Info and forum posts by 'Tom Cruise'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 9th March 2005, 00:02, Last used: Monday, 23rd October 2006, 20:40

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 33 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

They think it`s all over!

Well this year on Kitkash has been good again but this competition is starting to loose its appeal.

What are your thoughts?

RE: Nestle - suggested KK improvements

Anyone having trouble bidding on the LUB auctions again? I keep getting the unable to connect to endpoint message. Called Nestle and she said that the technical team would look into it but probably won`t be fixed in time for tv.
By refreshing and submitting my bid for about 15 mins have finally got a bid in but still won`t work on the trainers one

Looks like just got in in time as now been removed!!!

This item was edited on Monday, 20th February 2006, 13:47

RE: KitKash 2006 promotion looks crazy but better than 2005

Hi Everyone,

Just to let everyone know I think someone has got two accounts, both with a lot of points(over 3.2 million, but maybe one less now). I base this theory on how the last car and the sainsburys shopping for a year voucher.

Clever idea though!

However, what is the email address to inform Nestle, as the bids seem to be going up too smoothly ?

This item was edited on Sunday, 19th February 2006, 08:26

RE: 5 minute car auction

I was looking at the winners list and found a funny line :-

Jenni Swallow, Berkshire 5900 Rumour Has It... Merchandise

It`s a good thing the 12" Dalek was two rows down!


Don`t worry I am sure somone at Nestle will be able to trace all account debits and correct accordingly.

I just feel sorry for the people who think they can get something for nothing ;-)

You only get out what you put in !

RE: KitKash 2006 promotion looks crazy but better than 2005

Hello everyone,

Well here we are again last year was very good but what will happen this year.

Let the bidding begin!


Hi everyone,

I got back yesterday from my first Expedia holiday in Las Vegas and Hawaii and what an awesome trip. Still got some chocolate in the dining room and it was hot while I was away so maybe I have one big bar now!

Any gossip to save me looking through the grape vine?

Hello everyone

Hi everyone!

I have not been on this site for such a long time !

I bought the radio from the site and it arrived yesterday and it is cool.

I`m kind of sad that it is all over as I invested a lot of time/money into the project and enjoyed it so much. I have been very lucky and next week I go on my first Expedia holiday to Las Vegas and Hawaii. I am getting my life back to normal but still have 30 bags of Kitkats. Nicole is happy because she now has the dining room back!

I hope no one has wasted too much money and won nothing, but you have to speculate to accumulate!

RE: kitkat kitkash promo loooks crazy!

I think it is easier to win now because the playing field has been leveled

This item was edited on Tuesday, 22nd March 2005, 20:50

RE: kitkat kitkash promo loooks crazy!

KKMeltdown - Bob sorted it out really quickly. :-)

RE: kitkat kitkash promo loooks crazy!

When you buy so many kitkats there are many issues associated with storing them so here are some top tips.

Locate your kitkats in a cool dry place - If your garage is cool then this is an ideal place but make sure that no rats or mice can get in. I live in the country so I couldn't do this but leaving my cat in the garage with the kitkats did cross my mind. If you have to store the kitkats in the house then choose a room that is cool and not exposed to too much light. If you have heating in the room then turn it down or even better completely off. Warning - Do not choose a room upstairs if you can help it as you could cause subsidence if too many kitkats are in one room!

This item was edited on Sunday, 20th March 2005, 12:31

RE: kitkat kitkash promo loooks crazy!

Asil - To prove who you are what colour did you decide on for you 307 because I know what colour you has left to choose ?

Asil and David - I don`t have many points left now but we could have a three way dual to see who is the fastest bidder - maybe for a dvd ?

place your bets :-)

RE: kitkat kitkash promo loooks crazy!

OK the network is an important variable in the winning equation however there is still an element of luck. For instance I have won some prizes and probably bidded against David and Asil and beaten them. Considering that the application server can probably handle over 1000 transactions per second you can always nip in a lucky bid.

The best strategy is to go for the big prizes but then you have to have balls of steel to invest large amounts of wonga. This strategy gives you a 1 in 6 chance of winning while going for smaller items you have a 1 in 500 chance.

I have so many funny stories buying kitkats and intend to write a diary one day.

I have really enjoyed this promotion and I have given my chocolate away to various charities.

Good luck everyone

This item was edited on Friday, 18th March 2005, 09:16

RE: kitkat kitkash promo loooks crazy!

Is the list of items things that are still 2 come because 7 cars have already gone??

RE: kitkat kitkash promo loooks crazy!

They`re selling the 9 packs 3 for £2 in Sainsbury`s.

RE: kitkat kitkash promo loooks crazy!

Guys and girls the problem is that Nestle text/mail everyone for the 1/2/5 minute bids so when you are bidding you may have 1/1000 chance of winning. The best chance of winning is going for the bigger items where there are less people and hence the odds improve. The only problem now is that we have run out of time but you never kow it could be you!

This item was edited on Friday, 11th March 2005, 20:38

RE: kitkat kitkash promo loooks crazy!

Just got e-mail for 1 Minute auction coming up for plasma tv between 1pm and 2pm

RE: kitkat kitkash promo loooks crazy!

I added most of the electrical items based on every possible item being auctioned each day(which is over estimating) and added all the travel stuff (prices based on internet prices). I also added the ten cars and ten 5K holidays. Also 30 dvds(each £20) per day and 20 other small items worth 20 each day. This comes to around £1,000,000 so say I`m £1,000,000 out Nestle are hiding £3,000,000. However there are the Kash buy items that I have not included which could easily add £1,000,000.

RE: kitkat kitkash promo loooks crazy!

I have added the total prizes up and it amounts to around £1,000,000 so say I`m £1,000,000 out then there should be £3,000,000 worth of prizes left :-)

RE: kitkat kitkash promo loooks crazy!

On Man Utd website it says one of their auctions ends 13th april so might be more big prizes coming up later

RE: kitkat kitkash promo loooks crazy!

I wonder if Nestle will add more booty ?