Page 1 of Aiwa XD-DV290 Pants is the Philips 711 a better option????

Hardware Forum

Aiwa XD-DV290 Pants is the Philips 711 a better option????

Ricardo (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 21st November 2000, 01:01

Currently have the aiwa xd-dv290 which claims to play cdr and cdrw`s and once I`d purchased and unpacked found that it did no such thing!!!!
After a debate with the shop I purchased it from they are now allowing me to swop.The options are as follows:

Samsung 709, Philips 711 and a grundig priced at £149 they couldn`t tell me the model number?

I would like the player to read cdrs, cdrw and video cds also be able to play region 2 with macrovision disabled.
Now I know thats a lot to ask but reading the reviews on the board tells me to swop to the philips 711 would this be the best choice?????

This item was edited on Tuesday, 21st November 2000, 01:04

RE: Aiwa XD-DV290 Pants is the Philips 711 a better option????

Carrot Cruncher (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 21st November 2000, 02:17

If you havent accepted the swap. Demand your money back!

Buy the Aiwa 370 from HED (£169.99). Like Eastenders - Everyone`s talking about it!

The Samsung/Philips are scapheap s***.

RE: Aiwa XD-DV290 Pants is the Philips 711 a better option????

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 21st November 2000, 02:58

The AIWA has trouble with R1 3Kings & R1 Fight Club, be careful!

HITACHI 505 ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: Aiwa XD-DV290 Pants is the Philips 711 a better option????

Carrot Cruncher (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 21st November 2000, 04:55

Bad Films Total: Aiwa 2 - Mico 0.

I`ll keep my Mico. BRILEY are you watching, matey!

RE: Aiwa XD-DV290 Pants is the Philips 711 a better option????

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 21st November 2000, 06:02

I knew it was Briley!

for those who dont know PULL_THE_OTHER_ONE is Brilley!
(I think)

Why is he posting under a new name I wonder?

Is it A : Because he felt like a change?
Or B : He is fed up with the quirks and faults of the Mico and after flogging it to everyone, he feels a we bit embarassed.

Which one I wonder?

I dont know I am asking you lot?


HITACHI 505 ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Let`s forget about the Mico)

Sorry Lad`s but you deserve that for the s*** you gave me over the YELO:P

oooop`s I am supposed to be in the middle of Truce!
AGHHHHHHHH F*ck it Lets Firestorm:P

Hey Carrot is this the reason you where so quick to except a TRUCE:P


(Forgive The Ironduke I have been up all night trying to Update my bloody Web....piece of monkey s*** site!)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 21st November 2000, 06:06

RE: Aiwa XD-DV290 Pants is the Philips 711 a better option????

Carrot Cruncher (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 21st November 2000, 06:52

"I knew it was Briley!

for those who dont know PULL_THE_OTHER_ONE is Brilley!
(I think)"

Got that 100% Wrong!

Briley isnt that underhanded. Where is he anyway? Waiting for the Postman? :)


This item was edited on Tuesday, 21st November 2000, 06:52

RE: Aiwa XD-DV290 Pants is the Philips 711 a better option????

lievn (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 21st November 2000, 08:29

Well Ricardo I hope u had a lot of help from these guys. :-
I`ve read that the 711 isn`t a bad DVDplayer at all.
Take a look at these sites.

And if u want to make it region free go and see this.

The Samsung is an Golden Oldie (in my opinion of course ;-).
It has a lot of tricks up it sleave, but the big downside is that it`s very Skippy....

And what about the Grundig?
Well it depends on the model I guess, but I haven`t heared a bad thing about Grundig yet, so.....

My advice would be to take a look for yourself (if u can of course).
Compare the different models with your own DVD`s (I assume u have some already?) and then U can decide!

I hope that it`s all a bit clearer now...

Good luck


P.S.: Message for Mr. Carrot Cruncher. So what`s wrong with the Philips, is it the name???

RE: Ooooh Carrot

daz (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 21st November 2000, 20:44

How dare you say the phillips are s*** have you owned one ive been through around 7 players this year and my 710 is the best of the lot for picture quality.
you are the only owner of a mico that i have not heard say that it is a box of s*** and i gurantee you that phillips will beat it on picture hands down everytime i have seen a mico in action.

Mico =pixels and grain
Phillips = 100% Picture quality

RE: Ooooh Carrot

BRILEY (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 21st November 2000, 20:56

"for those who dont know PULL_THE_OTHER_ONE is Brilley!
(I think)"

Am I missing something?

Mico`s still working great Ironduke!


RE: Ooooh Carrot

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 21st November 2000, 21:14

Again, for Dukeys information, the Aiwa`s disc problems so far out of 48 (ten of which are R1) are ZERO!!

ITS MA TELLY!!!!!!!!!

so everyone rush out and buy yourselves a loverrly ickle Aiwa for quality! :o)

AIWA 370 ROCKS!!!!!!!

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