Info and forum posts by 'Nick Foster'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 24th February 2000, 15:26, Last used: Tuesday, 22nd February 2011, 19:33

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 95 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.07 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Choice of operating systems after I formatted my PC - help?

I always thought that was an urban myth. Virus`s cant get onto your PC without a helping hand

You don`t need any user interaction to get infected. There are plenty of worms and other automated malware out there scanning for unprotected machines. The first thing to do when installing a new OS is to get a firewall up and running before attaching yourself to the net.

HAck Attack report on BBC World Their pc lasted 8 seconds before being owned by the Sasser worm.

Be safe out there......


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GitS:SAC volume 5 - Sound problem

I finally got around to popping volume 5 into my player last night, requested the Japanese 2.0 soudtrack (works better than the 5.1 track when I`m using my headphones) and English subtitles and played the first episode only to be greeted with the English 2.0 track.

Thinking I had selected the wrong audio track I cycled through the available soudtracks....English 5.1 - ok, Japanese 5.1 - ok, English 2.0 - ok, Japanese 2.0 - still in English! :(

Has anybody else got this disk with this problem? I know Manga Ent are replacing volume 4 disks from the last screw-up but has anybody heard of replacements for this?


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RE: Matt Damon

LOL! As soon as I saw the thread title the voice in my head went `Maaaatt Daaammmon` :D

I won`t be able to watch any of his films again.........

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RE: Lets get all nostalgic and play,

New Zealand Story! That`s the one I couldn`t remember. :D It took me months of shelf stacking in Tesco to buy that Amiga Batman pack. The first time I saw F18 on my mates machine I knew I had to have one.

My first machine was a Vic20, hours spent playing on that

/stares into the distance in a nostalgic kinda way..... :x

Can you imagine kids putting up with load times like that today? Microprose Gunship on my Spectrum 128+2 took 10.5 minutes to load from tape and if you wanted to change from the Middle East theatre to Western Europe you had to save you pilot roster to a blank tape, reset the machine and spnd another 10 minutes loading the game from side 2 of the game tape! Them`s the days eh! :o


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RE: Can anyone recommend a good Timeshare Company ...... or is there such a thing?

My parents have a timeshare with RCI and love it. They own a week in a resort in Cornwall but have swapped it for weeks in the USA, Caribbean, Kenya and Europe. It`s a great way to get cheap accomodation all over the world and RCI will also help arrange cheap flights, etc. for you.


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RE: Alternative Courier to the Royal Mail

I looked for alternative couriers when I sent a Christmas parcel to the in-laws in Japan, the Royal Mail was the cheapest by a considerable margin. Unless there are couriers that do good deals specifically for the States then RM is probably the way to go.


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RE: Alternative internet browsers?


Have you tried the BBCode extension? It gets you most of the way there for stuff like urls and smileys.


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RE: 1MB Broadband £15.99 per month. 2GB limit.

According to the chat over on ADSL Guide it is happening as and when BT upgrade the individual exchanges. You may be lucky and be upgraded next week or it may be six months from now.


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RE: Smartcar

Sorry, but I`ve had my smart for 4 years now and love it. It does everything I need as I spend most of my time commuting around the M25. It`s reliable, fun, does great mileage, is the most comfortable car I`ve ever driven (it`s the only car that doesn`t give me backache after half an hour) and I can park it anywhere I like while my collegues are still circling looking for a space big enough for their BMW estates/4x4 monster trucks.

I understand that it`s not to everyone`s taste but I love being able to drop it from manual to automatic when stuck in the traffic and not having to remember to change down gears when coming to a stop.

It`s not the worlds quickest car but I`m just as fast as anyone else on the M25 and it comes into it`s own around town which is what it`s designed for, so it`s horses for courses really.


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RE: call that a collection?

He`s single then.......... :o

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RE: uk firefox/mozilla searchbar for CD-Wow, Play, BlahDVD

Hmm, the one goes via TradeDoubler and the CD-Wow one goes via

A better way is to set up keyword searches in Firefox:
1. go to the page with the search form in it i.e. the Amazon homepage
2. right click in the box where you would enter the search text
3. Select Add a Keyword for this Search.. from the context menu
4. Give the search a name and a keyword i.e. Amazon UK and amazonuk
5. Click OK to save the search (I save all mine in a Searches folder in my bookmarks)

Then when you want to search that site simply go to the browser address bar and type the keyword followed by the text you want to search for i.e. amazonuk sky captain and you will end up at the amazon site with the search already done. :)

By the way, Alt+D is the shortcut to go to the address bar ...

Hope this helps,

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RE: Is Sky+ worth the money

Couldn`t watch tv without it completely changes the way you watch tv. Just set up the series links and let it go.


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RE: Takeshi Kitano`s "Kikujiro" on DVD

I don`t know about the dvd release but if you wanted to watch it from the beginning then it`s showing again on BBC4 on Friday night (Saturday morning) starting at 00:30


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RE: Thinking of buying an Epson R200? DON`T!!

I recently bought a Canon Pixma IP4000 and it`s fantastic. I` was stunned with the photo quality and extremely pleased with it`s cd/dvd printing abilities. Heartily recommended!


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RE: Recommend me something to see at the Theatre...

I took the missus to see The Producers last week and even though I hate going to the theatre I laughed until my face hurt. It was absolutely superb! I thoroughly recommend it.


