Info and forum posts by 'Jim McSkeane'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 24th November 2000, 13:06, Last used: Friday, 24th November 2000, 13:06

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: SCOTTISH BLOKE

This user has posted a total of 6 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Are you satisfied with your Scan SC-2000 player ?

Davey, i think you will find that people are not being bias, but are merely reporting problems in way that effects action. i would love nothing more than to have received a kick ass player that delivered all that it promised, but, sadly, this was not to be my experience.

although i can sympathise with the company and the staff, i personally have now reached the stage where my refund is being arranged and i am going to go buy a Sony. i am a reasonable guy, but there is only so much a person can take before they lose faith in a product/company.

as it stands, i would now rather have spent 2 or 3 times as much and received a working properly first time piece equipment and been able to watch the disks that i have been buying since October then embarking on this budget player crusade in the first place.

merry xmas all.

FTAO NELLEY: Scan customer care improves.....but my new player doesn`t work.....

ok. so scan met the challenge and got the drop and pick done on my SC2000 in the week they promised, although 2 days late!!!!! problem is, the second player is quite possibly worse than the first. also, i am not altogether convinced that i did indeed receive a new player. the box that the `new player` arrived in looked very much as if it had been opened before, with tell-tale pen marks running beside the tape, as if a pen had been used to pop the previous seal. anyways, problems as follows;

player 1;
bad pixellation, pulsing and occassional vibrating of the machine. but, and note, it did play some music cd`s.

player 2:
bad pixellation and pulsing. now, thrown in for my pleasure, a large moving horizontal band of distortion randomly flickering across the screen. no music cd`s will play properly, you can hear the drum track, that`s it!!!!! i was also kinda left in the crapper as the `new` player came with no SCART lead, and i had to run out to the shops after work to obtain one so that i could test the unit.

Nelley, i am sorry, but i have completely lost faith in anyone`s ability to get me a completely functional version of this system with no faults. all i was asking it to do were the things it allegedley could if the advertising was anything to go by. i can actually sympathise a little, as it does the other things well, multi-region, the mp3 browser is pretty neat, but what`s the use if at its basic function level it cannot deliver? i`m now at the stage where i would like you to organise a collect of this system and a refund for myself, as i intend to go buy a Sony player that will deliver everything promised on the box.

i wish i could have been one of the few who have managed to get a working system, but as time draws on, i wanna watch the dvd`s i have been buying since getting this system in October.

what do you say Nelley?

RE: The farce that is Scan - Read and weep !!!!!


i haven`t even received my second player yet, it`s already a day late, and i was told i had to contact them asap or else i`d bu screwed until Jan.....
see my previous `Crap Customer Services At Scan`.....

if the second one ever arrives, and if it still doesn`t work, i reckon i am taking it back in person. with a few of my friends from glasgow, to see about a refund.

crap customer services at Scan.....


here we go again. after making Scan aware of my crap DVD player (SC2000), i was advised that they would do a drop and pick. all i had to do was contact Liz via email on 01/12/2000, and she would sort it out. so, on 01/12/2000, i emailed Liz, got no response, and then telephoned her. gave her address details, with various contact numbers and every detail imaginable, for a drop and pick at my work via email, which she acknowledged, and was told to expect the player 05/12/2000.

05/12/2000, no player!!!!!

i decide to leave it for a day or two as i realise they must be busy, with xmas coming up etc. i am not an unreasonable guy. however, i get back from lunch today, to find an email from stewart, saying i have to contact him right away with my postcode, as they have very few players left and he has no idea whether mine has been despatched or not. i then go through the actions of again making sure they have the correct drop/pick details etc.....this is turning into a saga. how difficult can it be? i live in an environment where you give people a set of information/instructions need for duplicity.....

let me say that, when you can get a hold of a human from scan, they are very polite and try to help, but these people must realise that they will bare the brunt of our frustrations when we have no faith at all in anything that scan tell us.....


i challenge you to get my drop/pick done this week from the correct address.....

and maybe telling people the truth and not trying to promise more than you can deliver will stop your name being dragged through the mud in these forums.....don`t you realise the amount of people who will not buy again when the first experience is so bad?????

any comments Nelish?????

RE: Help with my Scan 2000 DVD.....please.....for the love of god.....

what about your dvd video output? your picture quality, has that been ok over these 2 players?

Help with my Scan 2000 DVD.....please.....for the love of god.....

Hi All,

can some of you guys help me out? mid october i ordered and received the SC-2000 from before i go on, i should say that, although i am a computer techy for a living, i know crapola about this stuff. anyways, as far as i can tell, the player is knackered. both The Matrix and Blade, which i am told are great disks, are playing very badly. the colour will not hold, especially the background, which is pusling like crazy, and the picture seems to be breaking into tiny digital squares almost constantly. on one occassion, the player started to vibrate, sounding like it was gonna take off during DVD playback. also, during audio cd playback, it will periodically hang/skip for no good reason at all.

i have attempted to contact an email address, yellen[at]ku.oc.nacs, on 2 occassions so far, but had no joy there. this AM, after being on hold for an eternity, i got a hold of Liz, who was very helpful and said they would sort me out with a replacement when the new batch comes in around december 1st.

but, the question is, having heard rumour of duff chipsets etc after buying the player, can anyone gimme the lowdown on what has been going on with the player, and is my replacement gonna work properly when i get it. i would be especially interested to hear from the reclusive Nelly. can you gimme some info on this guys?
