Info and forum posts by 'rainbow6'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 17th January 2003, 08:55, Last used: Friday, 17th January 2003, 08:55

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This user has posted a total of 94 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.08 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Attention Westy

Cheers for that mate!! Just sent you a quick follow on email for quick clarification.
Jim ;)

RE: Attention Westy

Cheers mate! Looking forward to it. ;)
Sounds like we need to start campaigning for dvdreviewer to send a secretary AND a full-time job your way. It`s v. cool of you to do this in your own personal time.
Thanks again!!!
Jim :)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 25th November 2003, 13:21

RE: Attention Westy

Yah. Oh well. . . :/

Attention Westy


Starting a new thread because I`m beginning to wonder if my other one slipped under your radar.

Was hoping to hear back from you regarding my emails / post here on a good smallish sub/sat system for music and movies.

My emails mention the details you were asking for. Hopefully you received them ok. If not, let me know and I`ll get them to you again.

Jim ;)

RE: Westy - another Aego 5 question . . .

Hmm. Yes. Too bad I`m not Floyd, but Jim - and Westy has my address. ;)

This item was edited on Sunday, 23rd November 2003, 16:23

RE: Westy - another Aego 5 question . . .

Westy??? (Echo . . . Echo . . . Echo)
Would love to hear back from you on the right smallish sub/sat system for movies/music as per my emails and this thread.
Jim ;)

RE: Black & white picture for Region 1 disks on my Sony DVPNS330....NEED HELP!!!!

I`m sorry - I don`t know the TV`s you mention. Are they NTSC compatible? Because if not, then you`ll get Black and White, especially if you`re not using a fully wired SCART to connect your DVD and TV. My advice, which worked for me on my in-law`s TV (not NTSC compat.), is to use a fully wired scart cable and send the RGB signal from the DVD into the RGB scart slot of the TV. That usually cures the problems. Make sure the DVD is sending RGB and not video quality picture, though I`m not sure if that`s important or not. AFAIK, the Scart`s the important part. Your DVD player should have a setup feature in which it changes between `Video` and `RBG` quality, though.
Hope this helps - someone can correct me if I`m wrong.

This item was edited on Friday, 21st November 2003, 13:25

RE: Westy - another Aego 5 question . . .

Umm, Westy?
Ya there?
Jim ;) ;)

RE: Westy - another Aego 5 question . . .

Are you there mate? :)

RE: Westy - another Aego 5 question . . .

Hope you`re better now. I`ve sent you an email with some of my latest thoughts for a new set up. I`d love to hear what you think. Forgot to mention in it that music and film are important to me as, I stated above (though I`m no HiFi junkie). As well as to mention (in addition to the other speaker packs I outline in my email) again the Canton CD-1 or the like as I did above - the wife would be a fan of the looks, but I can`t find anyone who knows much about their sound to recommend them. What HiFi gives 5 stars for movie sound, but doesn`t like them for music sound due to lack of mid range . . . Any thoughts?

Oh - nice exhaustive article on the phones (I`ll refer to it in the future if I want to upgrade) - but I thought you were going to do a sub-sat recommendation article? Perhaps if you do one in the near future, you could also attach at the end what your thinking is on the latest offerings for budget-ish amps/receivers to combine them with?? ;) Sort of the all-star line up . . .

This item was edited on Monday, 17th November 2003, 09:59

RE: NTSC/PAL Conversion

If you haven`t already bought the new TV, I would suggest you try what CLAYTS suggested. Switch your DVD scart to the RGB input. Then try your DVD player on both the NTSC AND the PAL settings and see what you get in both. From what you`ve written, it looks like you definitely tried the PAL setting (and still got the jerkiness). But did you try the NTSC setting in the RGB input?? That could solve your problem. My in-laws have a TV that`s not NTSC compatible. I tried this and it cured the Black and White problem, and looks great for region 1 - I`m using a Toshiba 220E, though.

RE: Westy - another Aego 5 question . . .

No probs, mate. I`ve been coughing up a lung myself lately. Looking forward to your email - and your next article. ;)

RE: Westy - another Aego 5 question . . .

