Info and forum posts by 'stevet'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 26th July 2000, 11:01, Last used: Wednesday, 26th July 2000, 11:01

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 10 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Everyone having problems with Toy Story disc 3?

Does your disk play at all or just lock? On my wharfdale the third disk plays but then stops as it is about to go to the menu.

If i use the goto function it plays that chapter but freezes when it has to change to the next chapter.

Any ideas from anyone would be gratefully received. I am fed up with wharfdale with this and the gladiator fiasco so i am saving up for a machine that can handle disks!!!

RE: Gladiator R2 Disc 2 problems

Yep mines exactly the same! My Wharfdale has played every `problem` disk fine including jaws and the matrix but it doesnt want to know the second gladiator disk.

I am extremely upset and fed up. Wharfdlae you must die!!!

what scart lead?

I want to buy a decent scart cable as I still have the one that came with my player. Does anyone know the best one to get. I want to shell out on a good one now so money is no object!


RE: Gladiator R1 or R2?

thanks for the info. I`ll probably buy r2 as ive got some vouchers to use up. thanks a lot


Gladiator R1 or R2?

Could anyone help me decide between geting Region 1 gladiator or the region 2 version please.

I haven`t seen what extras the region 2 version has compared to the region 1.

If anyway has any information I would be very grateful



I recommend Their prices are very resonable, postage is free and the disks arrive quickly. I recently bought Stuart Little and The Beach for £34 and they arrived in 4 days.

Happy shopping


RE: Sounds like overheating ...

Thanks for replying, I took it back to a different tescos (in case it was a bad batch) and changed it for another player.

All my disks now work fine.

Thanks a lot


RE: Wanted: Booklets for R1 Natural Born Killers & Being John Malkovich

Thanks for letting me know although I feel a bit stupid now!



Wanted: Booklets for R1 Natural Born Killers & Being John Malkovich

I recently came back from America and Bought a number of region 1 disks. Two of the disks I bought, Natural Born Killers the directors cut and Being John Malkovich, didn`t have the booklets inside ( chapter lists etc). I f anyone has these and is willing to sell them please get in touch.



Flickering picture on region 1 disks on my Wharfedale

I recently inputed the multi region hack into my Wharfedale 750 and region 1 disks play fine for up to about an hour and then the picture begins to flicker (particularly in action sequences). It only fickers once in a while when it starts and then it goes out of control. If I leave the player for a couple of hours it plays fine again but only up to about 1 hour. Region 2 disks play fine however.

Any ideas? Could it be my television and problems with pal 50/60?

Any help would be much appreciated!