Info and forum posts by 'car'

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Joined on: Sunday, 22nd October 2000, 22:20, Last used: Sunday, 22nd October 2000, 22:20

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This user has posted a total of 34 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: The 6th Day RCE encoded?


If your Proline can be manually set to R1 then it should like most other players defeat RCE encoding.

To answer your second question, T2 UE is *not* RCE encoded, so the fact that your player plays this is not an indication that it can cope with RCE.



RE: the mummy : ultimate edition

To help answer the original question, other than the extras that make it into a 2 disk set, its supposed to come with a DTS sound track as well.

Meet the parents(R1) - 750S locks up in chapter 6


Has anyone else seen this problem on the 750S or any other machine ?

The machine played the entire film and all of the extra`s without any problems, except when it go to counter reading 36:10 in chapter 6 where the machine locked up completely and had to be switched off and then on again. The only way I could continue with the film was to go to chapter 7 which begins at clock reading 37:11 and it continued without further problem. I had tried it with both the DD5.1 and DTS sound tracks with the same result so it was nothing to do with the DTS sound.

Although the clock reading was only 36:10 it looked as if this was a layer change, because I saw no noticeable pause that I normally see just after the 1 minute mark on most films where the layer change normally is, so it looks like the player had a problem on this disks layer change at this point.

I have over 60 disks and other than Stigmata I have never seen a disk completely lock the player before, and am therefore very happy with the 750S, however this is a bit annoying.

Anyone know if there`s some special branching going on in chapter 6 or some fancy type of layer change that might cause this type of issue ?



Meet the parents(R1) - 750S locks up in chapter 6


Has anyone else seen this problem on the 750S or any other machine ?

The machine played the entire film and all of the extra`s without any problems, except when it go to counter reading 36:10 in chapter 6 where the machine locked up completely and had to be switched off and then on again. The only way I could continue with the film was to go to chapter 7 which begins at clock reading 37:11 and it continued without further problem. I had tried it with both the DD5.1 and DTS sound tracks with the same result so it was nothing to do with the DTS sound.

Although the clock reading was only 36:10 it looked as if this was a layer change, because I saw no noticeable pause that I normally see just after the 1 minute mark on most films where the layer change normally is, so it looks like the player had a problem on this disks layer change at this point.

I have over 60 disks and other than Stigmata I have never seen a disk completely lock the player before, and am therefore very happy with the 750S, however this is a bit annoying.

Anyone know if there`s some special branching going on in chapter 6 or some fancy type of layer change that might cause this type of issue ?



RE: Wharfedale 750 and Independance Day SE


Just watched my region 1 copy of ID4 SE on my 750S(latest) and both disks work fine.

Maybe as you`ve now tried 2 copies of the R2 from Tesco`s it could either be the R2 disk setup or maybe the 750 has an issue with it.

Do you know anyone with the R1 version that you could compare with ?



RE: Wharfdale 750s


The 750S as default will have its video out set to PAL only, try selecting `Auto` this lets it decide which format to output in according to the disc your playing.

If your TV can handle PAL60, NTSC or better still RGB then you should see this problem go away, assuming you`ve sorted the video out setting as mentioned above.



RE: X-MEN FOR £12!!!!!


How ?

I`ve just visited the site( on your recommendation, and there showing a price of £17.99 same as all the other suppliers ??

Did you go to a particular link or just search for it like I did ?



RE: Ok, I`ve got the picture. But what about audio?

Hi Broadly,

Magazines such as Home Entertainment etc tend to have lots of reviews of amps etc, and if you`re not in a terrific hurry you could check out if they have back issues with reviews of systems you are particularly interested in.

Personally I`m extremely happy with my Kenwood KRFV7030D, it does all standards of Dolby up to 5.1, and does DTS, and I find it equally at home playing CD`s whether it be rock or classical type music, as the definition is good, or whether I`m watch a big movie that`s shaking the house :-)

Last time I looked were selling it for £190ish, so the price isn`t horrendous either :-)

You then of course need the speaker setup to finish it off. Another good bargain in that department at the moment is the Mission 6 pack, which until recently Empire Direct were doing for about £290 rather than the shop price of £400 - Bargain !

