Info and forum posts by 'Stavrosss'

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Joined on: Saturday, 7th October 2000, 17:20, Last used: Monday, 19th July 2010, 18:27

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as I remember, in one of the round-ups of DVD players (maybe in home entertainment...) in the review of the Logix 3000 they said that Logix was a subsidiary of LG, that would explain things. Although it doesn`t mean that it`s actually made by LG!


RE: aiwa xddv370 cheapest in uk?

are bennets any good, anyone got an opinions / used them before? I see they have a 14 day money back guarantee (sort of) which sounds reasonable...


RE: ENCORE all mails sent >>

go for it clayts, I was going to put a basic thing togther with the firmware and english instructions but if you`ve started already... he he! It`d be good to have a bit of info on Encore`s relationship to Sampo, VDDV, Apex, etc, too!!


This item was edited on Sunday, 26th November 2000, 12:42

RE: Encore MP3 playback

did a test disk myself using EZ CD-creator (joliet, or whatever it is, I think) and worked fine, apart from not reading additional sessions on the disk. can handle MP3`s in the root directory and other directories too. long filenames are truncated too sadly.


RE: Is the Encore 450 good then?

Yup came from Encore Direct themselves, was hoping I could just arrange things through QXL, but have to deal with Encore according to the QXL website. Anyway Encore seem to be a reliable company and I`m currently in "negotiations" with them. Assuming this is just a dodgy unit then I`d be happy to have another one, although I wish it would send the widescreen switchy signal via the scart...

but I did wonder, maybe there`s a reason why they`re auctioning off players they could be selling for 50 squid more!


This item was edited on Thursday, 23rd November 2000, 09:27

RE: Is the Encore 450 good then?


Ok I must say I`m disappointed, but obviously mines is not the definitive experience of the Encore, otherwise there would be more complaints about it on this board!


RE: Is the Encore 450 good then?

ok, Just got one of the silver Encores on monday (another QXL auction!!) Anyway first impressions were great, looks better than I expected and build quality is acceptable. The infamous tray is actually quite sturdy and loading times are acceptable. At first I was quite happy but then I started spotting artifacts in dark & murky areas and on flat areas of colour (i.e. in cel animation) particularly on Alien and the Iron Giant. Also noticed banding in places like the sun at the start of the Exorcist. Overall not a great improvement over PowerDVD on my PC. Tried out the offending disks on a Sony 535 and a LG 2330P, with no sign of artifacts (except much less obvious banding on the sun on the LG)! not happy. looks like its going back... *sigh*


RE: Encore 450 Vs. Lecson Vs. Yelo 800 Vs. Xwave, Which 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I can`t really recommend the Encore just yet since I haven`t got mines yet but I can recommend you check out QXL if you fancy getting one. I got mines for 150squid which is stunningly good value, check it out here:


RE: Encore DVD-450

Deffinately gets good reviews, but does it still have lip-sync probs?


RE: Cheap `n` Nasty

Ok, just to confirm, had a look in WHS on saturday, and its deffinately the AD-N212 on sale (cos it says so on the box!) Not sure if I want to go for it now, getting a bit fed up with this DVD business, been trying to decide on a player for months without much success! Haven`t found one yet the just screams out "buy me!". Humbug!


RE: Cheap `n` Nasty

Oh well sorry for the misleading info then, haven`t seen it myself yet, will pop into smiths on saturday to check it out though. For a moment there I was really excited, argh! well the basic one might be awl right if you don`t mind not having dts, and I`m sure it does have a remote after all! (fan site has a pic of one of the silver ones with a reasonable back remote) also, according to the fan site it could be macro free and multi-region as standard. I could live with just svideo out... I`m sure picture quality would be low though, but what do you expect for 130 squid!


RE: Cyber Home AD-N212 - £119.95 *** CHECK IT OUT ***

I`ve heard that WH Smiths are selling a Cyberhome dvd player for 130squid. Not sure what model, possibly the AD-M 212 (or even 512, but probably not) anyway, looks like good value. Got this reply about the WHS offer on

Here`s the manufacturer`s home page:

This guy seems to have created a fan page for cyberhome products!

If you follow the images link, the first black player looks pretty
similar to the one in Smiths. I called in today and asked if I could
have a look at an instruction manual but they couldn`t oblige. The
girl said that they where having some leaflets printed up and that
they will be available shortly.

Any more info would be great, like what model WHS is really selling and stuff! Seems like it could be multi-region and maybe even macroviion free. If so, it could be great value!!


This item was edited on Thursday, 12nd October 2000, 17:37

RE: azuda dvd 3000 player any info?

if its the one pictured on the ultravideo web page then it looks like a silver version of the Logix DVD3000, which appeared in the total DVD budget roundup in the october issue (funnily enough review says its distributed by ultravideo.) says logix is a subsidiary of LG, and to my eye looks like it could be based on the Daewoo 2200 and the Scan 2000 (same remote, same led display... but don`t take my word for it!)

oh yeah nearly forgot, the review gave it 65%


This item was edited on Saturday, 7th October 2000, 17:33