Thanks for your thoughts mate. I look forward to your email this weekend - I figured the delay was because you`re inbox was pretty overflowing - no worries! :)
OK, I`ll reduce the shortlist to the Eggs and the Aegos. Just wondering if you could mention in your email - or on this thread for anyone else interested, the relative pros and cons with going for a system like the Aegos which all plugs into the sub, etc. and works off the pre-outs of the amp as opposed to the normal sub sat system? I.e. - if upgradeitis sets in, or - as you`ve already mentioned here - if you want to get a different sub?? And how good/worth waiting for will that new Aego speaker setup be that comes out in Feb (minus the processor). And how does that work - adding a different sub to the system?
By the way - have you heard the JM Labs Sib and Cubs? I see that Creative Audio is selling them sort of in competition against the KEF eggs. Is one better than the other?
Thanks again! :D (And sorry for all the questions . . .)

This item was edited on Thursday, 30th October 2003, 10:45

Westy - another Aego 5 question . . .

Got a question on the thread here:

I`m curious now! As you know from my emails a while back, I`m looking into buying a new system, smallish speakers and the like, good for music and film. The Mordaunt Short Premiers were some I`d shortlisted. How, in your opinion, are the Aego 5`s better?
What are the pros and cons of a speaker system like this, in contrast to a traditional one that is not all connected through the sub? I know there`s a new Premier Plus version coming out - any thoughts?

Others speakers I`m considering are the new KEF eggs, Canton CD1`s, and if I can persuade my wife (but have very little chance because of space) the Monitor Audio B2AV or B2AV1 pack (I`m not sure I can cope with the look of the BFX rears - so I know my wife won`t).

My concern with the KEF eggs was the ability of the centre speaker for dialogue, and my concern with the MA B2 packs are, as I mentioned, size - and colour (its a wife thing). How do the MS packs, the Eggs, Cantons, MA and the Aego 5`s stack up? I`ve not heard the MA speakers, the Cantons or the Aego`s, and I have no facility to do so here in Belfast. I`m looking for something that would be good with music and movies at these price points.

Also, if in your mind the Aegos are the top system out of my shortlist, is it worth waiting for the new ones in Feb?


This item was edited on Wednesday, 29th October 2003, 10:37

RE: Any views on Acoustic Research Aego P%

Cheers Claret. Let me know what you think of them.

I`m still wondering if Westy`s around to comment on my speaker shortlist earlier in this thread???


RE: Any views on Acoustic Research Aego P%

Are you there, mate?

Claret - where did you see them at that price, out of curiosity?


RE: Any views on Acoustic Research Aego P%


I`m curious now! :) As you know from my emails a while back, I`m looking into buying a new system, smallish speakers and the like, good for music and film. The Mordaunt Short Premiers were some I`d shortlisted. How, in your opinion, are these better?
What are the pros and cons of a speaker system like this, in contrast to a traditional one that is not all connected through the sub? I know there`s a new Premier Plus version coming out any thoughts?

Others speakers I`m considering are the new KEF eggs, Canton CD1`s, and if I can persuade my wife (but have very little chance) the Monitor Audio B2AV or B2AV1 pack (I`m not sure I can cope with the look of the BFX rears - so I know my wife won`t).

My concern with the KEF eggs was the ability of the centre speaker for dialogue, and my concern with the MA B2 packs are, as I mentioned, size. How do these the MS packs and the Aego 5`s add up? I`ve not heard the MA speakers or the Cantons.

Your opinions would be greatly appreciated.


This item was edited on Tuesday, 28th October 2003, 14:54

RE: Anyone auditioned the Monitor Audio Bronze B1 and B2`s?

OK, monitor bronze is out of the picture for us now. :( Too big for my wife.
So, just interested in the minute in the new KEF eggs and the Premiers/Plus. Has anyone heard these and can comment on whether there would be much gained in performance by climbing up from £500 Premier plus to £800 at the eggs.
Also, can anyone comment on the eggs centre speaker, and it`s ability to handle the centre channel duties?
Just to mix it up, would anyone like to comment on the Aego5`s and how they compete soundwise with these other two??? :)
Thanks again.

This item was edited on Saturday, 4th October 2003, 17:16

Anyone auditioned these speakers? Opinions please . . .

