Bargain Buckets Forum
Just been to local blockbuster video store and they have a new sale on.
lot`s of new films at £9.98 and cheaper, including Gone in 60 seconds, the Rock, Coyotee Ugly, Dracula 2001, etc.
thanx for the tip just goin 2 mine now BUT...
they currently have gone in 60 seconds etc for 2 for £25 sop i odubt they are as cheap as u say here :(
Gone in 60 seconds 9.99 in my local `bb` and Mission Impossable 2 only £7.95.
CraigUK, they were just setting up the sale display in my store today. your store may be a bit slower, suggest you try again over the weekend!
well i got some money 2day for a few odd jobs and bought moulin rouge mike basset and evolution for summit to do £30 like but my bb was putting up a new 2 for £25 display 2day :(
Went down but was a lot more tempted by the 3 for 2 on ex rentals, large selection in the Grimsby store, I got American Pie 2, Mike Bassett and Scary Movie 2, I know Scary Movie 2 is a rental version but I only wanted it for the film as the extras on this film will probably be rc[at]p anyway, anyway, all 3 cost me about £28
My hubby went to our local store in Huyton on Saturday night and got The Parole Officer,A Knights Tale and The Fast and Furious for £29.98 on the 3 for 2 offer.
They also had Mission Impossible for £7.98 which I shall get this week.
I was tempted by the Parole Officer, but as it was a rental version I didnt want to get two on the 3 for 2 offer, I will probably get it on my next visit along with planet of the apes 2 disc set and moulin rouge 2 disc set
hehe huyton were am from :-)
my bb ex-rentals are normally in poor bioxes and without a few inside sheets so i went into mine and found moulin rouge with the proper red cover all the leaflets etc still in it and the disc didnt have a scratch haha success!
There are some good non ex-rental titles in the BB sale, including most Bruce Lee Hong Kong Legends discs for example.