Hope some of this is of some use.



RE: Censorship

Hi Royd,

No it doesn`t unfortunately. It`s still is and will be illegal under current laws for retailers to sell R1 discs, whilst it`s still ok to buy R1`s for personal import/viewing from E-tailers.

I guess somebody on the forum may have a better handle on this than me but the little I have learned so far is that the BBFC are considering removing or at least relaxing 12 and 15 certificates and going for a more parent goverend scheme where the 12 and 15 are advisory only and it`s up to parents to decide whether content is suitable or not for their kids.

I believe the 18 certificate will remain as it is now, ie enforced by BBFC and the relevant legislation.

Hope this of some help, and if someone with a better understanding can add to or correct any mistakes in the above then please feel free.



RE: Help please - Kenwood Dolbt Digital Reciever KRFV5030



The 5030 does not have an onboard DTS decoder, you`d have to have a DVD player that had a DTS decoder onboard if you wanted to have DTS and buy this amp.

The 5030 does Dolby Digital(1.0/2.0/Pro-Logic and 5.1) decoding and has the necessary outputs for DTS, but doesn`t decode DTS tracks.

Check out the kenwood site at:

and go to Home Entertainment, then `Receivers` and compare the 5030 to the 7030.

If you want the Amp to handle DTS then you need to buy the next one up which is the KRFV7030D, which can be had from at about £190ish, unless Richer do it cheaper than that.

I and several colleagues have all bought the 7030D and are all very happy with its capabilities for the price, it`s very precise with the discrete channels, and is equally at home doing subtle background music when friends are round, or shaking the house when watching a big movie.

Hope this helps



RE: Help Please - Kenwood Dolby Digital Reciever KRFV5030



The 5030 does not have an onboard DTS decoder, you`d have to have a DVD player that had a DTS decoder onboard if you wanted to have DTS and buy this amp.

The 5030 does Dolby Digital(1.0/2.0/Pro-Logic and 5.1) as per Iain`s previous post.

If you want the Amp to handle DTS then you need to buy the next one up which is the KRFV7030D, which can be had from at about £190ish, unless richer do it cheaper than that.

I and several colleagues have all bought the 7030D and are all very happy with its capabilities for the price, it`s very precise with the discrete channels, and is equally at home doing subtle background music when friends are round, or shaking the house when watching a big movie.

Hope this helps



RE: Recommend an AMP

I`ve had the Kenwood KRFV7030D for over 6 months now, and would thoroughly recommend it to anyone looking to buy an amp.

It does Dolby Digital 5.1 and DTS, and the last time I checked, just over a week ago I think had it for £190ish - which is an excellent price.

It handles DVD and standard CD output perfectly and as mentioned above at a really good price.

It also got 5/5 in Home Cinema Choice in one of the latter issues last year.

Hope this helps.



RE: The sixth sense

Hi Steve,

I believe its a firmware issue on the 750/750S, but as you saw its easily worked around.

I`ve got in excess of 50 disks now and have access to about another 100 with disks in friends collections that I occassionally borrow and I`ve only ever seen this phenomenon on sixth sense(R2).

My collection is split about 30 R1 and 20+ R2.

I have things such as T2 Ultimate ED(R1), The Patriot(R1(RCE)), ID4(R1) and other such technically challenging titles for the player to handle and they all work perfectly.

The Wharfie in region free mode didn`t even notice RCE on the Patriot which was a real result, and I`m just about to order Hollow Man (R1) which is also RCE encoded.

The only other hiccups I`ve come across with the 750S was on R2 Stigmata where two hangs occur, but these were sorted by doing stop/resume so not really a great problem, and I borrowed R1 Tigger the movie for my kids and that locked the player up during one of the games in the extra features, but the film itself played fine.

All in all I`m very impressed with the player and would recommend it.



RE: Got a Brand New Conspiracy Theory - Wanna Hear It?

