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Help with my Scan 2000 DVD.....please.....for the love of god.....

Jim McSkeane (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 24th November 2000, 13:22

Hi All,

can some of you guys help me out? mid october i ordered and received the SC-2000 from before i go on, i should say that, although i am a computer techy for a living, i know crapola about this stuff. anyways, as far as i can tell, the player is knackered. both The Matrix and Blade, which i am told are great disks, are playing very badly. the colour will not hold, especially the background, which is pusling like crazy, and the picture seems to be breaking into tiny digital squares almost constantly. on one occassion, the player started to vibrate, sounding like it was gonna take off during DVD playback. also, during audio cd playback, it will periodically hang/skip for no good reason at all.

i have attempted to contact an email address, yellen[at]ku.oc.nacs, on 2 occassions so far, but had no joy there. this AM, after being on hold for an eternity, i got a hold of Liz, who was very helpful and said they would sort me out with a replacement when the new batch comes in around december 1st.

but, the question is, having heard rumour of duff chipsets etc after buying the player, can anyone gimme the lowdown on what has been going on with the player, and is my replacement gonna work properly when i get it. i would be especially interested to hear from the reclusive Nelly. can you gimme some info on this guys?


RE: Help with my Scan 2000 DVD.....please.....for the love of god.....

nelley (Elite) posted this on Friday, 24th November 2000, 13:35

It wouild be a good idea to wait till the new batch comes on the first and
swap it out.The new batch will not give any pixellation problems.

RE: Help with my Scan 2000 DVD.....please.....for the love of god.....

londonbabe (Competent) posted this on Friday, 24th November 2000, 15:53

I have exactly the same CD playback problem as you, and I`m on my second player. If the next firmware update doesn`t do any good I don`t know whether to try for a third or get a refund. I also get the pulsing on some disks - in this respect my second player is worse than my first.

RE: Help with my Scan 2000 DVD.....please.....for the love of god.....

Jim McSkeane (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 24th November 2000, 15:56

what about your dvd video output? your picture quality, has that been ok over these 2 players?

RE: Help with my Scan 2000 DVD.....please.....for the love of god.....

JoJoBhoy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 24th November 2000, 16:33

Why do they keep shipping them out if they are aware of the problems with them. You should have bought an Aiwa jim - they`re much Coooolllller!!!

AIWA Rocks,, Crazy Sockss.

RE: Help with my Scan 2000 DVD.....please.....for the love of god.....

Vic Shears (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 24th November 2000, 17:49

Perhaps they keep shipping them out because the vast majority of the SCAN players work very well?.

The one I have had since Monday so far works flawlessly and so it seems do the players belonging to a lot of other people.

Of course if my player does develop any problems I will expect SCAN to deal with it.

Cheers Vic

RE: Help with my Scan 2000 DVD.....please.....for the love of god.....

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Friday, 24th November 2000, 17:58

Thats true Vic, but what is also true is scan where flogging faulty batches way after many people told them there was a problem!

Still it look`s like they have got there s*** together now!


scan sc2000 -big problems

xeno (Competent) posted this on Monday, 15th January 2001, 22:27

I ordered my scan sc2000 on the 18th dec 2000.
I was told on the phone that my machine would not be shipped untill the 8th/9th january.Fine i thought as that will guarentee me a latest batch machine,so as christmas came and went i looked forward to the arrival of my multiregion/macrovision free/mp3 dvd player.

Monday the 8th came and by 4 pm i decided to ring to double check it had been dispached ok.I eventually got through to scan after 1 hour on the thedispatch number from citylink(i had checked their on line tracking facility but according to that- they tried to deliver it and the address did not exist!!!).I eventually got through to citylink and they traced the parcel back to the driver who had it and contacted him for me.It turns out that the player was shipped on the 19th dec(2 days after i ordered it)and was delivered on the 20th -the problem was the driver couldent find us (eventhough he was on the right road)and
when it couldent be delivered no attempt was made to contact me.No attempt was made from scan either to tell me that the machine had been shipped early or that an attempt to deliver it was made and was unsucsessful.

