Info and forum posts by 'beavo'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 6th August 2002, 13:47, Last used: Tuesday, 6th August 2002, 13:47

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 17 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Recording VHS to DMR-E20

Thanks for your reply Fred. The "macrovision" bit is an anti-copying signal on the tape I guess? What device to I need to get over this, as I can`t seem to find the right gadget at Maplin.

Thanks again

Recording VHS to DMR-E20

Sorry if this has been covered over and over again, but could someone please explain in idiot terms what I need to be able to backup my collection of VHS films to dvd-r on my Panny DMR-E20?

Many thanks for helping a technopleb........

RE: Channel 4 & 16.9


When I first got a widescreen tv 3 years ago there were no analogue 16:9 transmissions. On a couple of occassions though, Anglia TV did broadcast part of a programme in 16:9. The TV flicked to wide mode automatically during these. It only ever lasted a couple of minutes though. I contacted Anglia, and they didn`t know what I was talking about.

However, to enjoy true widescreen, go digital. A 16:9 tv without digital is a bit pointless as there are never going to be fully widescreen analogue transmissions (remember they are going to be scrapped completely in the future), and about 80-90% of digital tv is widescreen (mainstream channels anyway).


Interference on DVD picture

I have just setup my old Tosh 28W8DB TV and Tosh 210E DVD player for my parents. When I had them I had no problems, but my dear old Ma & Pa are getting picture interference on the DVD picture.

There is no interference on any TV channel or the VCR, they are all fine, but when you play any DVD, you can see an "embossed" version of a TV picture scrolling behind the main picture.

I have tried unplugging all aerial cables etc, but it still happens. Is it just that they live in an area with such a strong TV signal it is bleeding into the DVD player or scart lead somehow?

Any help appreciated.

RE: Optical/co-ax dilemma!

Thanks for the help Gerald.

The TV`s great I reckon. Nice clear picture and good sound (to a layman like me anyhow). I did make the mistake of reading a load of horror stories on about various faults the tele is supposed to have. Scared the sh*t out of me seeing as I`d only just bought it, but I cant fault mine - it`s like a bloody cinema screen in my lounge (but I guess thats the idea!).


RE: Sky Digital plus - worth the swap?

Yes, go for it!

I swapped to Sky+ six months ago, and its brilliant. It is far superior to the limited TiVo. For example, you can record Box Office films to the hard drive, and you only pay for them when you actually watch them. If you change your mind about a film, don`t watch it and you don`t pay! The series link function is also good to ensure you don`t miss episodes of your favs!

I`m a Sky fan....can you tell ;-)


Optical/co-ax dilemma!


I`ve just bought a Toshiba 36ZP18Q TV with a built in 5.1 decoder. The tv has one optical and one coaxial input in the back.

The problem is I have a Panasonic DMR-E20 DVD-R, and a Pace Sky+ digibox, both with optical outputs only.

I have know Maplin sell an Optical to Co-ax converter for about £20 which I could use to convert one of the signals (more leads, anothe plug etc.). I have also noticed, however, that some DIY shops (B&Q, Homebase) sell a Maxview optical splitter (one feed in, two out). Is it possible to reverse this item to make a 2 into 1 adapter to feed both optical inputs into the same socket on the tv (they would never be used at the same time).

Which is the best way to do it? Any ideas would be appreciated.


RE: Recordable DVD


The picture quality is superb to my untrained eyes. Bought or rented DVD`s are crystal clear, even though my tele ain`t as good as it should be, and the video I transfer from my Sony digital camcorder is excellent.


Panasonic SA-XR10 Home Cinema Amp

Anyone have any reviews or opinions about this amp. I`m looking to upgrade to a 5.1 system from my pro-logic set-up, and I like the look of this slim-line amp.

Any help appreciated.

RE: Recordable DVD

Ok, I`m no expert so I`ll probably get shot down in flames, but I had the same quandry a couple of months ago. In the end I went for the Panasonic system of DVD-RAM. This was mainly because the DMR-E20 recorder got far better reviews (in general) then the Philips systems (and was only £499. The DVD-R capability ensures backwards compatability with most existing and future DVD players. If you are archiving, your unlikely to want to archive to re-writable media (I guess!).

Something else I`ve just noticed too, is that Hitachi seem to have gone the DVD-RAM route as opposed to DVD-RW with their new DVD camcorder. That makes it about 2 all for the different media I think.

Sorry if I`m talking crap, but thats just my version of the truth - hope it helps!!!!


RE: Home Cinema Virgin

Thanks guys, very helpful.

Home Cinema Virgin

I have heard a lot about home cinema and 5.1 surround sound. I understand the difference between normal pro-logic and 5.1, and would like to upgrade my system to 5.1. This is where I need help. What do I need? I have a Toshiba pro-logic widescreen TV with 2 small rear speakers, a Sky+ satelite system, and a Panasonic DMR-E20 DVD recorder. I am guessing I need an amplifier/decoder to connect to the optical out socket on the DVD and some better rear speakers.

Any guidance would be appreciated.

RE: panasonic DMR E20 & PANASONIC DMR E30

Hi Guys

I got a E20 from Powerhouse for £499 with interest free credit. It records brilliantly from my Sony MiniDV camcorder via the DV cable, and I haven`t had any trouble with DVD-R disks not working. Ace bit of kit!

RE: Panasonic DMR-E20 Problems recording from DV through ILink

Not sure I can help, but have you tried to record from the camera without using the DV auto record? I record my camcorder footage to DVD-R, not RAM disks which means I can`t use this function (it is only available with DVD-RAM disks). I have to set the input select to DV manually and then start recording. It all seems to work fine this way.

Might be worth a try.....

RE: DVD recorder. Confusion reigns!

Hi BB,

Thanks for your reply. I agree..think I`ll sit tight a couple of months to see what happens. Apparently Panasonic are offering subsidies to retailers so they can sell the E20 cheaper and get a stronger market share (£499 Currys/Dixons, £579 Comet). This is probably to pave the way for the E30. I have heard though that the E30 does not have a DV input socket (the E20 does). How true that is we`ll have to wait and see!!!


Toshiba SD120

Can anyone tell me if my Toshiba SD120 DVD player will play DVD-R diskc. I am thinking of buying a DVD recorder for my PC, but if the Tosh won`t play them, I may have to buy a different player.


DVD recorder. Confusion reigns!

Please Help,

I am very interested in purchasing a DVD recorder mainly for transferring my Mini DV camcorder tapes to DVD-R format. I`m not too bothered about the re-recording side of things (RW/+RW/RAM), as I already have a Sky+ system for that. I have read many reviews, and the Panasonic DMR E20 seems to come out top (and its only £499 now from various major retailers!).

I understand, though that Panasonic are about to release the DMR E30. Should I wait for that model?, what are its advantages over the E20? I don`t think its got a DV socket, which would make it less useful than the E20!

Also, the DVD-R format seems to be the "industry standard" for once-only recordings. Does this only work in certain players (i.e. would it work in my Toshiba SD120 player). I assume this format is there to ensure backwards compatablilty.

Sorry to be long winded, but I don`t want to buy something that will mean my recordings can`t be played in 5 years time!

Thanks for any info.