fine but mines quite beefy 8)
Athlon 3200+
1gig DDR 400 ram
256mb Radeon 9800 pro

Best to get it on the PC, I can remember getting Max Payne on my Xbox after finishing it on Pc, complete pain in the butt tryna aim accurately so deffo get it on PC

RE: RGB Scart for Gamecube - does it make a difference?

Assuming your either using the standard AV cable or an RF lead or something like that the RGB would make a difference, much richer and sharper picture quality.
That been my experience anyways :)

RE: Ntl Virus Checking

try doing a serch for mslaugh.exe, thats one of the files that got me :(

RE: Ntl Virus Checking

I aint no expert but when your on the NTL website, theres the link to the files, wouldnt NTL have noticed that someone had put bogus links on the site and deleted them by now? :/

I read the threads you had linked, thanks for them but after glancing through them they seem to be talking about emails received and not what I mentioned were your internet access is cut off, with all other applications unable to access the net.
I`m gunna get Norton Anti Virus either way and make doubly sure. :)

RE: Morrowind Xbox help!

theres no set time for how quickly you level up but you generally level up quicker by doing quests and furthering the storyline.
Its a slower process if you just kill things and ramble about, I know it sounds stupid but have you tried sleeping in a safe place, when you do that you can choose what attributes to level up once you hit the EXP points required for the next level.

brilliant game, HHHHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGEEEEEEEE though, you never truelly finish it, too many things to do and quests that just pop out of nowhere.
There doing a game of the year edition at christmas I think, it will have the two PC expansion packs with it as well, worth buying for them I think.


I bought it for the PC even though I`ve already got it on me Xbox already.
It`s either my eyes or its got visually worse on the PC and I`ve got a Radeon 9800 256mb Pro so its not my graph card lowering it!

If you play online get it, if not stick with your Xbox version because the new additions are really only implemented on the multiplayer aspect of the game.

They`ve spoiled the perfectly balanced weapons on the PC version as well, the Flamethrower and the Fuel Rod Gun which is like the weapon that grunts have near the end of the Xbox game are way over the top.

Its easier to Network Xboxes than it is to network PCs, I can remember having a mate bring his PC round, too many wires and hastle.
Just plug it into a tele, link up the consoles and your done otherwise :)

hope my rambles helped :)


Just thought I`d mention if you didnt know that you can actually play Halo on your Xbox online, theres a way to trick your Xbox into thinking its in a LAN and not online.
You can do it through Gamespy but I dont know the specifics.
You can play other games like Brute Force on it as well, only bother if your on a broadband connection though.

I`ve got Halo for the PC as well and it runs fine, just the slow crappy servers that slow it, Warthogs in CTF rule!

Dont see why they added two OTT weapons though, fuel rod&flamethrower are stupid weapons, spoils the perfect balance of the others.........

RE: Ntl Virus Checking

Seems that was a genuine message, I`ve got 600k NTL connection and a couple of days before I noticed my connection was gettin really choppy.

I booted up XP a few weeks back and it was blockin just like yours telling me my IP had been sending alot of data recently along with only the file links page open.
So I downloaded them all, found both viruses on my PC which was obviously the cause for my choppy connection.

Gave it three hours like it said and its worked fine ever since.

Then I remembered when, in an absent minded moment, I had granted the two files that were removed access to my PC (firewall prompt) so I had genuine worm viruses on my PC.

That taught me not to be plain stupid when it comes to granting programs access to my connection.

So yeh what you saw seems to have been genuine and as you said yourself, the files you checked out were virus free.

hope that helped :)

RE: Please help :( How do you get the Tevion HT95 to output Tv`s sound????

Yeh I was going to buy that because I`d read so many good things (price/features)

But given the fact that I dont drive and the nearest Safeway is a good bit away ( I`m a lowly undergraduate) and I`m impatient when it comes to fixing or getting gadgets I didnt bother.

I got my refund and went out and bought the Binatone DP1800 and so far I`m very pleased.
£40 more than the HT95 but for that I got better looking speakers that manage the sound alot better ( I had to fiddle with Tevions` to get a decent spread of sound).
A much easier interface, wall brackets (not a biggy but still a bonus), and the all important Aux inputs I was after so I can run my tele&games console sound through me speakers. :)

So although I`ve not seen what the Lennox that you talked about could do I`m really pleased with this Binatone DP1800.

Not tested it out on VCDs or anything like that yet, but I`ll put a mention in once I`ve burned a few Cds and fully tested all its features :)

RE: Please help :( How do you get the Tevion HT95 to output Tv`s sound????

Cheers folks.
I eventually found the thread that talked about all these problems with the regional hack and the non-existent AV input so I`m gunna take it back today and get me £`s back. I also read about the Binatone DP1800 having the same features as the Tevion as well as the all important jacks to get it workin with the TV sound.
Anyone own one or had any problems with this one because I`m considering getting it today :)
thanks again for the replies, much appreciated :)

Please help :( How do you get the Tevion HT95 to output Tv`s sound????

How do you get the Tevion to output your tv`s sound, It works fine playin DVDs but I dont know how to make it into speakers for the tele.....

Please help :)

Tevion HT95____ How to link up to Xbox Dolby Surround feature?

I`ve not long ago purchased this Tevion HT95 from ALDI and have been very pleased with its DVD playback picture and sound quality. :)

But I want to use my Xboxs` Dolby Surround feature and play the sound through my new Tevion.
I`ve tried connecting a double end SCART cable to my TV in one SCART socket on the TV, then an optical cable from the Xbox to the Tevion with another seperate SCART socket used up to connect the Xbox to the TV but when I turn on the Xbox the Tevion does nothing, only displaying `No Disc` for the DVD function.

How do I get the Tevion to output the Xbox`s sound?

Can I connect the Xbox and Tevion up the TV at the same time or am I stuck with a sound sys I can only use with the TV?

Any help will be appreciated, I aint got the slightest beyond maybe connecting the Tevion & Xbox through the same SCART socket on the TV, would that work?

HELP! :/ :/