Info and forum posts by 'Allan Ogg'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 4th October 2001, 14:56, Last used: Wednesday, 23rd February 2005, 17:43

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: 40 something systems supprt manager from Glasgow, UK

This user has posted a total of 35 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Charmed Season 1 Region 1 under £17

Nice price, but this is listed as P&S (4:3). Is that the only format these were in or didn`t they go widescreen until later?

RE: free Donnie Darko DVD with Splash orders over £25

Think of Splash as the Ferengi of DVD suppliers and then think of some of the Rules of Acquistion that would be appropriate...

Rule 001 Once you have their money, you never give it back.
Rule 002 The best deal is the one that brings the most profit.
Rule 003 Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to.
Rule 009 Opportunity plus instinct equals profit.
Rule 010 Greed is eternal.
Rule 019 Satisfaction is not guaranteed.
Rule 026 As the customers go, so goes the wise profiteer.
Rule 037 If it`s free, take it and worry about hidden costs later.
Rule 069 Ferengi are not responsible for the stupidity of other races.
Rule 097 Enough... is never enough.
Rule 098 Every man has his price.
Rule 116 There`s always a catch.
Rule 188 A fool and his money is the best customer.
Rule 189 Let others keep their reputation. You keep their money.
Rule 231 There`s a sucker born every minute; be sure you`re the first to find each one.
Rule 265 The customer is always right, (...until you get their cash).

RE: Just got mine heres my two penneth worth

Whoops, apologies. I hadn`t gone deeply into the spec and just assumed from this link, which states...

Humax PVR-8000T

Features: Freeview receiver that lets you record one digital channel while watching another .

...that that meant it had two tuners. Can`t see that from the spec or user manual though. Pity as it looks like a good piece of kit otherwise. Oh well - built in obsolesence as ever. I expect it`s back to looking at the Pac box until someone comes out with a competative option.

RE: Just got mine heres my two penneth worth

Why dont you have a look at the Humax PVR-8000T?

It has a 40GB drive and costs less than the Pace box.

RE: Donnie Darko - £5.99 Version?

I`ve got one of these on pre-order and, given that the site clearly lists the extras, they`ll be getting it back if it`s a cut down version.

RE: pace twin/tuner hardrive recorder

Just noticed that there are a few other alternatives to the Pace box...

Humax PVR-8000T

This has a 40GB HD and is cheaper than the Pace.

Fusion FVRT100

This has a 40GB drive but it is a bit more expensive.

RE: pace twin/tuner hardrive recorder

Agreed, 20GB is way too small a hard drive.

Have a look at both this and the Sky+ box and guess who makes that and then wonder why the Sky+ box can do double the hours of recording. It`s either got a bigger drive or poorer compression. I`d go for the bigger drive so it might be worth waiting on Pace upgrading the hard drive in their consumer box.

You can view the spec of the Pace box here...

...and it looks as if MPEG2 is indeed the format used.

RE: Broadband for £11.75

There`s no such thing as a light broadband user. Once you get bitten by the speed, that 200Mb threshold is gonna run out real quickly and it`ll end up costing you loads.

RE: Choices Direct.Any good?

They`re fine - good prices , fast delivery!

RE: Problem with SplashDVD £2-off offer.

Well, they refunded my £2 so at least they`re honest, if not very efficient.

RE: DVD Pacific

They`re not bad - prices are pretty good but you can wait a while for a disc if it`s not in stock.

RE: Problem with SplashDVD £2-off offer.

Same here - good thing is , I only ordered one but I was so close to getting more befroe it finishes.

RE: Anyone else got a grudge against Simplygames?

I`ve bought as few things from them over the last few years and thye`ve always been okay. I did have a problem with a faulty DVD Region X but they took it back and let me upgrade to an Action Replay V2

RE: Thinking of buying from Splashdvd?.......BE WARNED!!

I`ve bought a few DVD titles from them to date and yes, they were slow in delivering them; no, they don`t answer emails querying delivery. However...

The prices I paid were pretty good so I considered it a reasonable risk to wait a while for them. So - suggestions...