:D Was recently reconsidering my budget and the size of speakers I`m looking for for my new set up. I remembered Westy`s column suggesting the Monitor Bronze pack. I`m wondering if anyone`s tried replacing the B2`s in the front with B1`s, and put B1`s in the rear?

I suppose ideally I`m interested in sats smaller even than this, but am struggling to find quality stuff that comes well recommended at a price I can afford (that`s ideally good for music and film). I`m also looking at the Mordaunt Short Premiers, or Premier Plus pack, and the new KEF eggs, in the smaller department.

Can anyone here comment on how any of these set ups would compare for music cds played multichannel, and then for film as well? I see KEF eggs get great reviews. I`m just wondering if the price difference between the Premiers (£299 at Richers), the Premier Plus (~£500), the B1AV pack (~£600 Richers), and the KEF eggs (£799) is really worth it as you go up the ladder, and at what point is it a matter of diminishing returns for your £££?
My local Richers (Belfast) is to get some of the Bronze stuff in soon, and has the premiers, but doesn`t do demos. Another shop can demo the eggs, but not with the amps/receivers I`m interested in. No one else I know does the Monitor Audio. I`ve heard the Premiers hooked up to a Marantz 5300 - it was ok. So you see my predicament. . . PLZ HELP IF YOU CAN!! :) Thanks in advance.

This item was edited on Saturday, 4th October 2003, 17:16


Anyone running just the speakers? What amp/receiver are you using and what do you think? Are each of the sats independent, i.e. do you have to set them up separately like you do a normal sub-sat system, or is it all just plug and play preset, to where you just hook it up, turn it on, and position your speakers where you want them with no fiddling with the speaker placement settings on the amp/receiver?

Missions, Mordaunt Short and Elac Cin 1 - how do they compare?

Well, that`s it really. I`m looking to buy a new home cinema system. I`m still oscillating between the Marantz and the Yamaha receivers. But not being able to hear them hooked up to these speakers in Belfast, I`m at a loss. Can anyone say how these compare, especially the Mission m3s and the Mission 71 packages, the Mordaunt Short Premiers, and the Elac Cinema 1`s? Space is important. The Mission 71`s are about as big as we can go. And, any ideas on which receiver with these speakers?
I`ve heard the MS Premiers hooked up to a Marantz 5300. I`m not entirely convinced of the weight of the receiver/speaker package together, or the fullness of sound, though Westy seems to think its possible the Marantz wasn`t set up right. Haven`t been able to audition anything else (just nothing else available to audition here in my local shops that`s in my price range (about £800 for the whole thing) or size requirement. Any ideas?

Edit: Maybe I should have mentioned the Mission 70`s and Aego 5`s too. Dunno??? Room size is about 12x13 feet, though we hope to move to a bigger place soon.

I`ve already got a Tosh 220e DVD player and a Philips widescreen TV that`s about 3 years old.


This item was edited on Tuesday, 23rd September 2003, 11:00

RE: TV recommendations - £450 - £500.

Check out Westy`s column, `Odeon for less`. He specifies there a JVC set for under £400.

RE: Marantz/Yam receiver and speaker pack for ~ £700

No takers? :/
I read today in the latest What Hi Fi Sound and Vision that the MS Premier Speaker pack is hard to drive? So, I`m guessing??/ hoping that it`s the speakers, and not the Marantz 5300 as I really like the price tag at Richer Sounds. . .
Anyone had any experience with Elac Cinema 1, Mission M70/71/72/etc. or Aego 5 speaker packs?

Marantz/Yam receiver and speaker pack for ~ £700

OK folks. I realise that Westy has just put a new column out on the joys of bargain home cinema shopping, but I have a few questions (and I know this is a long post, so please bear with me). I`m currently using a Philips 28`` widescreen TV with a Tosh 220e DVD player. That`s it so far. Now I`d like to get a receiver and speaker pack that will work well with music and cinema. Here`s my problem:

