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Check this out when on how does it work?

dvdhouse (Competent) posted this on Monday, 15th September 2003, 17:16

While on a pop-up came up stating my computer was being tracked? Yeah yeah Ive heard and seen it before, ads for internet washers etc. It had all my details isp, os, and even a still shot of folders on my "c" drive. Obviously a pop-up but how does the screen shot happen? when leaving the site and re entering it popped up again. Try it you will see what I mean. Any ideas guys?

RE: Check this out when on how does it work?

sj (Elite) posted this on Monday, 15th September 2003, 17:28

Don`t know about the screenshot - mine didn`t do it but your IP/ISP/Browser are all known to a site when you visit.


RE: Check this out when on how does it work?

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Monday, 15th September 2003, 18:32

The `Evidence Eliminator` folks are notorious for using these fake `you are under investigation` scare tactics. Obviously they can`t sell their crappy, snake-oil software any other way. >:(

Here`s something to try: open up a new Internet Explorer window and type file:///C:/ into the address bar. That`s actually all that web page is doing (except it`s showing it in a frame, rather than a separate window).


This item was edited on Monday, 15th September 2003, 19:32

RE: Check this out when on how does it work?

sj (Elite) posted this on Monday, 15th September 2003, 19:01

A firewall stops the folder listing though yeah?


RE: Check this out when on how does it work?

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 17th September 2003, 01:07

Yes, although it doesn`t stop the page popping up. I hate these kind of things: scare tactics to sell s***e software.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 17th September 2003, 02:07

RE: Check this out when on how does it work?

Eggster (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 17th September 2003, 17:23

its not a screen shot as you can scroll up and down and open folders

RE: Check this out when on how does it work?

jaykey (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 17th September 2003, 18:03

Just tried it out - very scary. Almost certainly the usual sales pitch as previously stated but could seriously worry the uninitiated. For any out there who`ve not tried it/didn`t get it, it gives your IP address, your ISP, your OS & what version of IE you are using. I`m behind a firewall & have never visited said site before and am NOT happy to see how much info they seem to be able to trawl from me, though I`m assuming my system is safe I`d certainly like some reassurance - anyone?...

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