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Cronic Pain

mistralcustom (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 15th October 2003, 18:06

I feel fed up I am half way through my daily morphine and DF118 , why does cronic pain drive you down I try to stay positive but the need to cry sometimes takes over , I wonder if anyone knows how this feels ?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 15th October 2003, 19:06

RE: Cronic Pain

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 15th October 2003, 19:53

can`t say that i know how you feel :( i don`t know your cicumstances, but i hope it`s something that you will recover from, and hope you feel better soon


general nobody @

RE: Cronic Pain

groucho (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 15th October 2003, 20:06

I`m sorry to hear you feel down, I`m sure there are lots of us rooting for you. I know that people are sometimes reluctant to give any details of personal details but I hope you feel better soon.Best Wishes and Good Luck.

RE: Cronic Pain

BCaine (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 15th October 2003, 23:28

I know how you feel, I take my Morphine twice a day but as I`m now used to it I find it no longer does the full job and am in constant pain, I take 90Mgs in morn and 90 at night and god help me if I miss one, the feeling is terrible, I feel like a junkie. I hope you are feeling better, just to know your not alone sometimes helps.

RE: Cronic Pain

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 16th October 2003, 00:31

Depression is an all too common side effect of medical problems. It`s only natural. Chronic pain grinds you down especially and the medication they give you adds its own difficulties. One of my neighbours is on so many Ibuprofen for a spinal injury, I`m surprised he doesn`t rattle. I`ll admit I don`t (Thank God) suffer from chronic pain, but I am familiar with what Winston Churchill called his "black dog", depression.

Whatever you do, don`t feel guilty about feeling fed up or weepy. Let it out. It`s nature`s pressure valve and when you`ve had a good sniffle you`ll feel a lot better. And when you feel better, you can put your mind to cheering yourself up. And that`s the key. Trying to stay positive only adds to the stresses and strains your system is already under. You can afford to let yourself slip from time to time, as long as you don`t let the downs outnumber the ups. Give yourself things to look forward to, reward yourself for the little triumphs the day brings, because if you let yourself get into a siege mentality you`ll only get more depressed.

The thing is, you`re not alone. The other messages on this thread prove that and I`m sure everybody contributing to this site is rooting for you 100% to make a full recovery. Remember there`s always somebody knocking around this corner of the internet and if you need an electronic chat, just point your mouse our way.

I truly hope that the coming days find you in happier spirits.

J Mark Oates

Daft and proud of it.

RE: Cronic Pain

neal 73 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 16th October 2003, 00:35

Remember if the morphine isn`t working, theres plenty of people who`ll buy it off you.

Then spend that money on some cheap hooker, you`ll soon forget the pain.

RE: Cronic Pain

mistralcustom (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 16th October 2003, 16:31

Thanks all I weaned myself off a morphine addiction last year and trying to keep away from it .
I have severe spinal injuries and have come from a life of a sport mad person who lived life to the full.
I miss my windsurfing and skiing so badly.
Been out in the sun today and cheered up but evenings are always the worst due to the pressure build up in my spine,
What was interesting was when I was admitted to hospital last year with paralysis on discharge they gave me about 9 different meds , including morphine diazapane tramadole df 118 all nasty stuff and off you go taking about 40 tablets a day.
Before you know it you are in a dark pit trying to deal with the addiction that these drugs bring
It then took over a year to have my first operation .
I think noone really cares in the health service about cronic pain they just tell you its in your mind ect.
I have found accupunture helps as well as a Tens ,machine and I am currently trying magnetic therapy anything to keep me away from the drugs.
Last night I was low and that was the result lots of pills ect and vodka but it does no good.
But the sun and the wind does make you feel alive
Thank you all for replying this is a caring site


This item was edited on Thursday, 16th October 2003, 17:45

RE: Cronic Pain

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 16th October 2003, 16:44

anytime :D


general nobody @

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