Page 1 of Missions, Mordaunt Short and Elac Cin 1 - how do they compare?

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Missions, Mordaunt Short and Elac Cin 1 - how do they compare?

rainbow6 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd September 2003, 09:27

Well, that`s it really. I`m looking to buy a new home cinema system. I`m still oscillating between the Marantz and the Yamaha receivers. But not being able to hear them hooked up to these speakers in Belfast, I`m at a loss. Can anyone say how these compare, especially the Mission m3s and the Mission 71 packages, the Mordaunt Short Premiers, and the Elac Cinema 1`s? Space is important. The Mission 71`s are about as big as we can go. And, any ideas on which receiver with these speakers?
I`ve heard the MS Premiers hooked up to a Marantz 5300. I`m not entirely convinced of the weight of the receiver/speaker package together, or the fullness of sound, though Westy seems to think its possible the Marantz wasn`t set up right. Haven`t been able to audition anything else (just nothing else available to audition here in my local shops that`s in my price range (about £800 for the whole thing) or size requirement. Any ideas?

Edit: Maybe I should have mentioned the Mission 70`s and Aego 5`s too. Dunno??? Room size is about 12x13 feet, though we hope to move to a bigger place soon.

I`ve already got a Tosh 220e DVD player and a Philips widescreen TV that`s about 3 years old.


This item was edited on Tuesday, 23rd September 2003, 11:00

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