Page 1 of Toshiba sd110 vs sd220

Hardware Forum

Toshiba sd110 vs sd220

top_cat_38 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 8th November 2002, 09:50

I have noticed that the sd220 are now quite cheap (old model I presume).

What is the difference between the sd110 and sd220?

I`m only interested in playing dvd`s so not bothered about other media.

So would it be a wise decision to `upgrade`?


RE: Toshiba sd110 vs sd220

GSM (Competent) posted this on Friday, 8th November 2002, 13:31

I guess you currently have a sd110 ?

If so personally i dont think its worth upgrading to an sd220. The 220 is better musically ( but you said you dont mind that ) and alot better asthetically but very few other changes.

Your also correct in it being an old model ( well almost ) the SD125 is due anyday - some shops are already selling it and no doubt a 225 will follow shortly.

If you looking for an upgrade and want to stick with toshiba then take a look at the newish SD520 - Progressive Scan + bells a whistles for £200 ish would make a much better upgrade.

Hope that helps



This item was edited on Friday, 8th November 2002, 13:42

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