1. As a newbie to amps and speaker packs, I was recently out at the only hi fi store in Belfast that I know of which lets you hear before you buy AND has the Marantz 5300 and Yams in stock. Now, I know the Marantz (now £250 at Richer Sounds) is much celebrated, but I have a question. I want to get a system up and going that will play both music and cinema well. (So, it would seem that I should go for the Marantz amp from some of your previous posts, etc.). But, when I went and auditioned this amp, with the Mordaunt Short Premier Package of speakers (that was the only speakers he had it hooked up to to hear), the whole thing sounded lifeless. When playing music videos off the store`s DVD sampler, it just didn`t have any umph, and you had to turn the volume a way on up to get decent sound. Treble seemed to be missing out, though I didn`t get a chance to try and play with it to see if increased treble would help it. It just sounded a bit flat. Now, my question is, is this because it needed more treble from the amp, or because the premier package is just not a good speaker pack? Or, because the Marantz doesn`t have the umph? Because . . .
2. When he let me hear the same DVD music video from the Yamaha amp 5360, with the cheaper £119 Yamaha speaker pack, there was quite a difference. You didn`t have to turn the volume up just as much, and the sound was far better even before playing with treble. (on the DVD sampler, that is)
3. True, when playing music direct from a cd, the Marantz did a bit better than before, and the Yam was good but a bit warmer sound. But having heard these two compared, I was perplexed. I don`t prefer the warmer sound as much, but am concerned about the Marantz`s abilities.

As I`ve said, I`m looking for a good amp and speaker pack for music and home cinema on a budget, but I can`t seem to get anywhere over here that has the combination of kit I`m interested in to try it out in shop before I buy. The mission speakers Westy suggests in his forum look interesting. They are about as big (perhaps bigger) as my wife would like in the house - so that gives you an idea of my limitations. Also, to mail order from the mainland costs around £20-25 a go, and so ordering stuff to try with the option of sending back if I don`t like it isn`t ideal.
Also, I`d want to go ahead and get a speaker pack that has a sub. Will pay over the £700 for wiring if it comes to it.

I would appreciate any help here before I leap out and drop this kind of cash.


This item was edited on Thursday, 11th September 2003, 21:02

RE: Home cinema virgin

What do you think of the cinema 1 package? Was thinking of that for myself. Do you use it for movies and music? If so, how is it with the music?

RE: Help !! PLEASE sony DVP NS330 plays in Black & White

Are you using a fully wired Scart lead? If not, try one. It may solve your problem.

RE: Pioneer DV-360s vs Tosh SD-330E Help!!!!

there is a little wavy line along the top edge of the picture

Hi Dominic,
What do you mean by wavy line - do you mean that there is an actual line, or that the picture at the top of the screen is distorted and appears slightly wavy, when say in the frame comes a straight up and down column or something?
That happened with my first Pioneer 454s on a Region 1 disk. In addition to having a problem with RGB and NTSC. I took it back and tried a few more. They all did it. I ended up with a TOsh 220E, and love it. If the waviness is there anymore I don`t notice it, and the RGB on NTSC playback is perfect. It would cause me to suggest to you the Tosh 330, if you were picking up a new one.
However, as you say you don`t know if your telly is happy with NTSC. The old Pioneers would convert NTSC to Pal 60, I think. I don`t think the Tosh`s do that. It would be worth checking into it with Bush, but I would have thought that if the NAD only puts out PAL or NTSC, which is what the Tosh does, then the Tosh is the way to go. The NAD manual should say whether it converts the NTSC to PAL 60 or PAL 50. If that`s what it does, then you really do need to check with Bush before you buy as to the Telly`s NTSC capabilities.

This item was edited on Monday, 4th August 2003, 11:08

RE: £25 OFF Band Of Brothers Boxset

Can anyone vouch for the reliability of the above two companies, CDWOW, etc.? Am interested in this offer, but want to be sure of quality merchandise and reliable service.
Thanks!!! :)


I think I can (as one who`s lived most their life in the US) answer that question definitively. The answer to whether `this type of machine is common in the usa` is: no.
If you want your friend/colleague to be able to view the tape, you`ll need to convert it. (Of course, you could just ask them if they can play pal tapes on their deck, or if they can identify a cheaper conversion service near them in the US). Still, I doubt it if their machine plays anything other than NTSC - the US is such a big place, with so much available in NTSC, they don`t really need PAL compatible players - just a point.
I`m not technical enough about whether you could put it on a cd or dvd of some sort at home with burning software and/or conversion tools. It would require some kit and knowledge that I personally don`t possess.
Hope that`s helpful.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 15th July 2003, 12:15