Page 1 of Problem with SplashDVD £2-off offer.

Retailer Reviews Forum

Problem with SplashDVD £2-off offer.

mr_dob (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 18th July 2003, 12:41

Quite apart from the fact that all DVDs appear to have gone up by a pound since the beginning of the week, it would appear that some orders have been charged at the full price.

One of the three DVDs that I ordered has been put through at £10.99 rather than £8.99 despite Splash sending me a correct order confirmation including "voucher redemption".

I have sent a message to charging@ but I`m guessing they will (as usual) be inundated with complaints. Pah!

Check your orders people.

RE: Problem with SplashDVD £2-off offer.

VTEC (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 18th July 2003, 12:54

I had a horrible feeling that they would do this!! Good job that i didn`t go too crazy on this offer ...... i only ordered 7 dvd`s....gulp! :/

"Give ya a £1 for it!?"

RE: Problem with SplashDVD £2-off offer.

Allan Ogg (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 18th July 2003, 13:17

Same here - good thing is , I only ordered one but I was so close to getting more befroe it finishes.

RE: Problem with SplashDVD £2-off offer.

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Friday, 18th July 2003, 14:17

The same problem here. I ordered nine DVD`s (all the prices went up £1 and £2 soon after I ordered them, on the first day of this offer). All nine were discounted in the e-mail confirmations, but some were charged the full price on my credit card.
Not a very reputable company, huh?
E-mails go unanswered.

RE: Problem with SplashDVD £2-off offer.

pieman790 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 18th July 2003, 14:19

Try ringing them you may have to wait a while but they do try and help you.

RE: Problem with SplashDVD £2-off offer.

fatbob10 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 18th July 2003, 14:21

Same problem. Ordered 12 DVD`s - two have not had the discount added but practically impossible to work out which ones.

Think I`ll put it down as a lesson learnt - yet again - care of Splash DVD.

RE: Problem with SplashDVD £2-off offer.

Axe-man (Competent) posted this on Friday, 18th July 2003, 14:40

The initial e-mail response I received had the correctly discounted price, but I have just received a confirmation of dispatch quoting the full price. I suppose the proof of the pudding will come on my credit card statement, but if I`ve been charged full price, I shall be sorely p***ed!
The only consolation is that I ordered before the £1.00 price hike, and they are cheap to start with.

RE: Problem with SplashDVD £2-off offer.

Kamion (Competent) posted this on Friday, 18th July 2003, 14:59

Ordered "Taken" before the price hike and just checked my online CC statement. They`ve correctly charged me £31.22. Shipped Wednesday but have not received it yet.
Also ordered "Life of Mammals" but not charged to CC yet it seems.

RE: Problem with SplashDVD £2-off offer.

mr_dob (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 18th July 2003, 15:16

I`m not sure if the shipping notifications are genuine. I received an email on Tuesday but nothing has shown up. Moreover, on another message board, somebody mentioned that Splash had some "technical errors" and had sent out erroneous shipping notices.

This item was edited on Friday, 18th July 2003, 16:16

RE: Problem with SplashDVD £2-off offer.

mr_dob (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 18th July 2003, 15:27

Just had an amusing phone conversation with Splash. Got through in no time at all.

It was obvious that the guy had been answering similar complaints all day. Basically he accused me of entering my voucher number incorrectly (I copied and pasted it). I refuted this, since they sent me a confirmation with the discounted price in it.

He was very brusque, but agreed to refund £2 to my card. We`ll see....

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