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Retailer Reviews Forum

Play - waste of space!

MGS (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 7th December 2003, 23:28

That`s it! After over 300 DVD`s, Games & CD`s from Play - I have finally had enough. There is something very wrong at their end, and they don`t seem to be listening to the customers. I have just ordered 3 R1 boxsets and each one has been stopped by customs. The first 2 cost me £8.50 & £9 each, but the latest - Indiana Jones - a whopping £10.12. I don`t blame the customs people (the bastards), but Play have been in the game long enough to know not to attract attention. Putting the price on the package is asking for trouble. Sorry Play, never again, and any potential customers out there be warned!

RE: Play - waste of space!

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 8th December 2003, 00:09

Play are required by law to declare the value of an item on the Customs declaration. If they don`t, they get Sgt Bergerac breathing down their necks. If you want to avoid paying Customs, then buy from a personal importer within the UK like Loaded247.

J Mark Oates

A Very Merry Christmas To You And Yours
And A Happy New Year

RE: Play - waste of space!

cynic (Elite) posted this on Monday, 8th December 2003, 00:54

I suspect at some point customs will pick up on dvdsoon and their underquoting when they spot check a boxed set after which delivery on all dvdsoon product will either slow drastically or they`ll be required to put the correct value on. In the long term misquoting amounts is risky.

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