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Ntl Virus Checking

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th October 2003, 19:51

Anyone else with NTL able to dial-up, but blocked into running any Internet programmes? A message eventually appeared on the desktop, supposedly from Ntl, saying I had to download and run three programmes before they would allow me entrance onto the Net. Theye were all virus free. Odd.
This happen to anyone else? Still unable to use Ntl as I type, good ol` OneTel here.

RE: Ntl Virus Checking

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 14th October 2003, 20:22

Have you got Windows XP - this sounds like a classic messenger scam.

However my ISP (not NTL) is apparently sending out emails to people they think have got and may be spreading viruses, so there might be something similar going on... but I don`t think so.

What were the three programs?

This item was edited on Tuesday, 14th October 2003, 21:23

RE: Ntl Virus Checking

mickymcd2 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th October 2003, 21:02

RE: Ntl Virus Checking

Mike339 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 14th October 2003, 21:03

Seems that was a genuine message, I`ve got 600k NTL connection and a couple of days before I noticed my connection was gettin really choppy.

I booted up XP a few weeks back and it was blockin just like yours telling me my IP had been sending alot of data recently along with only the file links page open.
So I downloaded them all, found both viruses on my PC which was obviously the cause for my choppy connection.

Gave it three hours like it said and its worked fine ever since.

Then I remembered when, in an absent minded moment, I had granted the two files that were removed access to my PC (firewall prompt) so I had genuine worm viruses on my PC.

That taught me not to be plain stupid when it comes to granting programs access to my connection.

So yeh what you saw seems to have been genuine and as you said yourself, the files you checked out were virus free.

hope that helped :)

RE: Ntl Virus Checking

slipperysam (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th October 2003, 21:25


I immediately thought that this was a dodgy web page as the url appeared to be an ntl user homepage as opposed to a bona-fida ntl help page.

Further searching suggests that it is a genuine web page after all. It is linked to from an "Attention all users" graphic on ntl`s homepage.

Still seems strange that it does not appear as an page in its own right.

** Message Edited By Sam **

This item was edited on Wednesday, 15th October 2003, 00:04

RE: Ntl Virus Checking

Mike339 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 14th October 2003, 22:09

I aint no expert but when your on the NTL website, theres the link to the files, wouldnt NTL have noticed that someone had put bogus links on the site and deleted them by now? :/

I read the threads you had linked, thanks for them but after glancing through them they seem to be talking about emails received and not what I mentioned were your internet access is cut off, with all other applications unable to access the net.
I`m gunna get Norton Anti Virus either way and make doubly sure. :)

RE: Ntl Virus Checking

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th October 2003, 23:39

Six hours later (now using OneTel) and I still can`t gain Ntl access to the Net, though dial-up works OK. Keep getting that popup. I am pretty sure I have no virus and/or trojan. Ran AGC, AddAware,Spybot and using Sygate firewall. Nothing. Anyone else on here with an Ntl connection working OK?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 15th October 2003, 00:42

RE: Ntl Virus Checking

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th October 2003, 11:24

Eighteen hours later and still unable to get on. Helpline at .50p a minute insist I have a virus and can do no more. I don`t!

This item was edited on Wednesday, 15th October 2003, 13:00

RE: Ntl Virus Checking

Mike339 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 15th October 2003, 13:38

try doing a serch for mslaugh.exe, thats one of the files that got me :(

RE: Ntl Virus Checking

sonylover (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th October 2003, 17:43

Hope this helps
Looks like a variant of the blaster worm :(

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