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RE: DVD collection database

DVDProfiler has just released it`s latest version.


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RE: Creating MP3 audio?

That option didn`t just arrange new rips, it searched all the music on your PC and moved it all, arranging it into new folders by artist. I normally have a folder for each album, and all the songs in that folder. As a lot of my rips were compilation albums such as Now XX, they have various artists. Itunes made a new folder for every artist who has a song on my PC, so I ended up with hunrdereds of folders, some only having one or two songs in them. It took me two hours to put them all back how I had them and get rid of all the extra folders it put on the PC.


In iTunes, if you right-click on a track in the Library to get the track info up there is a "Part of a compilation" checkbox on the Info tab. If you check this the track will be placed in the compilations/<album name> folder rather than <artistname>/<album name> You can also change track information for multiple files at the same time by selecting them all in the library before going to Get Info.


For ripping from CD to WAV or MP3 I would recommend CDex. It uses the LAME encoder and has always made great rips for me.


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RE: How Much?

£489 for my trusty Sony 725D (modded from Techtronics)......awesome picture and sound and still my primary player. 8)


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E55 - Recording widescreen programmes

I transferred a programme from my Sky+ box onto DVD-R last night on my new E55. The programme was broadcast in widescreen and when recorded onto the DVD-R played back in widescreen as expected.

The problem is that when the disc was finalised the DVD-V now has no flag to tell the TV the programme is widescreen and it plays back as a 4:3 picture with everyone looking really tall and skinny! :(

Have I missed something or is this always going to happen?


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RE: Cool over 40


How uncool was it to have looked up these dates of birth??? You SAD twats.

I`m only 31 and have never in my life claimed to be cool. (I`m a computer programmer for crying out loud, what chance do I have?) I just like to know the facts :)

You`re not exactly coming across as the coolest bloke in the universe yourself..........

Chill`s more enjoyable that way.


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RE: Cool over 40

I could be wrong................but, I don`t think Johnny Depp and Keanu Reeves are over 40..............I`m even doubtful of Brad Pitt.

Johnny Depp: born 9 June 1963 (age 41)
Keanu Reeves: born 2 Sept 1964 (age 40)
Brad Pitt: born 18 Dec 1963 (age 40)

Suprising but true :)


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RE: DVD-RAM. Pioneer answers please phelings

Blimey, where did you find the E55 for that price? I have my eye on one of these for Christmas but the cheapest I`ve seen it is £219 multi-region (£199 R"2)


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RE: any thoughts on Dell

They have tucked them away but they are here. There are users and Dell support people on there. I don`t use them much myself but have found them pop up in Google searches when I`m looking for information about my pc.


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RE: any thoughts on Dell

My Dell Dimension 8200 has been a great machine for the last 2 1/2 years. I have added/replaced a few bits (firewire card, DVD writer) and have had no problems.

I beleive the power supply is proprietary and possibly the motherboard but other than that I have had no problems. If you have questions why not try the forums at the Dell website.


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RE: I want a picture in my signature....

Test.......... :) .............

hmm, you can have a link and an image but not an image that is a link? :(

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This item was edited on Thursday, 30th September 2004, 14:03

RE: Recomend a bluetooth dongle.


I`ve been using a D-Link DBT-120 for a few weeks now without any trouble. I use it with a Sony Ericsson T630 and the wife uses it with a Motorola V600. Gives a reasonable range with a good connection speed.


RE: How do I make a title appear as `Loaned` in DVD Profiler?


There is a little box to the right of the status

if you click that there should be a list of people to loan discs to:

Hope this helps,


RE: Anyone Here Own Tropical Fish?? (Advice Needed)

Basically you will find the bigger the tank the easier it is to keep. With a greater volume of water you can often rectify any issues before they become critical. Also, make sure you can set the tank up out of direct sunlight or the algae will take over and the temperature will be hard to control.

I have a Jewel Rio180 set up with 2 fancy goldfish, a couple of weather loaches and a bunch of danios. Even though that`s understocked the internal filter can`t really keep up with the mess and I`ll be getting an external filter soon. If you keep tropicals rather than goldfish the filter will have less load on it.

Maintainance is about an hour a week for filter cleaning and water changes so not too much effort at all.

Spend time reading up on the fish you wish to keep, make sure that they will not grow out of the tank you are buying! Talk to the people in the local fish store and don`t be afraid to ask lots of questions. Make sure the fish you keep will be happy with each other, there`s nothing like high stress to wipe out all the fish in you tank.

A good place to browse/ask questions is

Above all enjoy the fish, they are always entertaining and well worth the effort,

RE: Praise the Lord! MMS + GPRS finally on Virgin

Woot! About time too.....I`ve been on T-Mobile PAYG for a couple of months now and it`s pretty expensive.

Virgin`s GPRS rate is 0.5p per Kb in comparison to T-Mobile`s 2p!!

Time to get my T630 unbranded and my Virgin sim dusted off!



RE: Spam Remover

If you are running Outlook (NOT Outlook Express) check out SpamBayes. It`s been very effective for me so far, the more you train it the better it gets as it learns what you think is spam.

When I returned from holiday it had correctly filtered out 500 spam mails from my inbox, missing only one, with no false positives and only 10 mails marked as unsure. Very impressed!


This item was edited on Tuesday, 29th June 2004, 09:03