Hi Mark,

Personally I think its just crap quality on region 2, all the disks you mention quite correctly are showing up in all the forums as having the problems listed, but only on the region 2 disks.

I have all the disks you mention but in R1 and have seen none of the problems.

Yet again we get stuffed in R2.


RE: The Patriot: Finally for the bad news.......


The latest Wharfedale 750S behaves exactly the same way.

I have it in region free mode, and it laughed in the face of RCE :-)

The menu`s, extras and the film itself played just as if RCE never existed, so a real win for the 750S too. A colleague of mine has the previous 750S and it coped in exactly the same way too.

So this isn`t isolated to the Aiwa alone.



RE: SCARTS and JACKS and too many boxes

Hi Kevin,

The DVD will need to be the last in the chain as if it goes before the VCR then you could run into macrovision as previously mentioned.

What method were you thinking of connecting the VCR to the DVD, does it have multiple s-video connectors, or are you going to use the scart box idea.

I`d also check the scart connector that came with the DVD to see how good it is, as it may be worth investing in a better quality one, as this is your main video output to the TV.



RE: VAT free DVDs at (1 week only)

The stores are doing it too :-)

Went down to my local today, and was enticed into buying from them with the VAT taken off.

The shelf price shows the same, they just deduct the VAT amount at the checkout.



RE: Noisy Wharfedale 750S - do I have a problem.

Hi Bren,

There have been several threads on this and other forums regarding some drive noise during spinning up of a disk and sometimes whilst playing a disk, but I`ve never heard anyone describe a high pitched whine.

Therefore this could be a mechanical fault as opposed to a normal noisy startup.

My 750S is a little noisy on startup but once the film is going it appears to be quiet, I say appears to be because I generally have my amp turned up to ornament and window shattering levels so can`t hear the drive :-)

If its as bad as you say and its a high pitched sound I`d err on the side of caution and get it replaced.



RE: Hacked and Cracked but now I`ve got a Stutter!

Hi Andy,

R1 disks are encoded in NTSC video standard, whereas we use PAL, whats probably happening is that you`re DVD is outputting the NTSC as PAL or PAL50.

In your DVD setup menu, I can`t help here as I don`t know the JMB, is there the ability to change the video out to NTSC, PAL60 or better still `Auto`.

Auto is best because it outputs the correct standard for the disk you are playing.

Then moving on to your TV, obviously your TV has to be able to handle either NTSC or PAL60, if not then you either need an NTSC to PAL converter approx. £60-£70 I think, or a new TV depending upon your budget and justification for spending that sort of money :-)

Luckily I have a 32" WS Hitachi that can handle PAL, PAL50, PAL60, and 3 different standards of NTSC so I managed this bit no problem, but I know not all TVs not even new ones are so comprehensive in their video standards coverage (Hitachi rocks !!! eh Dukey)

I hope this has been of some help.



RE: Wharfedale 750 please help


You`ll probably find the most valuable source of info on the 750 & 750S in one place is at:

Pretty much all you want is here, personally I`ve heard thet the sound and picture quality are slightly better on the 750S, a number of the niggles/bugs have been straightened out and the remote is reported to be better.

I have the latest 750S and am able to play all R1`s I`ve come across so far including the RCE encoded `The Patriot` in multi-region mode.

Hope this helps



RE: B and W picture Region 1s - help


I recently changed my Matsui DVD110 for the latest Wharfedale 750S, not for the reason I would hasten to add !

The DVD110 was great and I never saw this problem, and I don`t believe I had any special video output settings on it, as I found it quite clever in that respect in that it knew what to output.

However if the TV you refer is unable to handle NTSC or PAL60 output then I would expect you to get B&W or jerky pictures.

Can you check what standards your TV can handle it sounds possibly like it only handles straight forward PAL.

B&W pictures are normally a sure sign of an NTSC signal not being understood by the TV receiver.

If this doesn`t help can you supply a bit more info regarding the settings you have on the DVD110 and what the TV is then maybe I or other members of the forum can help further.



