Info and forum posts by 'psyjeff'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 2nd July 2002, 14:52, Last used: Sunday, 26th March 2006, 22:19

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Respect the JEFF!!!

This user has posted a total of 33 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Whats that song on Las Vegas?

Just got the Las Vegas series 1 dvds and i want to know what that song on the menu is. Anybody know?

RE: So Where In Scotland Are You

Port Glasgow but work in Greenock!
Dont know which is worse?

Dirty Sanchez new dvd

Is the new dirty sanchez dvd got the same stuff as the last one and is it worth buying?

RE: Clerks Uncensored - worth getting?

Patrick Swayze`s voice was brilliant!

Danny Baker!

Who here thinks Danny Baker should have his own show and not just appear on the Terry & Gabby show for five minutes at a time. That bastard Terry Wogan doesn`t let him get a word in edge ways!

RE: Sky minidish!

cheers guys.
My e-mail is 1002yobynaes[at]ku.oc.oohay

Sky minidish!

I`m dying to get Sky but the house has just been modernised and the building work has a ten year guarantee so if we put up a minidish then the bloddy guarantee goes out the window! Does anyone know if sky will put the dish anywhere else ( the roof maybe)?


Is it just me or does Alex look like mark owen from take that? Maybe it is him?

RE: Star Wars:- Clone Wars pics now up

Who else thinks they should make a live action star wars show after all the movie stuff is out of the way. Maybe something about luke skywalker`s jedi academy like from the books, and maybe even guest apperances from mr hamil himself?
I can see it now, 8 o`clock thursday night on Sky one, lots of lighsaber action!
I hope big george reads these forums!!!

RE: PlayStation 3 Announced !!!

That story reffers to Sony`s answer to the Game Boy!
If you red you will see.

RE: Whats your favourite movie quote?

Life of Brian:
John Cleese as the roman centurion "You`re f**king nicked me old beauty!"

From Dusk `till Dawn:
Cheech Marrin " What were they, psychos?
George Clooney "They look like psychos to you? Is that what they looked like? They were vampires! Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them, i don`t give a f**k how crazy they are!

Also Cheech Marrin`s whole "pussy" speech!

The Rock:
Guy on bike "You just f**ked up your Ferrari!"
Nic Cage "It`s not mine!"

Snatch (deleted scene)
Bullet tooth tony and cousin avi go to see Brick-Top and are led in by Big Earl.
Earl "You know you stabbed my cousin Laurie(sp?)?"
Tony "Yeah i stabbed a man called Laurie but i didn`t know he was related to a brainless tub of s***!"
Earl "Shut the door Sean"
Tony "No lock the f**kin` door Sean. You`re a big man earl but i don`t care if your ten foot f**kin` tall, you`ve still got eight pints of blood, bleed like any b*stard. An when i drop ya`, and i will f**kin` drop ya`, i`ll open you up like a packet of crisps.
Some heavy approaches tony from behind. Tony pulls out a sword and points it at him.
Tony "and f**kin` you!"

RE: A bit Info needed from you boys north of the border

I work in the Greenock store and we stock it!

RE: Windows XP installation problem!!!

The disk worked ok on my other computer.

RE: Windows XP installation problem!!!

It`s a copy.
I also meant to point out that i have tried to boot from the cd but a message appears saying " No Emulation Booting".

Windows XP installation problem!!!

I formatted my laptop`s hard drive and am trying to put XP on it. I use the 6 doot disks that u download from Microsh*tes website and then it asks for the xp cd. I then get the option of formatting the drive different ways (fat32, ntfs....). After i have formatted the drive i keep getting the message that a ".SIF" file has been corrupted of something and that setup can`t continue! Anybody got any ideas?

RE: Back to the Future from CDWOW

My local Comet store had B2TF for £19.99 and it was the fold out package.


yeah it`s pan and scan. The quality is nothing great. I noticed alot of pixelating going on and each movie spans two disks!
I just bought it cause im a star wars nut, i dont actually watch them!


Everybody`s making out as if piracy is the worst crime imaginable but sometimes people have no option but to buy copies. After reading reviews of the new jap horror film "The Eye" I checked the cinema listings to see where it was playing and to my horror it`s not in any cinema in Scotland at all! So i had no choice but to get the VCD!

Multi-region Sonys!

I`ve just got a new player (Sony DVPF21) and as you all know Sonys cant be hacked and i dont want to get the thing chipped, so I had given up all hope of playing R1s on it until i heard about an upgrade that the Sony Centre do that doesn`t invalidate your warranty. Does anyone know anything about this or is it bulls**t?

RE: episode 2 which region

Is one second of cut footage really that important. It`s only a bloody headbutt!

RE: episode 2 which region

The headbutt scene won`t be in any region as it was cut from all prints of the movie!

RE: HMV sale.

Cheers mate!

HMV sale.

Does anyone know what`s going on sale tomorrow?

DVDs to swap.

I have T2 (R1) and MI:2 (R1) and would like to swap them for the R2 versions.

Sony Stuff!

I am looking to get some new home cinema kit but dont have a big budget. I was looking at the Sony DAVS400 in currys and it seems quite good. But on the other hand I noticed the Sony DVPF21S and HTBE1 which looked smart. So now i dont know whether to get the S400 or the DVPF21S and a HTBE1. Does anyone have any experience with these machines and if so are they any good?

RE: Rubbing shoulders with minor celebs!

I was in Largs (Scotland) with my gran a few years back when she bumped into Anika Rice and started having a chin wag with her. She then shouted over to me to come and meet her ( i was trying to hide from them but they spotted me!). I don`t know what was more embarassing, being seen with my gran or being seen with anika rice!

RE: Fave fight/action scenes

Aye those are all good but you all seem to forget the greatest fight of all time is Austin Powers vs Mini-me.

RE: Fave song ever..

Sting - Fields of Gold

Teaching Mrs Tingle!

This film was supposed to be released on Monday but i`ve checked Woolworths, WH Smith`s, HMV and Virgin Megastore and no one has a clue if it`s out or not.
Does anyone know for sure and where did they see it?
I`ve seen lots of internet sites selling it but i can`t be arsed waiting on it being delivered.
Any help would be appreciated.

RE: Resident Evil

Is everyone here talking about the same film?
I saw RE about a month ago and thought it was the worst film this year so far!
But before you all start shouting abuse at me and the like can i just say that i`m a big fan of the video games and i don`t think the film did them justice! The zombies looked terrible, nowhere near as decaying as in the games. The licker was s***e! It seemed to me that the film makers had too many ideas and not enough time to implement them.
Anyway, that`s my two cents!
Oh and Scooby-Do was f***** class!!