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Please help :( How do you get the Tevion HT95 to output Tv`s sound????

Mike339 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 14th October 2003, 10:14

How do you get the Tevion to output your tv`s sound, It works fine playin DVDs but I dont know how to make it into speakers for the tele.....

Please help :)

RE: Please help :( How do you get the Tevion HT95 to output Tv`s sound????

uncle buck (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 14th October 2003, 13:03

If I have read the other Tevion HT95 threads correctly you CAN'T play your TV through the system, hence a load of people that have bought the system have returned it because of this very fact.

I do believe it says something on the box about the system having AV inputs but there isn't any.

I have never owned this system but I'm pretty sure that what I'm saying is correct, I'm sure a Tevion HT95 owner will be by soon to confirm this.


RE: Please help :( How do you get the Tevion HT95 to output Tv`s sound????

Richard JG (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 14th October 2003, 13:21

Uncle Buck is correct. I bought the Tevion HT95 a couple of weeks ago as it clearly states on the box "AV in/out". However, after much correspondence on this site, it became clear that NEITHER works. The audio out MAY work, but it is not a true line-out as it is controlled by the volume control, which has to be turned up to max. to get anything out - not a great deal of use. The AV `in` is missing altogether.

I have taken mine back to ALDI for a refund (they didn`t quibble) and bought a Lenoxx HT600 from Safeway instead which has effectively 2 and a half AV ins and an AV out. However, this was not without its problems too - I`m now on my second one!


RE: Please help :( How do you get the Tevion HT95 to output Tv`s sound????

Mike339 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 14th October 2003, 15:06

Cheers folks.
I eventually found the thread that talked about all these problems with the regional hack and the non-existent AV input so I`m gunna take it back today and get me £`s back. I also read about the Binatone DP1800 having the same features as the Tevion as well as the all important jacks to get it workin with the TV sound.
Anyone own one or had any problems with this one because I`m considering getting it today :)
thanks again for the replies, much appreciated :)

RE: Please help :( How do you get the Tevion HT95 to output Tv`s sound????

uncle buck (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 14th October 2003, 16:26

Can't help with any info on the Binatone DP1800 I'm afraid but if you search the forum there maybe some info kicking around.
If you end up buying the Binatone let us know what it's like.

I have a Lenoxx Sound HT600 & for the money it's a bargain. From what I have read it will just about play anything you feed it & it`s a breeze to hack to multi region.
I can`t see how top brand players that are double if not more in price can be that much better than the Lenoxx.

The only gripe I have is that the cooling fan on mine seems to be quite noisy, I don't have the volume up to loud around the 7 mark & it`s quite easy to here the fan. However if the volume is around the 15 mark (this is probably where most people will use the system) the fan noise is not noticeable.


This item was edited on Tuesday, 14th October 2003, 17:33

RE: Please help :( How do you get the Tevion HT95 to output Tv`s sound????

Mike339 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 14th October 2003, 20:43

Yeh I was going to buy that because I`d read so many good things (price/features)

But given the fact that I dont drive and the nearest Safeway is a good bit away ( I`m a lowly undergraduate) and I`m impatient when it comes to fixing or getting gadgets I didnt bother.

I got my refund and went out and bought the Binatone DP1800 and so far I`m very pleased.
£40 more than the HT95 but for that I got better looking speakers that manage the sound alot better ( I had to fiddle with Tevions` to get a decent spread of sound).
A much easier interface, wall brackets (not a biggy but still a bonus), and the all important Aux inputs I was after so I can run my tele&games console sound through me speakers. :)

So although I`ve not seen what the Lennox that you talked about could do I`m really pleased with this Binatone DP1800.

Not tested it out on VCDs or anything like that yet, but I`ll put a mention in once I`ve burned a few Cds and fully tested all its features :)

RE: Please help :( How do you get the Tevion HT95 to output Tv`s sound????

uncle buck (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 15th October 2003, 16:13

Hi Mike,
I spotted the Binatone system in the Argos catalogue & it looks a nice system.

Can you tell me if it has a cooling fan?

Just hedging my bets in case the Lenoxx fan noise drives me over the top :D


RE: Please help :( How do you get the Tevion HT95 to output Tv`s sound????

Mike339 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 28th October 2003, 19:52

Seems to be alot of folk moaning about the noise of the Lennoxx

This Binatone is as quiet as a mouse, no complaints so far :D

Sorry for the delay in replying, been busy 8)

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