Info and forum posts by 'GraemeBarron'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 23rd August 2000, 05:28, Last used: Wednesday, 23rd August 2000, 05:28

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 14 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Hitachi DV-P250

Is there a region hack for this model , as my brother has it modified to play muti region but can you get a manual region hack on it

RE: RCE hack for Grundig gdv210

Indeed The Patriot WILL play on the Grundig 210a , as I have done it and without any problems whatso ever

The Patriot PLAYS on the Grundig 210A

I recieved my copy of The Patriot this morning and thought I`d try it for a laugh ( waiting on my Encore 450 to arrive ) . And lone behold it played no problem with all the features too . I should of had more faith in my Grundig 210A before I went out and bought another player but all this RCE coding had me worried , I guess it`s just gonna have to be set up in the bedroom now LOL

The Patriot PLAYS on the Grundig 210A with the multiregion hack

All you Grundig 210A owners out there
I recieved my copy of The Patriot this morning and thought what the hell just try it for a laugh ( Waiting on my new Encore 450 to arrive) . I put it in and it loaded without any problem what so ever . I get all the features of the movie . SO much for this RCE encoding .But now I feel the idiot for buying a second player but never mind I`ll just have to have a player in my bedroom LOL

Phillips DV751

A friend of mines went and bought a Phillips DV751
Can anyone tell me the temp hack for this machine until she can send it off to be chipped ? Or is it one of the hacks for another model of this make ?

RE: Encore DVD-450

Ironduke+ Clayts
The Scottish people all know that the once Great English Empire is in ruins . Just look at the UK now , not so much control over us now eh!!
Plus your football team is now a joke , yet all you can do is harp on about 66 , when you won it with a VERY dodgy goal .
The Encore may look like a 70`s VCR but by all accounts preforms and has the features of a 2000 DVD player

RE: Just ordered the Patriot from US to test on the newest 750S

You should of ordered it from , They only take a couple of working days to deliver .
And on the subject of the Patriot . Can`t you English see that it is just a movie and nothing else . No one has ever said that its a true historical movie . Just like U-571 and Braveheart , Me being Scottish knew that you had to take Braveheart with a pinch of salt .But it made me proud to be Scottish , just like Patriot was meant for the American audience . the movie wasn`t made for the English market .

RE: Encore DVD-450

Ironduke , Clatys
I bought the silver player , much better than the black .
I take it you don`t like the Patriot and Mel cause he`s an English basher . But when he made Braveheart he won over the Scottish nation , so any movie he does is brilliant , sorry but thats the way it go`s



RE: Encore DVD-450

I took the plunge and have ordered the Encore 450 , should get it next week sometime . Also bought Patriot from Play247, gonna get that about the same time as the player . So I`ll post the results if it works , can`t see why not , you can manually put it into R1 . But you can never tell

Patriot is the best movie since Braveheart
MEL ROCKS !!!!!!!

Encore DVD-450

Can anyone tell me if this machine has pasted the RCE ( Patriot ) test yet , this machine is getting good reviews but all I want to do is beat this RCE c**p. Or can anyone tell me of a descent machine that will

RE: Hacks for Alba 103

Did you got a remote hack for this machine or was it chipped ?? If it was chipped you need to find out from where you got it , if it is manual or auto setting for Multi Region . Some players have a secret menu with options for Region settings.

Daewoo DVD

Can anyone tell me if Daewoo DVD players are any good . I own a Grundig but can`t play RCE disks. So I`m looking for a new one and this Daewoo can set its Region manually . So this might be the answer providing its a descent player

RE: Hacks for Alba 103

The reason the Patriot is not working is due to the fact that Warner has encoded it with RCE . This is messing up a lot of multi region players . Unless you can manually set your machine to Region 1 you are up a certain creek without a paddle . This has messed me up too . I`m gonna have to go out and buy a player that will work .
Incase you don`t know what RCE is . RCE disks will ask your machine if its Region 1 , if the answer is yes then it asks if it is Region 2 if again the answer is yes ( multiregion ) then it will refuse to play . Hope this is helpful

Grundig 211

My friend was supposed to buy a Grundig 210 like myself so he could get the Region 1 hack no problem . But he went and bought the 211 . I cannot get the 210 hack to work on it . Is there another hack for this model