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Encore DVD-450

GraemeBarron (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 27th October 2000, 00:35

Can anyone tell me if this machine has pasted the RCE ( Patriot ) test yet , this machine is getting good reviews but all I want to do is beat this RCE c**p. Or can anyone tell me of a descent machine that will

RE: Encore DVD-450

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Friday, 27th October 2000, 08:39

I believe that cheeky little chappy Clayts knows a thing or 2 about this toaster:P


(It`s a good player I am justing trading bitch slaps with clayts)

RE: Encore DVD-450

Stavrosss (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 27th October 2000, 09:14

Deffinately gets good reviews, but does it still have lip-sync probs?


RE: Encore DVD-450

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 27th October 2000, 22:43


Dunno `bout RCE yet. Due to its relative unpopularity on this, and other sites, I s`pose it falls to me to do the Patriot test (can anyone point out the cheapest site, please).

WRT lip-sync, this really is unfair publicity. I have had none of these probs at all with my 450 and I was in the first round of converts to get this perky little player. Total DVD were out to slate it from day one because they assumed it had the same probs as its previous incarnate, the Sampo 560.

If you like the look of it give Encore a ring (01895 450450) and TALK to them - they are refreshingly honest guys at Encore Direct, and they won`t bullshit you. Sure they can tell you `bout RCE too - me VERY busy workwise, but I`ve got `morrow off so I might just find out for meself...

Clayts :-)

RE: Encore DVD-450

GraemeBarron (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 27th October 2000, 23:57

I took the plunge and have ordered the Encore 450 , should get it next week sometime . Also bought Patriot from Play247, gonna get that about the same time as the player . So I`ll post the results if it works , can`t see why not , you can manually put it into R1 . But you can never tell

Patriot is the best movie since Braveheart
MEL ROCKS !!!!!!!

RE: Encore DVD-450

clayts (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 28th October 2000, 01:06


Did you go for silver or black ?!!

Clayts :-)

RE: Encore DVD-450

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 28th October 2000, 07:31

Patriot is the best movie since Braveheart
MEL ROCKS !!!!!!!

That`s f*ckin ridiculous!:P

RE: Encore DVD-450

clayts (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 28th October 2000, 09:34

Totally agree with you Dukey !

Great choice of player, tho` !

Clayts :-)

RE: Encore DVD-450

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 28th October 2000, 16:57

Great choice of player, tho` !

Clayts :-)

That F*ckin ludicrous!

RE: Encore DVD-450

clayts (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 28th October 2000, 18:09

Y`know me, matey - Devil`s advocate and all that jazz...

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