Page 1 of Meet the parents(R1) - 750S locks up in chapter 6

Hardware Forum

Meet the parents(R1) - 750S locks up in chapter 6

car (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 11th March 2001, 10:00


Has anyone else seen this problem on the 750S or any other machine ?

The machine played the entire film and all of the extra`s without any problems, except when it go to counter reading 36:10 in chapter 6 where the machine locked up completely and had to be switched off and then on again. The only way I could continue with the film was to go to chapter 7 which begins at clock reading 37:11 and it continued without further problem. I had tried it with both the DD5.1 and DTS sound tracks with the same result so it was nothing to do with the DTS sound.

Although the clock reading was only 36:10 it looked as if this was a layer change, because I saw no noticeable pause that I normally see just after the 1 minute mark on most films where the layer change normally is, so it looks like the player had a problem on this disks layer change at this point.

I have over 60 disks and other than Stigmata I have never seen a disk completely lock the player before, and am therefore very happy with the 750S, however this is a bit annoying.

Anyone know if there`s some special branching going on in chapter 6 or some fancy type of layer change that might cause this type of issue ?



RE: Meet the parents(R1) - 750S locks up in chapter 6

Chris Reay (Competent) posted this on Monday, 12th March 2001, 18:32

A friend also has the 750S and just got his copy of MTP and he says his didn`t exhibit the same problem, so I`m borrowing his copy tomorrow to see if it works ok. If so then I guess this is just a faulty disk.

Another colleague with a 750S has also taken my copy away to play on his 750S, so he can see if it also locks his player.

Hopefully by end of day tomorrow I should know if its a firmware issue on the player or a bad disk(in which case it can go back).

I`ll keep you posted.


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