Don`t order too many titles at one time. That`s just too big a risk if they go belly up.

Don`t e-mail them, call them on the telephone.

Don`t cancel but if you do and they take too long to refund, talk to your card company.

RE: CD WOW! Games - anyone better??

Check out, it`s a price comparison site dedicated to PC and console games.

It includes prices from CD-Wow and Play as well as loads of other sites.

RE: Moral Issue ??

I should say that the two copies I got were posted within a few days of each other so the original posting definately never turned up.

As the majority of you out there seem to concur, Play are pretty fair and it would only reasonable of me to return it, or at least attempt to. I`ll call them again.

RE: Blackstar - what are they like?

They`re very reliable and used to be good on price but alas, no more! Titles are pricey compared to just about everyone else and they charge carriage.

RE: Moral Issue ??

Same happened to me. I`ve got two copies of Zu Warriors from Magic Mountain. It was mailed way back in January and two weeks later hadn`t arrived so...

I emailed them - no reply, other than the automatic one that says they aim to reply within 24 hours.

I emailed them again - no reply.

I eventually phoned them and they said they`d replace it but no sooner was the replacement in than a second one follwed a few days later.

I emailed them about the duplication and got this - "Thank for you recent correspondence. We are sorry to hear you are experiencing problems with your disc.

If you could please contact our customer service department on `0845 8001020 so we may authorise the return of this item.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused."

They`re obviously not email support oriented and I don`t see why I should call them, at my expense, to organise the return of something that was their mistake.

Any thoughts?

This item was edited on Friday, 28th February 2003, 14:41

RE: dvdboxoffice question

Pending orders are listed under Account History, just above Shipped Orders.

If you can`t see it then you may not have any.

RE: - They`ve gone way downhill

I think they had a problem over the Christmas break where a load of deliveries went missing. One of mine went missing but once I waited the obligatory 14 days, they sent out another without any hassle and it arrived in about five days.

PS Dont` bother emailing them though! You get an automated reply saying they`ll be in touch in 24 hours but I tried it twice and never got a reply. Use the phone - it was quick and the guy on the other end wqas very helpful.

RE: 3 MGM Titles (among 130) for £20 at Play

All of Play`s current DVD R2 bargains can be found at

The MGM deal (and lots of others) are in there.

RE: £1 voucher off CD`s and DVD`s at CD-WOW

Don`t even think about using Altavista! Unless things have changed recently it`s way out of date and extremely unlikely to give you the result you`re looking for.

I found it in under 10 seconds.

PS This version is used by the Chinese...

RE: What would you get? PS2, X box or Gamecube?

Got a PS2 for the kids as they had loads of PS1 games (now traded) and it got them a DVD player for their room so they don`t hog the main TV.

Got me a PS2 for the main room so i can play games. DVD playback isn`t brilliant but the kids don`t complain and they have a Region X so they can play anything.

The games on PS2 are much better than XBox offerings. Don`t know much about the Gamecube but the games look mostly like revamps of older N64 and Super Nintendo stuff - mostly platformers.

RE: New price comparison site: for the cheapest games

That`s handy!

Anyone know what`s happened to , it used to do much the same thing but it`s just got a <back soon> message on the front page.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 19th November 2002, 18:02

RE: PreOrder on

They mail them as soon as they get them, which means they usually arrive on the day of release or even before sometimes.

RE: FREE DVD (no strings!!)

It did say up to 28 days so be patient, it`s free!

DVD Box Office Site Redesigned!

I can no longer sign in on my Mac using either IE or Netscape - bummer!

They`ve split the site into three sections - Audio, Movies and Games and that`s probably for the better as their home page was getting a bit cluttered and I`m not really into buying import console games.

I think they must still be working on the code as their Contact Us link breaks (so I can`t tell them how annoyed I am) and the site seems a lot slower than it was.

RE: DVD Box Office - How long do they usually take?

It varies but the average is probably about 12 days. I`ve had lots and they all seem to get here in around 10-14 days. Adult titles are shipped from Europe so take a lot less time.
However, it sometimes takes them ages to process and ship so the above times are all from date of shipping.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 25th September 2002, 13:35