Page 1 of Any views on Acoustic Research Aego P%

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Any views on Acoustic Research Aego P%

theclaretvillain (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 24th October 2003, 18:44

I like the look of the P5. Has anyone any views good or bad on the system.
Can you recommend a better one at under £500?

RE: Any views on Acoustic Research Aego P%

GregWW (Competent) posted this on Friday, 24th October 2003, 23:01

It is perhaps the best Sub-Sat system for around £500 that you can get....nuf said :D

RE: Any views on Acoustic Research Aego P%

Westy (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 25th October 2003, 10:25


Indeed, the Aego p5 is a stunning system, which still shines after nearly 2 years service! You can see what i thought, (and still think!), about the system here.

However, as a man in the know ;) it may be wise to hold out and wait for the new MK2 system which will be in the shops by christmas. I`ve been sworn to secrecy by my source on the pictures and look of the system, (which was at the What Hifi Sound And Vision show), but it has a few key features;

[*] Full width processor, (rather than dainty), with revised DAC`s, Dolby Pro Logic 2 processing, new remote and lovely silver finish
[*] New design sattelites with broader frequency range
[*] New subwoofer with deeper frequency response and revised cabinet and driver mechanism

I for one will be getting one and passing on my current one, and can wholeheartedly recommend the Aego`s to anyone as they really are amazing systems for the money and such small size.

I`ve sworn by it for nearly 2 years and wouldn`t be without it. It even beats the pants off Mordaunt Shorts Premier package and any of the Sony DAV systems by a massive margin - so buy one in confidence ;)

Hope this helps


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RE: Any views on Acoustic Research Aego P%

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 25th October 2003, 11:22

Not that in the know Westy me old son. The MKII has been held back untill around Feburary >:(

If knowledge is power then I am the knowledge god and you will bow down to my greatness ;) (or beer will do)

All the best,

The 42%er.

RE: Any views on Acoustic Research Aego P%

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 25th October 2003, 11:39

Sorry I forgot to metion that AE are planning at some point to do a DVD version of the MkII. Of course I did not tell you that.

More beer for the knowledge god me thinks.

All the best,

The 42%er.

RE: Any views on Acoustic Research Aego P5

sj (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 25th October 2003, 11:50

Any idea of the expected price of the MkII Mr Bruce?


RE: Any views on Acoustic Research Aego P5

Westy (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 25th October 2003, 12:25


Sifting through my 2000emails and indeed i did find info on the hold back til Feb, (from my source in the know ;) )

I`ve heard of the DVD version too, but like Andy, i`m keeping my gob shut :)


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RE: Any views on Acoustic Research Aego P5

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 25th October 2003, 12:41

It will be about that price but there is no set price as yet.

All the best,

The 42%er.

RE: Any views on Acoustic Research Aego P%

rainbow6 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 25th October 2003, 16:44


I`m curious now! :) As you know from my emails a while back, I`m looking into buying a new system, smallish speakers and the like, good for music and film. The Mordaunt Short Premiers were some I`d shortlisted. How, in your opinion, are these better?
What are the pros and cons of a speaker system like this, in contrast to a traditional one that is not all connected through the sub? I know there`s a new Premier Plus version coming out any thoughts?

Others speakers I`m considering are the new KEF eggs, Canton CD1`s, and if I can persuade my wife (but have very little chance) the Monitor Audio B2AV or B2AV1 pack (I`m not sure I can cope with the look of the BFX rears - so I know my wife won`t).

My concern with the KEF eggs was the ability of the centre speaker for dialogue, and my concern with the MA B2 packs are, as I mentioned, size. How do these the MS packs and the Aego 5`s add up? I`ve not heard the MA speakers or the Cantons.

Your opinions would be greatly appreciated.


This item was edited on Tuesday, 28th October 2003, 14:54

RE: Any views on Acoustic Research Aego P%

theclaretvillain (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 26th October 2003, 23:10

Thx everyone for your views
I have seen the P5 Mk1 at £400 - I don`t mind if I don`t have the cutting edge Mk11s.
So I`m going for the P5s tomorrow unless anyone can tell me of a source under £400.
again for the help

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