Info and forum posts by 'martin ward'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 15th August 2001, 14:59, Last used: Wednesday, 15th August 2001, 14:59

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Live in London,
Just starting to get into DvD`s etc

This user has posted a total of 44 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.04 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Whats happened to th dvd forums.

go to the main page and there should be a link to the new page!

RE: I`ve decided - X-box it is!!!

Please tell us all that the last post was a joke Sparkster!!!!!!!

RE: One liners that ruin the film

There is a line in Sixth Sense that makes me cringe! It goes something like
"Keep Walking Cheese D*ck"

or similar. I sat there thinking how can they give him a line like that in this film, they were fine in the Die Hard Series but this one I hate!




I thought Mystery Men was actually quite good!

RE: Hands up if you like musicals..

Everyone has an a*se top cat! What is your point :)

Sorry could not resist!
Musicals are amazing, Les Miserables at the Palace in London was amazing, Starlight Express, Fame, Grease, Saturday Night Fever all were stunning, an excellent night out. Little Shop of Horrors also one of my faves!
A little culture is a must every now and again, dong get me wrong I love a night in with a great DVD and a few beers but a big night out to the theatre is an amazing experience and I highly recommend it



RE: Who should sing the title song for Bond 20 and what should film be called?

It is definitely going to be called Bond 19 Part 2 - The world was nowhere near enough OR Bond 18 Part 3 - Tommorow popped its clogs

As for the Song - Im stumped - Kylie would be good, although it would revive her career again and soon she will be too old to go down the soft porn (i was famous once, i promise) track

RE: Sky Digiboxes

Whoops! Sorry Boys and Girls, my wrist has been slapped and I am standing in the naughty corner not facing the class!! In my Defence Mr Clayts Sir, I was not selling gold cards, I was just going to point the guy in the direction of a web site which was discussed on this site a few weeks ago. That thread was not closed may I add!! Not a free site just cheap sky!


RE: My Girlfriend is a Cheating Slut!

Harsh Mate,
Buy DVD`s it worked for me. I was happier in no time!
Or burn things......oh is that just me!!! ;-)

RE: How do I register on

I just did it! I ordered some DVD`s and then it asks you to register if you are not already a member! You go from there!!



RE: Night of The Living Dead for £1.50

Just ordered it too.....great heads up! Cheers. I ordered mallrats also so that I get in in an amaray case and it all only came to a wonderful £11!


RE: Fav. Simpsons, Futurama or Family Guy quote!

9. "I saw this in a movie about a bus that had to speed around a city,
keeping its speed over fifty, and if it`s speed dropped, it would explode! I
think it was called "The bus that couldn`t slow down."

Definitely wins it for me! Such a classic! There are so many amazing episodes, I remember that I seemes to laugh lits at the x-files type one but cant remember any specific lines. Also the chilli cook off contest where marge is smoking at the beginning (is that the same episode as the x files one - I cant remember!) Roll on all the simpsons box sets! Yippee!

RE: Germany 1 England 5 DVD

Just up the road in good old Scholar Green! Small World Hey!

RE: Germany 1 England 5 DVD

The Glass is always Half Full!!!!! Where you from Shoes?

RE: Germany 1 England 5 DVD

I fear for the poor Britannia stadium! It got trashed! Saw it all and yes shoes, i agree we were utterly S*** oh well, we are still going up!


RE: Films eh? Just like real life...

You know that bit in Shaving Private Ryan where.............I will get my coat!


RE: Cheap DVDs at

.....and Robbie Savage is running into the box. Oh my god he has been tripped.........but there is nobody near him! Another Great Dive Rob!

RE: Forrest Gump is available right now for £8.99 (2 disc). Buy it quick!!!

Dropped onto my doormat yesterday (friday) that was the fastest service I have had yet! and a cheap DVD to boot! Cheers for the heads up and well done MVC!


RE: Forrest Gump is available right now for £8.99 (2 disc). Buy it quick!!!

yeh - one copy winging its way to me right now!!!


RE: Advert Music!


Mucho Thanks


RE: Looking for a decent digital camera for a under £200

Damn you r8sso, I was gonna do the Kodak Joke and you went and beat me to it!

Advert Music!

Does anyone know what the music is for the one2one advert? (the new one!) also, there was a cool guitar bit in todays AS IF which I would be most happy if someone could tell me what it was called!!



Who just got a Scan SC-2500??

Just one of them things, i saw a small woman carrying one on the tube on Friday evening, just wondered if it was a really small world and its owner read this forum!
Man I really should get out more!!! Just wanna know what the things like, is it worth getting one or not!


RE: Need the name & artist of a song in Jerry Maguire that`s not on the soundtrack CD

Arrrhhh - this takes me back! I did the same thing with REM - losing my religion! It was on beverly hills 90210 in the car scene where Shannon Doherty was getting frisky with that bloke! Took me ages to find out who it was! Shame there was not a Beverly Hills 90210 Forum!


RE: So you`re on this desert island.....

RON HOWARD!!!!! - OK OK so some of his films are cr*p but, theoretically every episode of Happy Days is in his back catalogue, sort of!!! So I could also watch them!!!
In my head this was a brilliant idea, and now reading it back, it looks utterly terrible, however im going to post it anyway!!!


RE: Deliveries from Play

I had similar problems with my Shrek R1 from play! It arrived with the invoice missing and a big gash down the side of the jiffy bag where it had been opened, I concluded it was either
A) Customs checking up on what play were sending out or
B) Evil Postal employee wanted a cheap present but obviously deciding Shrek was not for him/her!

Still the Disc plays ok and this is the only problem I have had with postal deliveries! Dont know about the holes thing, something could have fallen onto it in the depot etc, I would contact Play and let them know! At least if you log it (make sure you take name of person etc!) then you have some comeback if it is full of holes!


RE: What DVD`s did you get for Christmas ???

Moulin Rouge - What can I say!!!!! Well Excellent actually!
Grosse Pointe Blank - A classic
Field of Dreams! - It was a cheap stocking filler and well worth it in my
opinion! - "If you build it, he will come!!"

Also with the old xmas money, just ordered the rock, criterion edition!

I love xmas


RE: News for Back To The Future Fans

Well the Videos have kept me going for the past few years but I think I will have to upgrade to the DVD`s! Can`t wait, any news of special features etc, I know that there was a video box set with the 3 films and a making of, i hope that they can find some goodies for us!!!!
Jumping Gigawatts!


RE: A Question for

Back to the top so that Nelley may read it ;-)

RE: Cheapest Place to buy SPY KIDS region 2 dvd?

For your neice`s! We believe you!!!!! Try if you have not already, always good for me!!