Info and forum posts by 'Morticia'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 26th January 2006, 14:10, Last used: Friday, 3rd November 2006, 11:21

Access Level: Competent

About this user: Fat from eating to many Kitkats.

This user has posted a total of 119 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.02 messages a day, or 0.12 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: They think it`s all over!

Do you thimk there will be KK 2007???? :/
Did well on the buy now deals but only managed afew things on the bidding and have been 4 away on the LUB so near but so far.

Hope to speak to you all again in the new year - if theres another we only have 3 months to lose the weight before kitkat pig out time again!! ;)

This item was edited on Monday, 30th October 2006, 14:43

RE: CD Radio Cassette on Buy today!

Been very quiet in here for weeks.
VOIP handsets- got one!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 5th September 2006, 09:17

RE: CD Radio Cassette on Buy today!

didnt get near to the car this time, nearest LUB i got to was 4 away on the pink car and yes its a gutting feeling.


I dont think Kitkash is ever going to end this year, we still seem to have lots of auctions, just the big things like hols up for longer....
Shouldnt the next one be advertised in October??


mini tv up but already out of stock- boo hoo

This item was edited on Friday, 7th July 2006, 15:57

Has Mrs M got sun stroke?

I see the roborapter but havent been to the site for afew days so couldnt tell you if you are mad from the sun or not. ;)


That was a good deal on the darlik i bought one for my husband last christmas and he still has it calling out exterminate all over the house!


Snap with the racing game... :(

RE: re:RD comments

RD they will be asked to promote it next year-lol

RE: re:RD comments

I was miles off with the hol :(

re:RD comments

You have raised alot of good points RD, i have to say that now my points are dwingling i am liking the LUBs, but i can see your point about people just using the free codes and that how low prizes have gone for, will again be used for next years promotion (if there is one) one thing that has really got me angry this year is when you wait for hours for a short auction and the connection goes down at Nestles end! i know that there is an increased level of activity and servers do have problems,but that should have been anticipated right from the start .Last years Kitkash annoyed me as there was many a time when i would put a code in for it to say it had all ready been entered, when i questioned Nestle they said there were people using code generating machines which is totally unfair to the little people who spend there hard earned money to try and bid and find they have wasted their money, i think that is why there are 3 sections to the codes this year.
I personnally have not been involved with the cola promo- but it sounds good and very much like a site called auction air except its real money with that one.
I think in general although the prizes have repeated themselves far to much this year we have to remember it is only fun, and if you like eating millions of kitkats or suppling the local school with all there tuck shop goods they have done an ok job, and who knows if they keep reading the comments we make in here they will eventually get it right.
One good point of this and last years kitkash is that we have done an excellent job in having a damm good chat/discussion in this forum room!!!!!!!! :)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 20th June 2006, 10:17

Anni`s back!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope the sun dried up your cold Anni- isnt it nice to know you are missed.How was your premier and what did you end up wearing?
ive only won a t-shirt and survival kit since i got back :( i could do with winning a decorator at the moment.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 13th June 2006, 17:18

RE: wheres anni ?

Didnt miss KK too much as i was very very sad and logged on whilst in spain 8)
still no sign of anni????

This item was edited on Tuesday, 13th June 2006, 12:34

RE: wheres anni ?

Back from hol and no new car on the drive.- at least not winning it saved you the job of driving it for me MrsM ;)
Hows it been on the kitkash front? - and reading back i see that Anni has disappeared ?
under the melting choc of all her kitkats. :/

RE: Anni you are famous

Thanks Anni just on our way and checking that ive packed toothbrushes, speak to you all soon and good luck with the car!!! 8)
Anni shame you didnt win it earlier i could of sent you a few dresses

This item was edited on Thursday, 25th May 2006, 10:40

RE: Anni you are famous

Well bye bye from me for 2 weeks, PLEASE can everyone keep an eye on the winner of the car and if its a Pam from Cheshire give me a round of applause and tell them to keep it for me.
Hope the weather improves here and you never know one of you might be on BB when i get back.... 8) 8) 8)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 24th May 2006, 17:09

RE: Anni you are famous

Congratulations Anni :D

RE: ???

mrsmiggins you are a woman after my own heart- that is the best way to eat them.
See 10 golden tickets have been found for Big Brother, shame its not a year supply of chocs instead- but my husband says i already have that with the amount of Kitkats we have left. ;)


do you think that they will do something good in the last week or am i dreaming again.
Kitkash 07 will there be one????

This item was edited on Tuesday, 23rd May 2006, 09:20


after may last year they did very long bid times on most of the auctions, i remember a hol having a bid time of 46 days.- :/
at least we have the whole of the summer kit kat eating free.
Same place next year girls and boys?

This item was edited on Sunday, 21st May 2006, 09:49

RE: Good Luck

tracy shirley is doing very well today :o

RE: Good Luck

there is no way she is only 35!

RE: Good Luck

why do all toys come in large boxes with really annoying little ties on the that are impossible to undo with out wrecking your nails?.
Kitkash slow today not even an alien autopsy auction, well at least i can have Big brother on whilst clearing all the toys away.
Would anyone here want to go into the BB house if they got a golden ticket- i dont think the nation could deal with seeing my cellulite. :D

This item was edited on Friday, 19th May 2006, 10:42

RE: Post your first impressions here...

small house and a very mixed bunch, Petes going to have fun when davina says " you are live on channel 4 please do not swear"

RE: Good Luck

Know what you mean about the LUB- the pink car was the nearest i have been- 2 away and still sulking.Still not placed a bid on this car.

One of the best presents i got after having my twins was a large box filled with everything you could think of from talcs/nappies to champagne/ chocs and lots of photos to remind us of life before kids.

This item was edited on Thursday, 18th May 2006, 19:55

RE: Good Luck

thank you very much for your kind offer. ;)

RE: IT`S STARTS TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

18 in who will they be??? its weird to think of them sitting in a hotel room somewhere just waiting.

RE: Good Luck

i have just realized i will be in spain when the car auction finishes will they still have it for me 2 weeks later if i win??- or should i postpone the flight-lol :D
BTW- Big Brother tonight!!!

This item was edited on Thursday, 18th May 2006, 17:01

RE: Good Luck

do you think it will be second time lucky for any of us with the car??? :D