Info and forum posts by 'groucho'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 30th September 2003, 19:46, Last used: Tuesday, 11th October 2005, 21:09

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: An obvious Marx brothers fan

This user has posted a total of 19 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: The Squits

My misses was always onto me to try brandy and port mixed together in equal measures. It not only tastes pretty good but settles the stomach quickly. It works for me anyway.

RE: Poll - going without it

Being vegetarian for a year is my choice. My youngest son went vegetarian when he was twelve and I quite often join him as I enjoy quorn. There`s so much choice now it`s not as much of a hardship as it used to be.

RE: Florida Holiday question

I went with my better half and my three sons who were 20, 18 and 16 at the time and we spent three weeks which flew. We did the usual parks, we all thought universal was the best but I suppose that depends on the ages of the children.The places we visited other than that were Busch Gardens and the Kennedy space centre both if which were awesome and I would readily recommend. We also spent a lot of time with me being dragged around the shopping malls, and my kids were just as bad as my mrs in wanting to go shopping.Have a nice day, missing you already.

RE: More people should use motorbikes!

I got bitten by the bike bug when I was about fourteen.It was a moped that me and my mates used to mess about on and the love of bikes has never left me. Unfortunately, I`m now getting too old and stiff in my joints to be able to enjoy one.
My eldest son nagged for ages to have a scrambler so I agreed to buy him one as long as he gave his word that he wouldn`t ride a bike on the road until he had passed his driving test in a car for at least a year and that he had reached the age of twenty-five.I thought, rightly or wrongly, that the experience gained by then would help him to read the road and go some way to keeping him safe.
I drive around 30,000 miles a year in my job and given the way that some people behave on the road it`s no wonder that there are so many accidents.( I tried hard to resist a comment about Volvo drivers but failed,the old generalisation does seem to bear out.)
It`s just that people on the bikes are so vulnerable and the consequences of other people`s mistakes are so severe.
p.s. I still think a bike ride is the second greatest stress buster of all time.

RE: Projector Screen

Many thanks, the help is greatly appreciated. I`ll follow the instructions closely including stocking my fridge.

RE: Projector Screen

IKEA here I come. Cheers.

RE: Projector Screen

One of my problems is that I made a glass and wood stand which holds on one side my
dvd player,under that is my video and under that is my home cinema amp. On the other side of my centre speaker is my digibox, under that is my cd player and under that is my hi-fi amp. On top of all that, on the uppermost shelf is my 32" Tosh.
So as you can see due to the position of my speakers and system set-up, I can`t use my wall. Hence my reason for looking for a screen which I can quickly and easily put into place to use with a projector.
I`d also appreciate any advice on the following, which I suppose could be a thread in its own right. All the cables for that lot drives my misses up the wall as she is the tidiest person on the planet and believe it or not she tries to dust my beloved spaghetti, naturally this is sacrilege to me and has been the source of much marital strife.

RE: Projector Screen

Excuse my ignorance but what is Goo.Thanks for all the suggestions everyone.

Projector Screen

Some time ago there was a thread where people posted photos of their systems and set ups.This was extremely helpful and showed some great ideas which I was quite happy to pinch.One of which was a screen which was used just for watching films and was quickly and easily placed in front of the tv which was used for everyday use. I made a screen out of hardboard screwed onto a wooden frame. This gives me a 60" picture which is pretty good, however I can`t help thinking it could be better. I have thought of painting it but don`t know what paint to use, I`ve also thought of taking a stanley knife to a normal screen and pasting it onto the hardboard. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
p.s. I`m hoping it will be ready by the 5th for the big match.

RE: Lost Sky Signal

Many thanks for the info, you`ve saved me hours freezing to death on my roof, looking in the wrong place.Cheers. My apologies to everyone for being in the wrong forum.

Lost Sky Signal

I`ve lost the signal from my dish since the high winds so I guess my dish must have moved. I`d be grateful if anyone knows the position of the Astra sat. I seem to remember its something like 19 degrees east of south.

RE: Is it really worth joining the union?

Subscriptions vary in method depending on which union you`re a member of. Some charge a flat fee while others charge depending on what you earn.Others operate a combination of both.My union Amicus which is the result of a merger between MSF and AEEU charge depending on whether you`re full or part-time. £9.20 a month for over 20 hours a week and £5.10 for less than 20 hours.

DVD Recorder Query

I finally got fed up with my Phillips 880 and had my money back, so now I`m looking to replace it with another DVD recorder. I`ve seen a write up for the Sony RDR-GX3 which looks like it`s worth having a look at. It`s on the Dixon`s web site for £379 which saves about £120 however it`s listed as an RDR-GX3S does anyone know if its the same machine? As a matter of interest I had a Marantz DV4300 which I also had a problem with, I contacted Marantz directly and even though it was two months over two years old they still repaired it free of charge as a matter of good faith.Hats off to Marantz.Glad to see I`m not the only insomniac out there, all the best the rest of you.

RE: Is it really worth joining the union?

Thanks for the reply. Maybe it was my fault for not being clear. You are right that it cuts both ways and in one sense we are both right on the Employment Act 2002.

After previous consultation, the Emploment Act 2002 set out a new framework for dispute resolution.The document that is out for consultation at the moment will focus on the detailed application of the dispute resolution procedures. The closing date for responses is the 29th October 2003

RE: Is it really worth joining the union?

With reference to the point about not being able to do anything about being unfairly dismissed because you work in a small IT company. I can advise that since Labour introduced the fairness at work legislation in 1999 you have the legal right to be represented in disciplinary and grievance procedures by a trade union representative. This can be a full time officer if your workplace is too small for a recognition agreement and therefore does not have a shop steward.

As a matter of interest the draft document out for consultation at the moment regarding disciplinary and grievance states that if you bring a tribunal claim for unfair dismissal and haven`t used the disciplinary and greivance procedure to try and resolve the issues then the tribunal will reduce your award by a minimum of 10% and can reduce by up to 50%.

As well as giving you a say in your terms and conditions and representing you in a disciplinary and greivance meeting, being in a union also gives you legal aid if you have an accident(this is completely free to Amicus members).Finally we shouldn`t forget the great job that health and safety reps and learning reps do on our behalf.

RE: Cronic Pain

I`m sorry to hear you feel down, I`m sure there are lots of us rooting for you. I know that people are sometimes reluctant to give any details of personal details but I hope you feel better soon.Best Wishes and Good Luck.

RE: Bring it back...

I agree with most of what you say. The biggest problem is that most people who behave in an anti-social manner believe that they won`t be caught and unfortunately in most cases it seems to be the case.It`s because of this that I`m in favour of zero tolerance. However, I think that for those who are caught and punished by community service, they should carry out the work publicly(for example litter picking) in the hope that they will be embarrased into a different behaviour pattern.

Marantz DV4100 posted by groucho


I have had trouble with picture freeze and skipping. When I took it in after trying lens cleaners I was told that it was the optical mechanism. Does anyone know if this is expensive to fix or is it terminal. Many thanks.

RE: Dishwashers - recommendations?

Hi everyone, I`ve been visiting the sight on an intermittent basis for a while and always enjoyed it. Many thanks to all the contributors. This is my first posting so please be gentle with me. As far as dishwashers are concerned I`ve had a Bosch for about 3 years and no problems whatsover. Famous last words! By the way does anyone know if the Marx Brothers are available on DVD.