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Retailer Reviews Forum Awaiting Stock...

0A1B2C (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 7th January 2003, 10:00

This may sound like a daft question, but does anyone know how long it usually takes for to get new stock in?


RE: Awaiting Stock...

Cuba Boy (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 7th January 2003, 11:30

It varies hugely - eg, one item I ordered back in September has been "Awaiting stock" since then. They`re usually pretty good, though.

RE: Awaiting Stock...

0A1B2C (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 7th January 2003, 17:06

Well it`s a pretty new item so I shouldn`t think it will take ages.


RE: Awaiting Stock...

Mark Turner (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 7th January 2003, 17:10

I`ve used Play a lot over the past 12 months and, by and large, have been very happy with their excellent prices and their service.

However, what I have noticed of late (and I apologise for deflecting this away from the original poster`s query.....) is that orders very quickly go from being "processed" to being "packed", but can then sit there in packing for quite long periods. I had one sit there for two weeks before it was finally despatched.

Is it me being cynical, or is this a ploy to stop people cancelling when items are out of stock or aren`t shipped as promptly as the buyer would like....? (You lose the ability to cancel the order once it reaches the packing stage).

This item was edited on Tuesday, 7th January 2003, 17:12

RE: Awaiting Stock...

PeteMc (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 9th January 2003, 18:20

I`ve had the strange situation over the past two days of an order for Stargate being posted on 29/12 (the day I ordered it) then being changed to being posted on 6/1 !

It arrived today anyhow but surely this isn`t another `packing` ploy.

Also I bought it at £5.99 and it`s now £7.99 in the sale.

Confused !!!


RE: Awaiting Stock...

Cuba Boy (Competent) posted this on Friday, 10th January 2003, 11:48

Yeah, I`ve had some recent weird experiences, including being sent a duplicate dvd from an earlier order (which they hadn`t charged me for, either); and an odd new message "Autopacking" suddenly appearing in order history while the same dvd also remained listed in outstanding orders; and the wrong dvd enclosed in the packing (that`s just a simple mistake, I guess). But they`re very cheap, >95% of orders work very well, and they`re very good at correcting mistakes/replacing missing items with just a phone call (unlike Futureent, where I`ve just had to post off Royal Mail claim forms, and now apparently have to wait for RM`s 19th-century bureaucracy to decide if I get a refund/replacement. Which is especially irritating given that the chances are they went "missing" due to naughty things happening at RM... I feel much better now I`ve got that off my chest).

RE: Awaiting Stock...

Jezzer128 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 10th January 2003, 20:09 suck....I have ordered several discs from them over the past couple of years and all have been delivered at a snails pace...try cd-wow much quicker AND CHEAPER

RE: Awaiting Stock...

0A1B2C (Elite) posted this on Friday, 10th January 2003, 21:05

I haven`t experienced any problems with Play at all. The DVD which was `out of stock` is now in-stock and was posted yesterday. So far, so good!


This item was edited on Friday, 10th January 2003, 21:06

RE: Awaiting Stock...

cynic (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 21st January 2003, 14:49

With ref to the duplicate DVD being sent and change in posted dates I had a duplicate Danger mouse DVD sent 3 days after the first (returned it and they refunded me the money that they hadn`t actually charge me for the duplicate but when told said I could keep the money as a reward for my honesty so i assume they couldn`t put a non standard charge through their billing system). Then with the change in postage dates my order for the fellowship of the ring at £9.99 went to order history on the 10th as posted and I haven`t received it yet so was getting worried after 10 days of no receipt but having checked again it now says posted 17th.
One assumes their computer system assumes that an item is posted within 24 hours of coming into stock and can`t handle situations where there are a huge number of orders for a particular item which then takes a number of days to dispatch.

RE: Awaiting Stock...

David Robinson (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd January 2003, 11:27

My last few orders have been fine from them aside from one having the wrong disc in the case but thats a fault with the manufacturer and has now been returned for a replacement, that said I`ve had 2 DVD`s that have been packing for three days now, (slow process inserting a DVD into a Jiffy bag, printing a invoice and sticking address label on the jiffy bag) note I`m being sarcastic ;) my last two discs turned up within 2 days of ordering... guess it depends on their order load at the time...

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