Page 1 of help i am looking for info on how to view multi region films on my pc

PCs & Mobiles Forum

help i am looking for info on how to view multi region films on my pc

djc (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 27th August 2003, 22:18

:) hello i dont know if anyone can help me i wish to find out how to play multi region dvds on my pc as i have multi region dvds for my dvd player a REC 900 and i wish for any help if anyone knows

This item was edited on Wednesday, 27th August 2003, 23:16

RE: help i am looking for info on how to view multi region films on my pc

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 27th August 2003, 22:33

A few visitors may recommend DVD genie. This is in fact useless if your DVD drive is region locked (like mine is >:( )

There is a small program you can download that tell you the specs of your drive, but for the life of me I can`t remember what it is, anyone?

RE: help i am looking for info on how to view multi region films on my pc

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 27th August 2003, 23:03

There is a tool you can use to find out your drive`s spec, the rather oddly named DVD Region Info. If you find that your drive has region protection, you can get a small program called DVD Region Free, which lets you play any region DVD`s on any drive. However, it costs £35-ish reference to "cracked software" removed by moderator

This item was edited on Thursday, 28th August 2003, 00:15

RE: help i am looking for info on how to view multi region films on my pc

djc (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 27th August 2003, 23:12

thanks for the info i will look into that :)

RE: help i am looking for info on how to view multi region films on my pc

JulesBloke (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 28th August 2003, 07:59

Have a look here:

And see if there`s any region free firmware for your drive. Once you`ve flashed it using region free firmware you can play anything on it just like a chipped/hacked standalone

RE: help i am looking for info on how to view multi region films on my pc

Nick Foster (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 28th August 2003, 11:54

If you don`t fancy flashing your drive`s firmware then you can use DVD Region Free. It will alow you to play any region DVD (including RCE discs) on a locked RPC2 drive. I have been using it for several months now with no problem.



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