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Kit Kash Forum

They think it`s all over!

Tom Cruise (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 23rd October 2006, 14:37

Well this year on Kitkash has been good again but this competition is starting to loose its appeal.

What are your thoughts?

RE: They think it`s all over!

jezbar (Elite) posted this on Friday, 27th October 2006, 11:36

I agree the LUB was a good idea as were a few more useful buy items but was not successful on any LUB - closest was 1 away :(

I did have a bit of a surprise yesterday when tidying up my study - a carrier back full of flavoured kit kats - hidden from the children to stop them pigging out! so well hidden I forgot about them :)

I did not win much by bidding as the server problems Nestle had impacted me severely

If there is a KK2007 I am not sure I will bother

RE: They think it`s all over!

Morticia (Competent) posted this on Monday, 30th October 2006, 14:41

Do you thimk there will be KK 2007???? :/
Did well on the buy now deals but only managed afew things on the bidding and have been 4 away on the LUB so near but so far.

Hope to speak to you all again in the new year - if theres another we only have 3 months to lose the weight before kitkat pig out time again!! ;)

This item was edited on Monday, 30th October 2006, 14:43

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