Page 1 of Matrix Revolutions - Any Feedback (No Spoilers Please!!)

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Matrix Revolutions - Any Feedback (No Spoilers Please!!)

Riggs (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th October 2003, 11:28

After the premiere of Revolutions yesterday I just wondered if anyone had heard anything about the quality of the final film. I am not too interested in knowing details (I`ll save that until I see the film) but I`m having worries that it will all be a big letdown....please someone I just need comforting for the next week until I can see it.

As an aside I thought both the original and Reloaded were great even if for different reasons.


I`m too old for this sh*t!

RE: Matrix Revolutions - Any Feedback (No Spoilers Please!!)

chewie (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th October 2003, 11:33

I have heard that Hulk Hogan shows up just before the machines destroy Zion, and he says "Lets not fight, but have peace and love, brother" and the machines then stop their attack. Then a big orgy involving both machines and humans (much bigger than the Reloaded orgy) begins and lasts for an hour while fluids and oil is spurted onto the screen.

But that is just a rumour. ;)

My DVD Collection
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Matrix Revolutions - Any Feedback (No Spoilers Please!!)

Riggs (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th October 2003, 12:08

Hey Chewie, I didn`t realise Wookies were prone to sarcasm. As long as the orgy doesn`t involve an Aston Martin being abused I`ll be happy. ;)

It was just that I had heard fairly positive things from the states mainly from people who slagged off Reloaded (must be a good thing) and was wondering if anyone ad heard the same.

However, please forgive my feeble attempt at a post, I will try better next time :D

I`m too old for this sh*t!

RE: Matrix Revolutions - Any Feedback (No Spoilers Please!!)

chewie (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th October 2003, 12:57

Hey, I was just repeating what I heard ;)

But I`ve heard and read enough about Revolutions. The next step for me is going to see it :D

My DVD Collection
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Matrix Revolutions - Any Feedback (No Spoilers Please!!)

Riggs (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th October 2003, 13:51

Actually Chewie I think you might be on to something. Doesn`t Hulk Hogan look a lot like Will Smith who was originally considered to play Neo (apparently!!). Maybe this was a cheap alternative to complete the franchise (cheaper version of Neo wannabe tries to off the real thing) :o

As Rik Booths post title so succintly put it......I`ve cracked.

I`m too old for this sh*t!

RE: Matrix Revolutions - Any Feedback (No Spoilers Please!!)

Mike339 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 28th October 2003, 19:57

I love `The Matrix` and all that surrounds it, i.e. The Animatrix etc

But does anyone still laugh at almost EVERY linee Neo says, I know I couldnt think of anyone being Neo other than Keanu (looks wise) but his acting is so bad its comical

Revolutions looks like its gunna be all action and no stupid Architect s*** this time round :D which can only be a good thing.............

Smith looks amazing in the TV trailers I d/l

and the Zion battle looks amazing

Heres hoping they do a spin off with new characters and ships ;)

RE: Matrix Revolutions - Any Feedback (No Spoilers Please!!)

peter parker (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 29th October 2003, 23:05

you hav`nt got long to wait now and if i were you i would get in early because once the geeks have got in they will be blabbing plot spoilers to everyone.

as for the yanks praising it up, with there weekly trends of whats in this week and whats out next these people are about as reliable as the oracle..............ooops that wasnt a spoiler..........well not that i know to ;)

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