R2 Pokemon - the first movie - Menu problems on Newest 750S


Has anyone else seen menu hangs and sound distortion on the menu`s for Pokemon - the first movie.

My Machine is the latest 750S and the disk is the R2 version. A friend has the R1 version and has the previous 750S and sees no problems.

The problems I`ve seen are the screen going completely white & blank when selecting scene selections from the main menu. The other problem is when selecting the main menu after playing the film, I get either distorted sound or no sound at all.

I managed to workaround the problem of the blank screen on scene selections by manually selecting a chapter using `goto`, then pressing `menu` again and selecting scene selections, then it worked.

Anyone else seen this on the 750S or any other machine.

I`m interested to know whether its a bad disc or a known problem on the new 750S.

Thanks in advance




Not quite the same scenario as I have the newest revision of the 750S and I went for the R1 DTS version of Jurassic Park.

On this version the extra features don`t include the Foley artists item so can`t test that particular bit, however I have tested all of the other features and don`t see any problems.

So not sure whether this is because the R1 is so different or whether its the new 750S firmware thats helping.

I`ll see if I can borrow an R2 copy and test that section for you and report back.



RE: Do Hitachi TVs Also ROCK???????


I`ve got the C32WD2TN2,and have been very happy with it very good picture quality, and the sounds not bad, although I tend to use my amp for the sound on most things these days.

I also have a 14" portable colour Hitachi that in excess of about 16 years old, and it won`t die so can`t justify replacing it :-)

Can`t get much better recommendation than that at least on build quality and reliability anyway.



RE: Just ordered the Patriot from US to test on the newest 750S

Hi guys,

Just tested the Patriot on my new 750S as I promised and I`m pleased to be able to say it works perfectly, the film plays without problems, menu navigation works and so do all the special features.

Not only this but I didn`t need to switch specifically to R1 to do it, the 750S new firmware set to Region Free managed to cope with RCE to the point that it played like any of my previous R1 titles.



Wharefdale 750S (newest firmware) handles RCE on PATRIOT - Region Free

I`ve just taken delivery of the Patriot and have tested it on my new Wharfedale 750S which is the latest one from my local Tesco store that has the very newest firmware which requires all the new hacks, and the patriot plays perfectly, menus work ok and the special features work.

And I didn`t even need to set it specifically to region 1, its multi-region setting handled it.



RE: Wharfedale DVD750s - have tried the hacks suggested on this site - not worked. Any suggestiona?

Hi Guys,

`The Patriot` arrived and it works no problem at all and in region free mode - ie I didn`t need the manual hack to R1.

All works as expected, the film, the menus and the special features :-)

Good news eh !



Latest 750S (newest firmware) plays the PATRIOT in REGION FREE mode

Hello all,

My copy of `THE PATRIOT` arrived yesterday, and having arrived back home today I have tried it>

My Wharfedale 750S is the one with the newest firmware that needs the new hacks ie:

Region Free is

open drawer
press STEP
press PREV
press NEXT

And the all new manual hack was:

open drawer
then press 0,7,5,0 followed by the region number.

It turns out that I didn`t need the long awaited manual hack as the PATRIOT plays fine on this machine in REGION FREE mode.

The film starts straight up, and all the menus work as expected, and I was able to freely access the special features.

My wife and I will watch the film through tonight and report back any other finding tomorrow.



RE: Attention of CHRIS REAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Great news !!!!! :-)

Not only does the Patriot work on this 750S with the latest firmware but It works in REGION FREE mode - I didn`t need to use the new region 1 manual hack :-)

I started the film, skipped through all the chapters and all work fine.

The menus work fine and all of the special features were accessible without problem.

The wife and I are going to watch the whole for real tonight, so anything else I find out I`ll post tomorrow.

This new 750S is turning out to be a great little machine :-)



RE: Wharfedale DVD750s - have tried the hacks suggested on this site - not worked. Any suggestiona?

Hi Guys,

I haven`t got my copy of the Patriot to test RCE yet, but I have just tried this hack for my 750S which is the one with the latest firmware rev and it works a treat :-))

