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Windows XP installation problem!!!

psyjeff (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 18th April 2003, 11:36

I formatted my laptop`s hard drive and am trying to put XP on it. I use the 6 doot disks that u download from Microsh*tes website and then it asks for the xp cd. I then get the option of formatting the drive different ways (fat32, ntfs....). After i have formatted the drive i keep getting the message that a ".SIF" file has been corrupted of something and that setup can`t continue! Anybody got any ideas?

RE: Windows XP installation problem!!!

Jim Morrison (Elite) posted this on Friday, 18th April 2003, 12:11

Is this a genuine Win XP CD or a copy from your mate Dave?

RE: Windows XP installation problem!!!

psyjeff (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 18th April 2003, 13:07

It`s a copy.
I also meant to point out that i have tried to boot from the cd but a message appears saying " No Emulation Booting".

RE: Windows XP installation problem!!!

Jim Morrison (Elite) posted this on Friday, 18th April 2003, 14:10

Well, with copies there is always the chance of files being corrupt. Have you got a fast enough connection to download the program and burn onto a CD from Kazaa?
I have never heard of this problem before and have had a look around the net, this is the only real solution I found and I am not sure it relates directly to your problem:

"The subtle problem is that the TXTSETUP.INF on the boot disk images is different to the one in the SP. I replaced the one on the floppy with the one on the CD and setup managed to copy successfully."


RE: Windows XP installation problem!!!

psyjeff (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 18th April 2003, 18:13

The disk worked ok on my other computer.

RE: Windows XP installation problem!!!

Jim Morrison (Elite) posted this on Friday, 18th April 2003, 18:15

Do you have any other versions of Windows? I.e. did the laptop come with 98? If so you could install that and upgrade from within Windows.

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