As a result my dvd player had been lying in the back of this guys truck from the 19th dec to 5th jan- now considering we had temperatures of -15
over christmas i am positive this was not good for the machine.

On receipt of the machine as soon as i opened the box i was greeted with a black player with a silver scratch about the same size as a 5p piece on the top of the player.The player was so cold i could barely hold it so i plugged it in and left if on standby for 10 mins to let it warm up a bit before i used it.Once i switched her on i opened the tray and inserted a dvd(jaws) the player made some awful noises from the disc tray and started to make a banging sound.I got the tray open eventually and took the disc out and left it alone for 20 mins or so.

I attempted to play the dvd again and after some whirring and grinding i finally saw the menu screen and was able to play the dvd.It played ok but the noise from the player was excessive.

I had been emailed from nelley once concerning the firmware and was guarenteed to have a machine from the latest batch and have v2.04 firmware-after checking i have version 1.93.

I bought the machine on the strength of what i had been hearing on the forums concerning the improvements in product and customer care and chose to ignore the doubters who had problems with the older versions of the sc2000.I am impressed with the playback and believe a 100% working machine would be an excellent player-mine is far from 100% though.

I of course have tried to contact scan on several occasions to sort this out-i sat on the phone waiting to get through to customer services for an hour.I gave up and rang their sales line,i got through almost immediately,and explained i couldent get through to customer services the operator sent an email to customer services with my phone number and i was told they would call me that same day(fri 12 th jan).Today is Mon 16 th jan - and still no word.That same day i tried to contact customer services and after another 45 mins i got through to have the guy cut me off whilst explaining my problems.So i emailed nelley and asked him to please help- i havent heard a thing back and i have tried twice.I sent wesley at scan an email and he said he would look into it and that was 4 days ago.

I am disgusted with this lack of regard for their customers - i would not have posted this if i had gotten a reply but it seems once the cash transaction happens scan arnt bothered about the problems with their product( I SINCERELY HOPE I AM WRONG).I have also been told that scan wont do a drop and pick on my machine which is beyond me as they do them everywhere else and i am only in northern ireland.

A friend of mine was impressed also by the reviews the player got and ordered one himself on friday and i have compared his with mine.His takes 4 secs to boot up a mode 1 mp3 disc mine takes nearly 20 seconds. his is version 1.92 and mine is 1.93 when both should be 2.04.
His does not make any noise whereas mine is very noisy.
And his comes without a large score on the top of the unit.

I am not asking for much here i just want a drop and pick on my machine and a machine from the latest batch with latest firmware surely to god this is not being unreasonable.I hope to be able to post better news concerning this situation.

I only post this because i cant get anywhere with scan and as nelley and wesley seem to reply on this forum.Like i said i believe this is a great product -,mine isnt 100% but i believe the vast majority are.Come on scan show your customers you care and that the rumours are wrong.
do the right thing.


RE: Help with my Scan 2000 DVD.....please.....for the love of god.....

Clive Waldron (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 27th January 2001, 00:39

Why Don`t You Throw It InThe Nearest Skip, And Buy A Decent Machine,
Why Do You People Like To Torture Yourselves ,With Inferior Products?

RE: Help with my Scan 2000 DVD.....please.....for the love of god.....

gibo (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 27th January 2001, 12:44

Hi Jim ,
Sorry to hear about your troubles , I`m affraid that i`m not going to offer you any hope with this machine, i spend a lot of time working with and reveiwing dvd players and the scan is , i`m sorry to say one of the worst that i`ve ever had the mis-fortune of dealing with , sound and picture are abysmal and thats when it`s performing ok , which sadly isn`t very often , If i had a hundred quid for every repair i`ve done to this excuse of a player for people who are , quite rightly , p***ed off with scans dreadful after sales service i`d be able to chuck in my job and retire to a sunny island ,do yourself a favour , put this mess down to experience and bin the bugger , have a look in the loot or some other trade paper , you`ll pick up a second hand sammy 709 for £70,

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