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PCs & Mobiles Forum

Useful info: emergency call

Justine3746 (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 28th July 2005, 18:46

>If you travel to work on the tube please note the following information:
>If your mobile phone has no signal (if you are in a tunnel) and you dial
>112 it will divert automatically to a satellite signal and puts your
>call through to the 999 Call Centre.
>All network providers have signed up and as it is a satellite service,
>it also gives them a trace to you if you do not know where you are.

RE: Useful info: emergency call

spartacus (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 28th July 2005, 19:10

Not true - been going the rounds for a couple of days - see this

RE: Useful info: emergency call

cynic (Elite) posted this on Friday, 29th July 2005, 10:41

given that mobile phones have been used to trigger bombs remotely it would make sense if they never allowed installation of units to enable use of mobile phones in the underground.

RE: Useful info: emergency call

Jemson (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 29th July 2005, 11:26


You`ve been sucked into the unfortunately growing group of people who fail to think before forwarding emails on. I can only assume that your craving for attention on this forum has clouded your judgement. Common sense should reveal to you that:

a) Tiny little Nokias are not satellite phones. Satellite phones have big aerials and are designed for use when you`re carrying out an expedition of the North Pole or climbing Mount Everest. They`re expensive too, and a freebie Nokia on contract will not do what a satellite phone can do.

b) Satellite phones need to be out in the open. Why do you think Sky Digital dishes are placed high up on walls despite being big and ugly, rather than hidden away in the garden or even the basement?

c) The email suggests that 112 is in some way a "special number", and dialling 999 doesn`t connect you to this wonderful satellite service. Now, do you really think Nokia and their counterparties would really be so awkward so as not to make 999 connect to the satellite service? Assuming that you`re aware that 112 is an emergency number (and fair enough, some people aren`t aware of 112), it stands to (utterly obvious) reason that 112 and 999 are totally equivalent on mobile phones.


Think about what you`ve just said, especially in light of the fact that this email is a terribly crude hoax which only people who don`t stop to think before rushing for the "Forward" button in their email clients would believe.

Firstly, while the bombs in London were set off using a phone, they were set off using the timer function. As you`re probably aware, mobile phones generally don`t work on the tube, so the use of mobile phones on the tube is effectively banned by default.

Secondly, even IF mobiles worked on the tube, then stopping mobile phones from working will not stop a bomber, and will simply cause aggravation for people who would use their mobile phones on the tube - doesn`t this violate the whole "Let`s not let the terrorists change the way we live" motion. Detonating a bomb via a mobile phone is just ONE way to detonate a bomb. You could use a £2 kitchen timer or a watch. Shall we ban those from the tube as well? Heck, why not just ban bombs in the first place?

Thirdly, if the bomb was not underground but was in a bin on Oxford Street, then a mobile phone could still be remotely used to detonate it. So shall we ban mobile phones altogether? Of course not.

I would hazard a guess that mobile phones save more lives a year (through being able to contact the emergency services quickly for example) than they kill through being used to detonate bombs.

I`m waiting for the "ban mobile phones on the tube" email campaign to kick into gear.

This item was edited on Friday, 29th July 2005, 12:42

RE: Useful info: emergency call

C(.)(.)PS89 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 29th July 2005, 19:23

I can only assume that your craving for attention on this forum has clouded your judgement

"Give the girl a break a buddy" , she`s probabaly not the only person who fell for this, before you ask ... I didn`t 8)


"Always watching "

RE: Useful info: emergency call

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 29th July 2005, 22:45

I can only assume that your craving for attention on this forum has clouded your judgement.

Whit a fud :(

Choagy FFCUK The SPL :)

RE: Useful info: emergency call

Justine3746 (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 30th July 2005, 11:09

Jemson is right Coops it was a silly thing to post (almost as silly as pointing out that DECT phones will get damaged when dropped in water in another forum).

This item was edited on Saturday, 30th July 2005, 12:13

RE: Useful info: emergency call

C(.)(.)PS89 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 31st July 2005, 11:01

Jemson is right Coops it was a silly thing to post (almost as silly as pointing out that DECT phones will get damaged when dropped in water in another forum).

Oh that`s nice of you to point out , I`ll try to remember that when my new ones turn up !
By the way I was sticking up for you and thought that jemson had treated you a bit harsh ... sorry for that as well but from your last comments you must be a big ruff tuff pint swilling girl who doesn`t want/need anyone to fight your corner .

Justine/Jemson ya kinda new round here aren`t you or are you ? , could you please both bear in mind that its a friendly forum and picking fights for the sake of it is just boring !


"Always watching "

RE: Useful info: emergency call

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 31st July 2005, 20:28

Whit a cretin you are Justine :/

Firstly you post a topic that another member ridicules and when a member try to stand up for you , you post another post that condemns the original post YOU made.

FFS remind me and others the next time we try to support you.

Choagy FFCUK The SPL :/

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