Page 1 of Which MultiRegion - newbie needs advice please...

Hardware Forum

Which MultiRegion - newbie needs advice please...

Martin L (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 31st October 2000, 23:39

I`m looking to buy a multi-region DVD, but getting flooded with tech info and bad advice from local stockists - so, perhaps you guys could help me out!

I would prefer not to have to use a remote controller type of crack - just to put any region dvd in and press play would be ideal!

Scart sockets preferred.

Built-in dolby digital.

Obviously a "tried & tested" player, with no potential problems...

Ideally "kid-proof"!

I`ve got a couple of models in mind so far...>>> Sony DVPS535,
Pioneer DVDRV20, Pioneer DVDA160, Pioneer DV535

Budget up to £350 max.

Any advice, comments, suggestions or alternatives would be appreciated!


RE: Which MultiRegion - newbie needs advice please...

HUNTER (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 8th November 2000, 21:51

Try the Revoy 2200 - new to the UK, but brilliant machine with all the features you mentioned and many more. Picture and sound quality superb. See web site for full spec and to order either use the order form on the web site or call UK office on 01664 840854. Excellent customer service and all players are 100% quality control checked to ensure you can just plug in and play. No problems with RCE on this player, and comes with full 12 month warranty.

Built in Dolby Digital and DTS as standard. Plays DVD, SVCD, VCD, CD-R, CD-HDCD disks. Also MP3 menu.

Price: £325.

Hope this helps.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 8th November 2000, 22:13

RE: Which MultiRegion - newbie needs advice please...

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 8th November 2000, 22:00

If you`re looking to spend that sort of money stick to the High Street names.

This isn`t an advertising forum after all....

RE: Which MultiRegion - newbie needs advice please...

Mark Fountain (Super Admin) posted this on Wednesday, 8th November 2000, 22:01

Yes please refrain from blatant advertising on this forum (and interesting that the username Hunter was `Revoy UK` a few minutes ago...!)

DVD Reviewer

This item was edited on Wednesday, 8th November 2000, 22:56

RE: Which MultiRegion - newbie needs advice please...

Carrot Cruncher (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 9th November 2000, 00:53

Yes. Whatever you do - Avoid Revoy UK.

They are a bunch of complete tossers and quite frankly I`m surprised to see they are still trading!
Then again they still show re-runs of Minder.. (Hint: Arthur Daley)

BTW That £325 machine theyre selling is essentially a MiCO-A980 with a different badge and a few xtra gimmicks. Buy it at and save a packet!
But if you really wanna spend this kind of money, consider an Hitachi 505 instead. I hear its good!

Enough said.

Mico Rocks!!!/LibertySurf (The Thieving W*nkers) Just Banned Me.


This item was edited on Thursday, 9th November 2000, 01:16

RE: Which MultiRegion - newbie needs advice please...

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 9th November 2000, 07:25


I mentioned this person to Robert Shepherd.
I suggested that if they are going to advertise, the least they could do is send a review model to DVD Reviewer, now they just seam to be taking the p***!

"But if you really wanna spend this kind of money, consider an Hitachi 505 instead. I hear its good!"

carrot are you sniffing ajax?

and remember.................
HITACHI 505 ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: Which MultiRegion - newbie needs advice please...

Mark Fountain (Super Admin) posted this on Thursday, 9th November 2000, 07:27

Yeah we had another complaint yesterday about them advertising in the forum. Hence I had to say something.

RE: Which MultiRegion - newbie needs advice please...

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 11th November 2000, 01:06

The Panasonic RV20 doesn`t support RGB, which may or may not interest you, but the picture is good.

The Panasonic A160 is getting on a bit now, so I would go for a newer machine.

The Sony model is quite good, but somewhat overpriced compared to the competition.

The Pioneer DV535 is the same as the DV530 except 535 has optical output and is black. As the owner of a DV 530 I can say that the picture quality is excellent and the sound is great as well. Got it from Techtronics for £198 (multiregion). I would recommend the Pinoeer DV530/535 above all others from these because it is the player I`ve had the most experience with. I haven`t yet tried it with any RCE discs but it is said to work fine as you can select regions manually also. It plays CDR discs which is a definite bonus for a big brand DVD player.

However, if you are looking at up to £350, take a look at Sony`s 735 model as this seems to be the class leader with the Pioneer 737 and Panasonic RV60. If you don`t think the extra cost is worth it, then the Pioneer DV530/535 is a very good option.

Whatever you do, don`t rush into it. Make sure you watch a demonstration in a shop with knowledgable staff before you make up your mind.

--------Just read that you want a built in AC3 decoder. Pioneer 535 and Panasonic RV20 and A160 don`t have an inbuilt decoder so out of those listed the Sony seems the best option.

RE: Which MultiRegion - newbie needs advice please...

Martin L (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 3rd December 2000, 22:35

Many thanks all for your comments - I went out and bought a Pioneer DV535 from - multiregion/macro disable.

We`re very pleased with it and amazed at picture quality even on our "old" 4:3 Nicam Sony!!! (must get a new telly..!).

RE: Which MultiRegion - newbie needs advice please...

robert b (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 8th December 2000, 16:18

i go the aswer for you alba 103 £149 the best buy ever

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