Info and forum posts by 'klovesu'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 31st March 2002, 17:14, Last used: Sunday, 31st March 2002, 17:14

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Just got a DVD player and I Love IT ..........

Want More cheap DVDs .........

This user has posted a total of 25 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Looking for good deal on a Gamecube

I got mine cheap £97.49 in my local Argos managers special. And then have a few still left.

RE: How does CC NOW work

Ive ordered a few things off sites that use ccnow and they are secure !! you get the padlock and http...

How does CC NOW work

i hut wanted to know as quite a lot of sites use ccnow. Do ccnow let the site see your credit card number so the site can do the tranaction, or is it all done via ccnow only. cc now just tells them what youve order and credits to there account.

I hope somone can help, thanks !!


Depends when they get around to shipping your order. I ordered a few vcds last month but it took then almost a week to send the movies out but when they did it only took 5 days from despach, which is not bad.


Gone in 60 seconds 9.99 in my local `bb` and Mission Impossable 2 only £7.95.

RE: double cds ??

I think argos sell a pack of double cd cases but not sure on the price !

RE: The Others DVD @ 8.99 UKP

Thanks , might have to order one of them.
Does any one know what the film is like, and what the quality of region 3 dvds are like, i guess theres no extra features.

Buying Region 3 Dvds Online

does anyone know any good retailers apart from coolashop and dddhouse, i want to check more so i can get the cheapest price. Ive used coolashop and they are great. Delivery can take a while though.
please help...


Cheap used dvds and games at

Try this site, its from the computer and video exchange you might have been into when you are out and about and not watching dvds. Some of the prices are quite cheap and you can sell your old dvds as well. Prices start from £1.99 but all of those are out of stock.


I just wanted to know if they are any good, i guessed they are pirates...

This item was edited on Tuesday, 14th May 2002, 22:47


It does take a while for the vcds to be delivered about 2 - 3 weeks, but if you order any tell me if the ones you order are any good, and i might buy. dont get scary movie 2 its cut a lot.


Not got any vcds from , but i have a few vcds from hk and maylasia, all are good quality. I suggest you try as they have FREE Shipping and a bye 3 get 1 Free offer. Dont forget tho some maylasian vcds have bits cut out.

And vcds whether pal or ntsc will play on any dvd capable of vcd playback.

RE: Buying VCDs

Try Http://


Also buy 3 get 1 Free !!!

All Original Vcds

But be warned they come from Malaysia so some bits might be cut out.
Don`t get Scary Move 2 as its only on for about 65mins and not the 83mins it should be. Generally there ok check out they have more info on the vcds and most have running time so you can check with the normal time first.

RE: Cheap Video Cds

Have you used moviemonkey, and if you have what are the quality of the vcds. I see they come from maylisa that means most of the swearing n stuff will be cut out.


hope you can help

RE: free shipping again - now until 5th May

I had that same problem, what you have to do is change the CHOOSE STATE, to International Customer, then update shipping that should work, and it takes off the GST as well.

Rush Hour 2 Only £8.99 at

Says it all really and its only £1 postage for as many items as you like, there are some other good deals as well. Some wwf dvds for the same price if you like that sort of thing.

Has anyone ordered from

I would like to know what are they like. And if the dvds are good quality, and if the vcds are any good. Any other general information would be a great help. thank you.

RE: Are there any UK retailers/online that sell legitimate VCD`s?

Year, try they have lots of vcds and very cheap....havent ordered any from them yet so dont know what there like though..but worth a try maybe....

How much tax do you pay on DVDs

I want to order some dvds from an american site but if the total comes to more than £18 i will have to pay tax. Does anyone know how much in a % you need to pay, hope someone can help.. thanks.

RE: Video Cds

Just found a Cheap site for V cds Its

they have all sorts of good stuff and the postage is cheaper than usual only $5.05 for 2 movies.

Cheap Video Cds

Does anyone know where i can get cheap Video cds, most sites are from the US and charge a lot for postage, please Help !! Thanks

Video Cds

Does anyone know where i can buy video cds. As i cant find then anywhere. I would like a uk site or even mail order, thanks