Page 2 of How about this one for everyday use ???

Kit Kash Forum


RE: How about this one for everyday use ???

mrsmiggins (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd February 2006, 11:51

looks quite nice but not sure .........r they worth it? dont mean to sound thick but can they b used as normal phones or r they like the funny voip things :)

RE: How about this one for everyday use ???

mickym (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd February 2006, 11:52

there normal phones, just
Cordless Phone cant go wrong at 5000 points ,thats only about £3 if you got double points at asda .

This item was edited on Wednesday, 22nd February 2006, 11:54

RE: How about this one for everyday use ???

mrsmiggins (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd February 2006, 11:54

cheers for quick answer going to get 1 now :)

RE: How about this one for everyday use ???

misterfreezeuk (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd February 2006, 12:25

got mine too.....hehehe first thing i got so far

Heeeeeeres Way2Good!!

way2good (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd February 2006, 12:30

I just posted that on the big forum. damn you!!

I`ve only got 3500 points though :(

RE: Heeeeeeres Way2Good!!

mrsmiggins (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd February 2006, 12:32

quick get to tesco 3 for 2 that 1500points

RE: Heeeeeeres Way2Good!!

Anni (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd February 2006, 13:02

thanks for heads up, got mine too

RE: Heeeeeeres Way2Good!!

jezbar (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd February 2006, 13:26

Interesting slant on the one per household

This item is in a restricted category and is limited to `one per person` and `one per registered account`. Should the account holder complete more than one purchase ('buy'), the subsequent purchases will be deemed void and the KitKash points WILL NOT be re-credited to the buyers account.

So if you are a naughty boy or girl you won`yt get your points back! Listen to Nestle SHOUTING!

RE: Heeeeeeres Way2Good!!

mrsmiggins (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd February 2006, 13:40

think it just 1 per account so if say man and wife got 2 diff accounts they should be able to get 1 each( do shout at me if im wrong).

RE: Heeeeeeres Way2Good!!

Anni (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd February 2006, 13:55

Just had a nice call from Littlewoods , apparently they`ll all out of the toasters and kettles at the moment, so she offered me something similar in cream ,which i am more than grateful for. Also she said DVD player dispatched in a couple of days, so sorry for saying they never contacted.

hey KKK with those watches going for nearly 40,000 now we were `lucky` to get ours so early on

GOOD GRIEF, something different on Firebox

This item was edited on Wednesday, 22nd February 2006, 14:06


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